Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Best boom boom Saigon.
    RubeRedux and Finski like this.
  2. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    This is a documentary.
    If you a light skin Mexican you know.
    That gauchos from the south and gachos from the north are all just Spanish and Frankish Goths in the new world.
    And like the Lord of freedom said turn the other cheek if you wish to be perfect.
    Which means to offer silver.
    If they get offended turn the other cheek and offer gold.
    But after that you can't offer no more cheeks.
    Because the only two cheeks you got left are guarding where your lord split you.
    So if the didn't like your silver.
    And you have em your best and they didn't like your gold and still don't pay back in kind.
    Then you are authorized to use the force.
    The use of force is the force.
    Why, where, what for and how you use it determines things.
    Things that get written in your book of things.
    And all of us have a B.oT. inside of us.
    That B.oT. guards us from bad juju by connecting previous dots to new ones so we know what it is and why its happening and where it comes from and how to find relief from it.
    Pretty sure I just explained how the liver works.
    And the gauss peoples are not far from the pale.
    Specially when they been under gauzes.
    To avoid guys guises.
    Who think pink skin is dinner.
    And that you glow like an undercover cop in the streets not used to living in the bright sunshine every single day.
    Because your skin glows like the moon in the night and the way of the gall ascii in the sky.
    But ascites are a sign of cancer or cirrhosis.
    And how you get that nice olive drab color uniformly down your spine.
    Maybe it's a good idea to play nice with your liver.
    Finski likes this.
  3. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    Hey that's my uncle Chelino.
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  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    libs rescue gascan from the recall by rejecting a full 195k signatures as unusable
    don't have to look to know nothing like that has happened in the history of recalls
    these fuckers are just doing it right out in the open w middle fingers raised to the rest of us
    fsudog21, Finski and irish like this.


    Nov 2011
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    No signature verification in general elections though. That'd be racist.
    fsudog21, Finski, irish and 3 others like this.
  6. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    Thats how it goes.
    Nerds see it.
    Read it.
    Talk about it.
    They very smart.
    Even see it coming.
    Still can't do a damn thing.
    Nerds goona nerd.
    While the alphas and their betas take nerds lunch money, spit in your face, and make you look like a bitch when you complain to the teacher about fairness.

    But at least you can hold your head high for always doing the right thing.
    Unlike those pesky leftists.
    Getting money for nothing and the chicks and drugs for a fee paid by your nerd earned taxes.

    Well not you diablo, but you know what I'm saying.
    Everyone just does what they supposed to do.
    That's why we get the planned outcomes of a planned economy.
    People gotta zig and zag.
    They can only plan for what they can track.
    And they can't track what doesn't compute.
    They track you because they don't respect you.
    And they no longer care if you know.
    That way they can monetize you knowing and track how you wait and how you react so they can add a higher level of granular data extraction from you in the future.
    So they can better track you.
    And that way prophecy the collective mood of the different parts of the nation in order to craft the right liea and other manipulations catered just for what your sensitive ear craves to hear.

    If a man knows the weather 2 weeks in advance he can make it rain in a few easy steps.
    Seemingly at will.
    Most people follow the plan like a rat in a maze.
    But not a rain man.
    Rain men are the most special caste.
    Yet most fly guys would rather follow one of their fellows afterburners.
    Even nerds like to be top gun.
    Once they get their teeth fixed.
    And their glasses lasered off and their eyebrows waxed.

    But catching a rain man is hard.
    They hide under rainbows like leprechauns.
    Because they a little paranoid and the varied lightwaves disrupt electromagnetic vibes that nerds try to use to find hidden gold.
    For that you don't use expensive nerd tech.
    You just need to have a pot of hidden maña.
    Because anything that seemingly can't be done can be done by Mexican Irish with a little bit of maña in his hand.
    They call those guys Mañosos.
    And you shoulda seen them fight with their lucky charmed sombreros.
    The Irish fighting spirit was left on all sorts of northern desert ranch dwelling nerf herder girls who joined the cause and carried ammo and muskets while making burritos and Fitzpatricks.
    Little green bastard lepper sons of cain.
    Warbabies growing up all over the Mexican wastelands.
    Not Mexican and not American but another group of black Irish.
    Or maybe brown.
    They grow up to be ranch hands or hang solos.
    And smuggle anything that needs to go north.
    They sending their worst.
    But they also inadvertently sending their best as well.

    Because our bastards and lowlifes and drug addicts and losers aren't going to reap themselves.
    That's why you import a family friend from the old country to stick around for a while.
    But be careful with the reapers.
    They may look harmless with their garden tools.
    But plowshares to swords is a real thing that always happens.
    Right on time.
    As if there's a clock and a plan and a field of play.
    And they really good at keeping their tools sharp on their downtime.
    Means they always prepared.
    Gardeners are early birds.

    This song needs more cowbell.
    Cuz nerds be afraid of the sun and the rain.
    They never gonna even see a rainbow with that attitude.
    Unless it's a corporate one being shoved up your bum all full of cum.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2022


    Nov 2011
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  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    and her net worth jumps 36 million in 6 years
    sure she'll be signing book deals and everything else laughing her way to the bank
    remember how hated her dad used to be?
    irish and THINKBLUE like this.
  9. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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  10. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2013
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    Pretty much...

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  11. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I tried leaving California and hated Texas so much that I came back.
    I guess the weather makes all the other stuff tolerable.
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  12. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2013
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    The weather is definitely one of the few remaining pluses. I'm big on having fruit trees on my property, and where I live in the foothills, I get the option of growing a great breadth of different fruit. It's hot in the summer, so all citruses do well (and not quite cold enough in the winter to kill them). In the winter, I get enough "freeze hours" to grow the various stone fruit - peaches, plums, apricots, etc. Apples and pears do well here too, as do figs, olives, persimmons, pomegranates and almonds. Pretty much the only thing that won't survive our winters are most of the various tropical fruit. I know that if I eventually move out of state, I'll likely have to give up some types of trees.
    RubeRedux, irish and TAFNAC like this.
  13. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I like being about to do stuff outside any day of the year, without dying of heat, cold or mosquitoes.
    Not defending any of the other stuff, but for my lifestyle, the weather's worth it.

    There's something like 4 other spots on Earth with similar climates: Perth, Western Australia; parts of the Mediterranean, west coast of South Africa; and parts of Chile. I may have to try one of those.
    RubeRedux, LAdiablo and Finski like this.
  14. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    You lucky lucky bastards out there.
    RubeRedux and irish like this.
  15. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    I'm thinking a lot of that fresh fruit comes from Calif.
  16. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2013
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    I'm sure Kroger has fine fruit, but nothing beats picking it ripe.
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  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    that's more or less where i'm at too
    my family came from Arlington heights Chicago and i was pretty young but definitely remember FL and the drive there and back
    we lived in St. Petersburg for a year plus and i sweat for the trips as well as the entire time living there
    we had a new house but slept inside under mosquito nets and i encountered every kind of creepy crawly you can think of
    loved it as a young boy but have never been able to seriously consider a humid climate since then
    i still intend to see the mountains of AZ since my nephew is intent on buying there but other than that i'm guessing Ventura county is where i'll land
    Ventura itself is almost too cold but maybe Camarilloish idk
    parts of Costa rica are really nice but the socialism is too strong and health care of any consequence is very expensive
    plus i still like people living out here i guess but for real i know i won't stay anywhere close to LA and these clowns
    like the area my school is in in Burbank but once again hipster white libs make it unlivable
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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  19. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    You supposed to move up in life to leave the area of your world where your descendants fuck their sisters to one where they might fuck dudes.
    One fucks up the gene pool.
    One fixes the genetic deviation.
    You get to pick one.
    One is better than the other one.
    The more you pick the wrong one the more gays you gonna get.
    Of course theres two types.
    The ones that fuck their kin as the family or tribal or cultural tradition.
    And the ones that were forced into it to break their spirits like you do with horses, bulls and other big bucks.
    You don't want your big bucks to be free.
    Big bucks need to be under contract.
    Golden chains on that contract.
    Like a golden noose and a glass house for people to watch your every mistake.
    But how else you gonna squeeze the juice out of them big bucks and get your moneys worth?
    That's the black legend from Portugal and Spain.
    And how the Roman As became the god of the north.
    And the god of the north can buy the souls of men in the south.
    Because of the exchange rate.

    CA is no shithole.
    The problem is that you have been fed an degree of bullshit.
    If you wanted to live in Kentucky you could just moved to Fallbrook or something.
    Not as far and probably about the same bang for your buck.
    And you can just ignore any bullshit you don't like.
    I don't celebrate Christmas and holidays.
    People say I'm a curmudgeon.
    I say bah humbug it's my religion get away from me you merry gays.
    And if they get feisty I throw some moon and grove worship from the bible and woosh watch the flee in terror of my scripture droning power.
    I will drone or drown you in truth until you either run away or help drown out the lie.

    And the lie is that God won't save you in California.
    He will.
    Just not your god.
    Hes a doll.
    Can't do nothing but fall in an earthquake.
    My god can move mountains.
    And make the x wing rise from beyond the march.
    But you gotta know his sayings.
    His slang.
    Like a boomerang.
    That is how a prayer is.
    Like slang.
    Someone starts a joke.
    Another one finishes it.
    And someone else laughs.
    That's how you know.
    That your paper plane came back read receipt.
    Like a hammer that bounces back after every strike so you don't have to lift it just hammer down each time.
    It develops momentum.
  20. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    If you didnt have issues you wouldnt be here.
    With us.
    TAFNAC and fsudog21 like this.

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