Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    btw Gutfeld! is some seriously funny stuff
    haven't seen that kind of quick wit since early Howard Stern
    apparently blowing out the late night climate host bores
    fsudog21 and rube like this.


    Nov 2011
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    fox is controlled opposition and in on the steal.
    That said, it's hilarious that Gutfeld, on cable, is beating the shit out of network TV late night hosts.
    LAdiablo and rube like this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Asia is matter and everyone comes from asia.
    Asses are the gods of matter, of mother earth.
    The people of the asses are the nagua.
    The ass is the source of power.
    That is why you are supposed to protect your ass.
    And never lose your ass.
    It is like your guardian angel.
    It can save you even from a great fall.
    It is like having a cloudy pillow of muscle at the base of your skeleton.

    Nagua means womens skirt as a euphemism for ass.
    Ass as in butt as in stubborn as a donkey as in doing what though wilt or feeling like a god aka being an ass.
    The only way you can control an ass is with a yoke.
    A yuca is a root that grows in the ground that takes at least two people or beasts of burden to pull out.
    A single person can and often does pull out yuca but the myth is that it takes two to do it right.
    The yuca word we call cassava or tapioca or boba but it means the same as the root word for yugoslavia and yoke.
    It represents a union of two beings pulling together with their same energy into a focus point that then becomes the fulcrum from which a third more powerful energy makes contact with the opposing force.

    Nagua are the native americans but america is not the earth but the land around the ocean currents like the jet or goth stream.
    Thats why charlie dont surf but surf city is in el salvador.
    Nagua the womens skirt is a skirt made out of dead rattlesnakes.
    Representing the type of schooling that is birthed out of that ass.
    It can get a little dense in the deep muddy waters of the swamp.
    Like the son of the lay fey and the sky batter who trapped in a womb having serpent acid dripping on the forehead of the child to be born from under that skirt with the logo marked on the skin that is fore of his head with the language of the nagua.

    Ok one last one to unlock the previous one since I laid it on a little thick.
    You heard of who made who and im sure you heard of the who whose on first but im not talking about anywhoo.
    Im talking about the batter and the batter.
    The batter makes the batter.
    If you can understand that one then we golden.
    The batter is made by the batter when the batter is up.
    Batter up!
    So who is the father of the batter?
    The batter!
    And who is the son of the batter?
    The batter!
    The batter hits the batter the way strawberry is the stir that stirs the drink.
    So when the batter hits the batter its batting the batter into a ball of dough.
    Now one more thing before you shake the batter off the batter batting with his batter that is also the batter maker that you place in a mold and then stuff into il forno.

    The drink is like a milkshake.
    And its made of strawberry.
    But not just any strawberry.
    We all know what the strawberry is.
    Who we talking about.
    One that grows on trees.
    Two in the bush is worth.

    Ok i wont leave you with that one.
    How bout a deuce?
    I mean a truce like that of a truss.
    Or better yet with what comes before four.
    Because I was supposed to end with a joke.
    One whose time I can no longer remember.
    Well its one two three strikes your out!
    Oh yeah lightning always strikes twice except when it strikes thrice.
    The exception to the rule actually makes it the ruling exception.

    And when lightning strikes on dry leaves... magic happens.
    A star is born... on top of a tree.
    Soon to be a bud and a twig and a branch and a bough.
    But I bet you didnt know that strawberries grow on trees.
    And they don't look like any you ever seen.
    Unless maybe you a black hearted irishman or some italian guinea pig.
    If I keep talking all this shit they gonna send me back to the copper age.
    Well at least with time my bronze star will still shine aqua seafoam green.
    Even if I gotta come back like a backdoor man and edit this silently.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2021
  4. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Gascon is evil personified.
  5. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    A smart ass after my own heart.
    rube likes this.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Those nordic socialists always ahead of the game.
    The business pirates from madripoor as well.
    Then again whats to say that the 'living with covid precautions' arent just another set of racist/classist rules to keep the underclasses hidden from view even when they are serving you.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    the melee weapon wielder always beats the magic missile shooters when wielded by a sword saint that aint afraid of no ghost

    now look with your eyes and tell me which of these two groups are wearing the blue?
    beware of those in black clothes as they do not absorb the colors anyone is projecting
    but luckily they are blinded by light
    the peacekeeper dresses in blue like the sky and the shore
    so he can bring light to the world
    the sharp dressed man in black is a cat looking for an alley
    so he can get dirty in the shadow
    dont back the black
    the black has guns and backup to back the black
    plus they can erase you from memory or tie you up in red tape
    back the blue
    all they got is your word
    and only when you say word up
    and be indignant about it
    like an indigo indian painted the same shade as a skraeling and a pict
    all trees from the same forest
    that everyone else tries to copy and always get it wrong
    because not even navy seals wear black
    its called the navy for jakes sake
    and they work at night
    deep in the swamp
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    this is irritating for a number of reasons
    not the least is the video saying police surround a BLACK preacher
    he's just a PREACHER and these bullies are doing the will of powerful white liberals
    its about the state vs. the rest of us for CHRISTS sake enough w dividing everything by race
    that is exactly what they want!
    rube likes this.
  9. harkeyed

    harkeyed DSP Legend

    Sep 2012
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    Preach brother
    POTY nominee or at least quote of the year
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    fight fire with fire?
    like if you noticed the only thing that really got the cops to back off was when the preacher pulled the race card
    the cops didnt fear that he was a preacher or that he kept telling them that god was watching
    the fact that they dont fear god is telling
    thats not their god
    their god is the media
    and right now the god of the median empire of babylon and their aryan and amazonian allies is the god of the land
    the reason the socialists are red is because they align with the murderers and rapists and worst of criminal underworld since they are the only other people who they have their core belief in common.
    that the ends justify the means.
    so they only fear the god of the court of owls on the other side of black mirror of woke in the dark
    we always forget all the little mini dark/ice ages we have had when we are sleepwalking through time
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
    fsudog21 and LAdiablo like this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    ancient tech is quantum mechanics
    the separation of light from dark is all you need for freedom energy
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    more from Mark Manson...

    Mark Manson
    4hn8soe ·

    Six Steps to Finding True Happiness:
    1. Read some bullshit 6-step list on Facebook.
    2. Realize that this is what your life has come to—finding emotional sustenance by reading bullshit 6-step lists on Facebook.
    3. Become so disgusted with your life's inertia and apathy that you do something drastic—you get rid of all the crap you've been meaning to get rid of for years but never had the nerve to.
    4. You put in the time—you give time to people less fortunate, you give time to those you care about, you give time to developing your health and your skills and your mind.
    5. You're so engaged with the world that it never occurs to even ask whether you're happy or not—the question seems so petty and insignificant.
    6. Congratulations, you made it.
    Finski and irish like this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Number 4 is the only step.
    If everyone is your brother.
    Everyone is less fortunate.
    Everyone is someone you care about.
    Everyone is like you.
    Which makes you like god.
    All he does is give you the time of day.
    And that's all we need.
    Quality time.
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    good lord alec baldwin fires a prop gun on set and kills at least one person and injures another
    talked before of my meetings w the guy and how genuine he was as well as my daughter being in school w his daughter during the whole "pig" thing
    my thoughts about him were tarnished by his giant mouth and that was outside of the trump imitation which i found funny until it was burned out
    but no one deserves this
    i remember when the crow was filmed and brandon lee died w a prop gun
    have to wonder if its a set up
    rube and irish like this.


    Nov 2011
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    I agree with Norm that Alec's impression of [the actual president] Trump wasn't funny.
    As for this...wtf
    Finski likes this.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    people shouldnt play with guns
    and a prop gun is more dangerous than a real gun in the hands of the criminally overprivileged
    its almost as dangerous as a prop condom or a prop facemask to the surfers of the cultural wave

    the american dream of absolute security is called administrative segregation in prison terms
    its maximum security in exchange for your humanity
    like a wild dog made a pet

    instead you get to be a wolf
    just another cog in the path to perfection
    which only comes with death

    but on pluto the party never ends
    when there is capitalism to be worshipped by socialists addicted to the cultural drip
    but hey... every kid wants to grow up and be one of the cool kids

    TAFNAC, THINKBLUE and Finski like this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah maybe not funny but i never watched it tbh
    it was certainly a good likeness but done w absolute malice i'm sure
    as far as looking at this today i can already see the media making it seem like alec is the victim and the guns need to go
    likely will never know exactly what happened unless someone never wants to work in hollywood again
    dude is such a buffoon i could see him trying to make a joke and pointing the gun at the dead girl
    fuck him
    Bluezoo likes this.
  18. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    FYI : tonight, (Monday) at 11:30, Q is on...a great hokey flying serpent Quetzalcoatl monster flick..great fun. And all the more fun, because in one of the final scenes, Ron Cey, playing a detective, is shooting at the beast...
    TAFNAC likes this.
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I never heard of this movie.
    Is it about politics?
    Or the big q event signalling the return of El niño de la Tierra.
    Bringing the storm of storms under his flaps.

    Release the kraken!
  20. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    No not politics. About Quetzalcoatal, the feathered serpent. Alive and well in NYC. And Aztec priests and cutting out of hearts..you know all about this stuff. One of Michael Moriarity's best.
    With Keith Caradine and the Penguin.
    Not Osgood Cobblepot. Our Penguin.
    You've gotta get out more, boyo..
    i will admit, I have seen some obscure movies, though.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2021
    Finski and irish like this.

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