Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    What americans don't know is that southern California and most of southwestern Texas is classified as enemy controlled territory in intelligence maps.
    Literally marked as red zones.
    Aka red states, confederacy.
    The new South are these two main zones and the cities and towns within their areas of influence.
    Red zones are where the enemy hides within the people of the land. So the people become acceptable collateral damage since most are willingly or unwittingly helping the enemy score.
    Friend of my enemy is my enemy kind of thinking.
    And the enemy is what is used to make the next servant class.
    The servants bring you what you eat and when the food is gone you eat the servants and make them slaves.

    Captures adults make shitty slaves tho. They can be servants but have too much pride.
    You need to capture the adults by making a giant shiny golden birdcage or honeypot to attract them. One in tx the other in socal.
    But once you churn the parents into mush the children are like shooting fish in a barrel for the great philanthropists who like to save ophans out of the goodness of their sinister heart.
    If most kids are orphans or half orphans or spiritual orphans aka neglected then they are fit for demons and creeps to steal their body or spirit.. or worse yet, both. Your everliving soul.

    All predators need feeding grounds.
    At both ends of the socio political spectrum.
    None of these sides are safe.
    None of these sides are good.
    Both need blood to survive.
    And both believe that their gods rewards the survivors.
    By any means necessary.
    And the ultimate weapon is giants.
    And giants are simply large formations of people of the land who because of their shared backgrounds or hardships can work together as one singular force.
    But once they do your miracles.
    Once they build your giant mechas.
    Your railroads, defensive forts, and infrastructure... The giants are no longer needed.
    And are now just giant eaters that no longer produce enough to offset their existence.
    That is where these giants are kin to senior citizens mocked into the shadows by the new world order of aging dudes trying to chase a youth that plays them lip service right up to the point they get mocked for their trouble.

    So you would think seniors would be on the side of the orphan sons of immigrants who got fucked by Vader everytime they run route 66.
    Because you can't make the sausage without slaves to pepper the meat.
    But you old guys are the well marbled fat being turned to gristle.

    Civil servants were originally blacks.
    First few presidents of the government were black.
    The true world gets fire bombed after every war or fortunate natural or manmade disaster.
    This keeps happening all over history to hide the old world.
    Nobody travels other than to tourist traps that are set with Broadway's and new fascea.

    Fascism is nothing but a team of dudes going to where orphans of some kind are and showing off their fancy wheels and fancy foods and fancy drinks and fancy pants and fancy drugs.
    Dumb orphans fall for this shit every minute.
    I know first hand.
    Once they fool a town into believing all of their extensive histories and geneaologies and myths of their gods and what they can do for them and for you are true and real the empire becomes a reality.
    And this is what is called real estate than you can buy.
    And when you buy you are a player in the game.
    You become another rod in the bundle of rods that give the axehead aka the asshole aka the saving ace up your sleeve aka the star of your god aka your dear leader the power to compel the pour and scatter the deer.

    Don't buy their real estate.
    They aren't real.
    And enemy land is free.
    As long as you don't let them compel you into giving up your land.
    Then you gotta beg for reparations.

    Protip 2.
    Blacksmiths originally were black.

    Protip 3.
    Charleston used to be called Carolopolis, the Freeport before there was an Atlantic city or Las Vegas.

    Protip 4.
    White guilt about slavery is an inside job to make your next generation the actual slaves.
    History is like tombstones.
    Like whitewashed geopolymer.
    And cemetary workers are the most morose symbol worshipping worshippers of creeping death.
    Look around old tombs and see how petty the people working at the pearly gates really are.
    And remember what institution is used to running that business historically.
    But nevertheless our modern PC culture is a direct descendent from petty church ladies that care a lot.
    Just like West coast liberals cremating care in the woods.
    Once care burns into the wind... who cares?

    The original protestants we're the liberals of their time.
    Fucking fighting drinking raping stealing and killing.
    Then once they do it they eventually feel bad as is human.
    To deal with their humanity they build a giant effigy to represent their bad feelings caused by the cares of the people they destroyed.
    Once the effigy is burnt away so are all those cares.
    And they can live care free.
    Then start the slavery cycle again.

    Don't look behind you.
    Don't look down.
    It's all a manhole cover.
    Covering up the recent past falling like pixelated bricks down the waterspout that lands on the unquenchable fires of hell.
    You don't want to know how the sausage is still being made.
    Much less how it's cooked for you and yours.
    Because that guilt would dwarf the fake guilt your forefathers and your current zaddies created to comfort you.

    Even an ostrich sees something eventually wit his head in the sands of time.
    But a chick wearing a hijab will never get kissed by the pale moonlight
  2. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

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    Donkeys love stars.
    Stars have to love donkeys to get into the cult.
    Starfuckers are as old as time.
    As are Tijuana donkey pimps.
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  3. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

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    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

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    Can't say that's much of a surprise.
  5. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

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    Couple weeks ago you were all I would kill or die for the effigy of baby Jesus in the foreign kings of the Vatican.
    I don't know man, you sound very much like a Muslim to me.
    They are hardcore like you about their sacred idols.
    Nobody say nothing bout big MoMo or they will not be your friends anymore.
    Weird isn't it?

    We used to demand peaceful Muslims to denounce radicals who engage in tribal violence.
    But catholic and christian tribal violence is not something we acknowledge in the same way.
    Like fucking children and moving pedo priests from around the world to Ireland because nobody in Europe gives two fucks for Ireland and their kids.
    Orphan Irish kids had a huge hand in building america up.
    You could say Ireland was an orphan making factory to supply the states with the minor miner workforce required.

    Gods never work if there is another people they can enslave. And there is always some group of people willing to sacrifice their children to moloch if it means they get to live in a little more comfort.

    And thats how you turn a man into a beast.
    Furnish him with creature comforts so his instincts become that of a predator or prey.

    But yeah it's all about rassism.
    As long as you keep watching the wrasslin matches about rassism you gonna continue chasing Uranus looking for the sons of Anu who come from the land of Ur the city of lights and heaven of the shinning ones who blind you with their light as you runs around in the dark trying to read the writing on the wall using your fingertips not knowing what you can't see because you failed to learn braille once you were learned a more comfortable way of reading.

    Once you learn comfort it is almost impossible to learn about discomfort.
    Your brain protects you from the counter programming.
    Because it hurts.
    Discomfort is painful.
    The more comfortable you are.

    Nothing happens in a vacuum.
    Change only occurs when it's needed.
    Nobody chooses discomfort unless they have no other more comforting option.
    Unless you a nobody.
    Then discomfort becomes your friend.
    And you begin to see the liar and cheat that comfort is.

    Nobody is going to ask you to denounce Catholic extremism.
    That's an uncomfortable subject.
    But demanding Muslims to denounce radical islam everytime something happens is so totally comforting.

    Hypocrisy is not even a word in the English language.
    Even in the Greek it's not a usual word.
    It is a stage direction.
    It was created for the greek theater.
    To create drama ex nihilo.
    Wanting to act like god.
    All it is is acting.
    Because women were not allowed to act in the plays.
    And you need the woman's nature represented in the story.
    Her sense and her sensibilities.
    Because drama is all about the novel thing and women are the target audience.
    So the actors have to know how to act like women.
    That red moon energy.
    And why Paul forbade women from teaching, preaching or leading.
    He didn't mean biological women.
    He meant actors.
    Men that sometimes act as if they had a females nature.
    And hypocrisy destroys a society, a family, and even a single man. All from within.
    Self inflicted gash right under the dick and balls.
    Becomes an incurable wound.
    That needs to be comforted always.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

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    Wasn't he married to some insipid Food TV hostess?
    I think that poor man has suffered enough.
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  7. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    This ain't my first rodeo bucko.
    I'm like a living walking talking Regarding Henry scene.
    Always been a little partial to Ford. I guess hes my generations Eastwood.

    I'm like super light now compared to before.
    I had a visit last night.
    First since Ragnarok began.
    Was briefed of the carnage.
    And the terms of my surrender.
    But I learned about grown men crying to their wives trying to convince them I'm lying when I never said nothing to their wives.
    Their guilt coming to them with no help from me.
    Other than my presence rubbing their demons out the bottle.
    And they telling everyone I'm a drug addict and anything else to project themselves onto a strawme.
    With their fat asses in fat houses full of fat safes full of fat guns and fat secrets and fat livers.
    They whole life got the mark of the diabetus/die a beast disease.
    Acting tough to their wife and kids while getting caught cheating and using and abusing and having to lose all credibility with them. All they have to command respect after that is their size and intimidation.
    And so people just give em what they want because it's not worth the hassle.
    But then you gotta cry and beg for your slice of love.

    They shit my name then act like holy men. Dudes who just recently found JESUS™️ and are disgusted by my unchristian behaviour that protestants believe allows them to do whatever they want and be absolved and rinse and repeat because Jesus™️ loves and forgives all his children to the 7th power and so we must do the same or face the wrath of their personal jesus®️

    These peace loving novo hippies are still wet behind the ears at this peace and love bag and so they do more war than good.
    And they are willing to have peace.
    Demanding there be peace
    As long as I accept their gracious forgiveness so their wives can see how magnanimous they have become in no longer resorting to their animal instincts or extreme physical and dirty violence.
    For salvadorians there is no difference between a fight and war. If you die you die. El Salvador is like a rabbits den. Human life is overabundant.
    And getting maimed is a way of life.

    It's possible I got riled up again.
    But maybe it's time we all went a little dark.
    You know who calls people lunatics.
    Sunshine worshippers.
    Because if you dont worship the brightness and shine of the light of the sun you must be some kinda weirdo pagan moon worshipper from the north or the south or the east.
    And all those different people not like us shiny happy people must be evil or goth or at least silly emo night loving loony people.
    Who might as well worship Luna.
    The man from the moon to come and save them.

    That way you never have to think about stardust and life on mars for the star before he became the man who fell to earth and sold the world.

    Anyway you rocknrollas should know whats coming next.
    You either embrace it.
    Or you a rocknroll suicide.
    I'm sorry if this is religiously unkind.
    But im not giving you comfort in the sunshine but a fire in the dark.
    True comfort.
    Knowing that you not alone.
    You got a lighter with you.
    And a little bic can save your life.
    Specially if you wrap your hand around it.
    And now you carrying a loaded fist.
    You know how physics works.
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i think i'm the only one that's seen you two in action (quasi homo)
    but after lunch unbeknownst to you two i drove behind the car you guys were in and watched how animated the conversation was
    you were laughing and carrying on like fags lol
    what is it about you smart fuckers that you can't leave it alone when it comes to one upping each other?
    its like there's some part of your intellect that eventually leads to self destruction
    just an observation from everyday guy
    TAFNAC and RubeRedux like this.
  9. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

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  10. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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  11. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

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    I personally love the guy.
    You dont see me throwing personal attacks at him.
    I don't even make fun of his cringe because I don't want to hurt his feelings.
    I always back off when he starts getting defensive and weird.
    Or when he calls me names or questions my intellect and sanity.
    Oddly enough things I never claim any honors or seek glory for.
    So I don't know what's his fucking problem is lately tho.
    Well other than the fact that I have been weaponized against people that rather have an intimate spiritual relationship with a hunk of wood painted like a Jesus than they would with this hunk of glug right here.

    People like to project.
    I'm a dirt bag with no self esteem but if ego is the case that they gave me, fine.
    I do as I'm told.
    I will learn to project an image.
    But if you make me play your game...
    I'm stealing home.
    All homes.
  12. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

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    Isn't kinda time to either Trump up or Shut up.

    Ego is the man sitting back stroking his cat so it don't get bruised while his alley cats inflate his stats.

    But hey, I'm sure you like ego, any way.
    Coming and going.
    Where ego igo.
    And ugo too.
    Like a yugo.
    Made in USA.
  13. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

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    Idk what you said but I have a tremendous ego. A big weakness of mine is not being able to notice it until after I put my foot in hot water. Its also a massive strength of mine.
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  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

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    i like to think of it as a huge confidence in my abilities and being wise enough to know when i'm over my head
    arguing with people i like in general rarely leads to anything good so i let them be right and then wait for the chance to remind them haha. (no lol)
    these two are doing battle in a way i avoid at all costs since my limitations are obvious
    RubeRedux likes this.
  15. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

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    There's a bunch of topics I really like to argue about and can great discussions with people without getting combative. Most of it is work/technology/business stuff and I encourage it in the people that work with me.
    It's definitely easier in person so you can read the body language to back off a bit when people get uncomfortable.
    But it's super hard (uhh...no homo) on the internet.
    And it's bigger, longer, uncut when it gets to religion or politics.
    Finski, LAdiablo and RubeRedux like this.
  16. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

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    Theres no fun in doing easy shit you bunch of pixies.
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  17. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

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    You one in a million.
    I ain't the first.
    Live like a suicide.
    Don't you cry.
    Dead horse.
    You could be mine.
  18. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

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    Perv, where's Irish when you need him.
    irish likes this.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    always wanted to eat Chinese at a place that had honest fortune cookies like "its over" or "now you've done it"
    RubeRedux and Finski like this.
  20. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    "3-meat plates are for fatasses"
    RubeRedux, Finski and LAdiablo like this.

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