DSP Full Retard

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by rube, Feb 14, 2022.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I bet he is a living judge.
    Sounds like a postman to me.
    Probably doesnt write in cursive.
    Or carry a mortgage around.
    Thats why he can lay down the law.
    And deliver the good news.
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    didn't listen to the whole thing but yeah the first part is bizarre
    but after the judge is God part the rest was making sense to me idk
    rube likes this.
  3. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Dude has serial killer written all over him.
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah you have to get past the bizarre parts because he is actually really keeping it simple to not sound too weird to people who arent aware of that stuff.
    I believe he is a member of an international brotherhood of postal judges that posit that the founders of nations know that land is not something anyone can own. And so to keep power within respective circles stacks upon stacks of legal fictions are created designed to keep people enslaved. And anyone with a true working knowledge of the different court systems and different theaters of operation can know exactly which court scene he wants to be an actor in.

    Essentially that the world is a giant role playing game.
    That if you know the lore and maps of all the levels you can get past all the bosses.
    Unless you are egotistical, greedy, lazy, faithless, a narcissist, etc...
    Then the code has special pitfalls just for that.
    So people with self serving ideals dont thrive but easily show themselves.

    The Tartars invented the concept we call the Pony Express.
    It was called the I AM/Yam in Mongolian and Ortoo/Order in Rus.
    It means The Way.
    The way in terms of a series of waypoints that can only be seen by the trackers who know the lay of the land and how to scout the breadcrumbs from heaven... metaphorically speaking.
    These riders were not warriors but usually disenfranchised youth or poor slobs or even ex cons and dirt farmers.
    But they were given the Paisa plaque which allowed them the rank of infantry/footman in the military even though they didnt always have to fight.
    The Paisa plate allowed them to be fed and feted anywhere they went as if they were important members of the military.
    The practical bread and wine is important for without it the paisa riding cannot go the distance to deliver his message.
    These I AM riders were the backbone of the Tartar system of war and governance.
    Ultimately going from humble postmen to the keepers and interpreters of sensitive intelligence.
    And they went from envoys to diplomats with immunity from taxes and most laws.
    Their rank was so strange that when they entered any court other than the highest court they ranked above all other servants of the court.
    In fact the I AM was considered a Judge without location. So his jurisdiction and courtroom was wherever he was abiding.
    And when he entered another courtroom the sitting judge had to get up and exit as soon as the travelling Judge showed him the Paisa badge.
    Many local small time Sherriff of Nottingham types didnt like this system that had some hick show up and start telling them high falutin little city big folk types some good news that they maybe didnt want to hear. That was kind of the point. To keep them honest.
    Not that the Mongols kept to the Tartarian roots either.
    They too wen full pagan once they completely conquered all of China.
    China had too many temptations and so the Mongols became Chinese.
    And the Tartars moved west.
    Along the IAM waypoints.
    And are still here.
    Always the vanguard in front of the line.
    Before you send in the elites.

    But I don't know exactly if this guy is on this same wavelength.
    I just get that from his awesome speech.
    Bluezoo likes this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    But it is full retard.
    Mongolic if you will.
    Which is what they used to call down syndrome.
    And Tartars looked tarded.
    In eastern Cyrillic the word Mongol looks practically the same as Moron when written in Gothic western script.
    You have to be full retard to play inside this rabbit proof fence.
    Shit even I am embarrassed to talk about this stuff.
    And I am all but shameless.
    But this is a rail I rarely touch.
    When I do I get the weirdest reactions.
    So instead I talk about something silly like how they should make a game with naval mechanics where international pirates battles vs the allied conquistador nations on the western costs of north africa and the the southern coasts of north america and the seas and islands in between.
    And then I dont sound so weird, just a boor.
    But talking about how the Mongols became pagan Communists and tried to take over the world is weird.
    Why are you talking about that in this century?
    Is what people would tell me.
    Eh... but like many things I write as if I had a sloppy pen.
    When in reality I am secretly a grammar nazi in deep cover.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah but what about that beta homo hair
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Ive worn whitefacein the past,but thats not currentlya cultural sin
    maybe in the future when white people are a persecuted minority like in the past when blacks and browns ruled the world

    i honestly dont understand the obsession with whatpeople did incollege other than if you raped or murdered someone
    same with white people, i dont care what they did in the past as long as it wasnt killing and raping
    you can forgive a group of people as a culture for lots of things except a culture of raping and killing
    those cultures you cant say oh we have changed we dont rape and kill anymore
    when they have a history of saying that same thing as a culture and repeatedly raping and killing other cultures
    your culture has to denounce that shit and move on and never look back
    its a deception that the world falls into consistently
    believing in organizations composed of raping and killing
    organizations and cultures be they corporate, religious, or political that always go back to raping and killing when they need to win or defend their spot or compete or survive or even just exist and profit in their goals
    this is what we say to any radical or extremist in teh middle east for example

    im growing my beta homo hair too godammnit!!
    but with a nice thick extra homo arabian beard
    full beard too none of this im too sexy persian styled manicured xerxes shit thats imo really super gay
    but hey man remember revenge of the nerds
    betas are fighting fish
    alphas fight too
    but not like betas
    alpha goldfish fight for honor and glory
    put them in a larger pond and they grow huge water muscles
    bettas fight to kill alphas
    but they practice killing other bettas who wanna be aphas in their little glass bowl
    bettas cant help being pretty
    floating like a fairy
    stinging like a scorpion

    now back to regular scheduled full retard thread programming

    if you wanna do me a favor watch this short video and tell me how much of a percentage of this do you think is bullshit?
    then again we know for sure now that much of the shit we have been shitting is bull shit
    because we been eating the shit being fed to us
    and ive punned around with these words for years since i saw the two cows on a far side comic
    i hate that this might be taken by vegans and environmentalists as support
    but many plagues begin and are about cows, we just dont realize the source and think its other grander things
    the pun is cows and chaos
    chaos is also the greek origins of most languages word for gas
    gas is universal slang for fuel for your vehicle to travel or drugs for your mind to
    gas is what the oracles used when living in caves o transcend the mind and get in the deep waters
    gas is what cows create when they fart and bullshit everywhere
    cows are black and white which is what chaos is
    caveman thinking is to put everyone in a cave because they want to be in caves too
    but be the cavemen and you the cavewoman they can beat and live off
    the dualism religion that gives equal validity to everything so nothing can be sacred even life and parts of your life and body that are private
    giving the rapists and killers a time to have heaven on earth
    but whent the milk runs dry and the titties are drooping instead of dripping
    the cows turn into maggots that birth all kinds of flying demons
    because if we eating bullshit what do you think they been literally feeding the cows?
    and chaos is real
    its the religion of mother earth in post menopausal crazy shrew mode
    its the pagan religion that sweeps through almost all religions at certain points in history
    no matter what the religion or culture or group is called
    its a part of the greater pagan religion of moral relativism
    its adherents mostly dont even know it when they in it
    because they been gassed up
    getting high off their dealers supply

    i love eating beef but whats the beef with this beef ?
    if their farts are so toxic maybe its not their fault
    its what we feeding them
    like the toxic people programmed to be slaves to the state
    they need better feed
    because right now the signal is coming with magnetic gauss
    gauss is another word people dont realise is the same as chaos
    just cause gauss sounds like chaos academics say its just cause
    but the chaos is an effect of the cause because cause always comes with effect
    not just because
    you cant start a sentence with because
    ask a grammar cleric
    we need fresh grassroots feed beef
    you dont want your beef farting all in one concentrated spot
    no, that destroys the green grass and the dirtbags and calls mother nature to come with some chaos
    concentrating the farts combined with all the other chemicals in big mono agriculture create these atmospheres of pollution that are their own microplanet of climate that slowly drifts and devours ours like galactus
    we dont need a sylvan big kahuna to come and herald this shit for us
    i know where to buy good beef btw if yall ever want to get the best cleanest healthiest beef in the west
    mention my name, just for shits and giggles and see what happens

    if only there was an LTRNT.TV to tv though
    ok its a little corn but a little corn in the diet is ok :D
    and tv today is mostly cable news and social media and video streaming sites
    but there is no more alternatives, nothing punk rock
    but hey iw as raised by a beareded toothless hag
    and i was schooled with a strap across my back
    ok those last two lines are lyrics you know
    if you listened to child of the moon
  10. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I was thinking chomo, but yeah.
  11. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i don't gaf what anyone did prior to whoever they are today unless they're a two faced communist hypocrite
    cancel culture has been a fairly one sided phenomenon so far like everything else that passes for woke
    but if you if you're going to grow fag hair i'm not visiting the mountain to eat strange fruit anymore
    man has to take a stand
    THINKBLUE, Finski and rube like this.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    go ahead and kiss him full on the lips soyboy

    irish, THINKBLUE and Finski like this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    im free from the curse of jezebel
    it took a while
    im a softy
    but my nature is to have long faggy shaggy hair
    unless im caught in the clutches of a foreign shiksa
    no more delilahs for me
    not of my kind
    im gonna grow it long like jacob the first hippy
    who danced with an angel by the pale moonlight and was left with hip displasia
    dancing with a hippity hop
    always landing on his good hip

    hey its supposed to be the devil making people eat the strange fruit
    makes me the devil and you adam
    and lala eve
    remember what i told you the fruit was called
    sanity killer
    there was nothing special about the tree of knowledge of good and evil
    what made its eaters lose their sanity was when they found out how it felt to let their father down
    because once you disobey your father it means you dont really respect him anymore
    might as well go and make your own home and live without a father
    you think you can do better
    or else you would always do as you were told
    and be safe in the golden corral
    because leaving the reservation is something only a crazy person would do
    at least thats what we are supposed to believe
    dont know what to tell you brother
    you already ate the fruit
    now who bit the fruit first
    did lala eating it first and telling you it was good make you go ahead and try it too?
    its a lot harder to get an adam to bite the apple than an eve
    eves wanna believe
    adams are more skeptical
    but where eve goes her adam must follow
    because he was made ribbed
    for her pleasure
    LAdiablo likes this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    long hair taint beta hair mae
    wore it that way for a long time and would again if i could but i'd look insane lol
    sure you wouldn't wear it like a soyboy wannabe model though
    probably go for a crazed mountain troll radiating danger and peeking out from behind insane trees
    kinda like you do now but w longer hair and a beard
    and yeah lala ate first but i never take the first bite ever
    hold doors open too
    and if she spit it out i saved myself the trouble lol
    rube likes this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    probably late stage jim morrison
    oh wait i did that like 12 years ago
    i need a new hit record
    i was thinking of going with a qing cut aka the queue althought i know that thats not gonna sell many records
    definately not the manbun as thats the ming hair, when the han were strong before the manchu tonsured them
    but right now im growing a nice modern socialist republican style cut with a conservative ahmadinejad beard
    i have thick wavy hair follicles on my haead though so thats gonna change soon
    this shits gonna get out of control in the summer and im gonna have a little mop
    probably just part it down the middle as square as can be and go wide on the sides and look ridiculous for a season
    because combing it back gets lame
    parting it to the side is lame too
    combing it forward looks even more lame
    parting it at the middle is all 3 lames... but it gets better
    but something keeps making me want to grow a hockey mullet instead
    LAdiablo likes this.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    you know what they say about your supply lol
    lala can cut your hair
    she made me look like hitler once
    rube and irish like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    ive heard. but now im finding out!

    haha you dont need to go far to look like hitler
    the hitler youth haircut is pretty attractive
    i can see why it worked back in the day
    it just happens to be the favorite haircult of liberal dudes
    shit even women getting the hitler boy cut
    they gonna start letting the german dogs out

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