Magic Number

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by Finski, Aug 6, 2022.

  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Maybe he had a big dent in his armor...or could be the Joe Biden eyes.
  2. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    Back then people weren't so PC obviously.
    But if this guy was my teammate every nickname he would get would be derived from his chinky eyes.

    I am big nosed and always had long muttonchops in high school so pretentious kids I didn't like called me toucan Sam.
    But my teammates and the local cholos and blacks called me Elvis because of the elvish sideburns.
    I totally didn't mind.
    I rolled with it and would do Elvis sounds after making a jumper.

    This guy probably had a great grandfather who was a hun.
    Finski, LAdiablo and fsudog21 like this.
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah maybe he jumps really high?
    Finski likes this.
  4. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    I played baseball because I am technically a cripple and was told no sports but if John kruk was allowed to play I was gonna try.

    Baseball in the 80 s was an all day thing.
    And you don't get tired.
    Lots and lots of breaks.
    You go outside find the couple baseball nerds playing catch in the street and you get a stick and say let's go to the empty field, I pitch and one of you hits and the other fields then we take turns.
    Eventually more kids join and you play all day.
    Until it gets ruined by the kids with all the equipment.

    Right before the 90s I moved from Whittier to Azusa.
    The park was teeming with black kids playing basketball.
    The gang stuff wasn't like in Whittier here it was brown vs black and it was way more real.
    There wasn't black kids in Whittier.

    I found kids in Jr high to play baseball with but it wasn't the same. I had ruined my arm trying to be Fernando when that guy was not human and not made to emulate.
    I couldn't play baseball in school. The coach said I needed glasses.
    So i tried football and the coach said I could train with the backs but I got my chest used as a dummy by some dude who thought he was Ronnie Lott but on offense. Everytime I tried to stop him he would basically punch me in the chest somehow.
    I became an expert at the ankle tackle out of fear of that dude and some big fullback that would kick his knees up high as he ran and knee you in the body repeatedly if you went in for a tackle and you didn't like up perfect.
    I got so good at it that I broke his ankle and ruined his career.
    He had a deal to go to a legit school but ended up at MtSac after the rehab. He was never the same. It affected our friend group. He was also a church friend.

    So after I burned that bridge I went to the blacks smoking weed and drinking 40s on the other side of town and after a few brawls to settle the new vibe where Mexicans also went to that park me and the blacks got along like princes of Egypt.
    I even found a black guy that liked heavy metal.
    And one that liked the cranberries.

    Oh yeah basketball.
    Growing up how I grew up I have one god given power above all.
    Unlimited second ones.
    So I used to play basketball all day without using any drugs.
    Just using my own adrenaline as a drug. That I could tap into at will once I was running on empty.
    Which is how i usually run.

    And a lesser gift was that I can hang. I don't go high I go long.
    I used to do triple and long jump training for fun. To help a friend in track.
    Same when I had a friend in cross country, and in everything else.
    I become the best training partner, sparrer, dummy.
    Because the best friend you can have is a good coach.
    And thats what I am everywhere I go.
    Except disguised as the waterboy or test dummy.

    It took me years to develop a decent enough jumper. I would shoot like divac, barely leaving the floor and just stretching as high as possible and shooting soft shots with my wrists.
    jpldodgers likes this.
  5. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

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  6. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    I was best at scoring on mid range drives going up under and around much more athletic defenders due to my extensive English pedigree. I have big hands and palming was natural as was passing. My favorite players were magic, rambis, green, divac, and Nick Van Exel and Eddie Jones later on.
    My game evolved as I emulated those guys.
    By the time I was penetrating like Nick I had developed a game that would now be what the Ball brothers play today in the NBA.
    And I would play against the proto Curry types and the proto unicorns. In fact chino hills had two 7 foot eastern europeans in the starting lineup that could run and jump and shoot and pass.
    I can say that I invented the baller style of play that is gonna be the prevalent style going forward because I was not athletic enough to Be Like Mike.
    So I had to figure out ways to make him bite his tongue.
    I used to make fun of guys with proto black mamba mentalities with my white llama hustle and flow.
    While those guys could make a shot from anywhere they couldn't do shit if I didn't let the ball be passed to them until after they got tired trying to get open and on offense they couldn't cheat off me because I was always setting screens or running to corners or to the basket to give the playmakers an extra option, an easy out to pass to in their line of site it they got ganged up.
    And if I had the ball in my hands they didn't know where I would begin my layup. I started layups near the 3 point line sometimes and then would do some crazy scoop or half hook after what appeared as a pass designed to be more real than a fake out because who would ever try to take such a weird angled shot. It's not even a layup or a shot or a hook.
    It's a crook.
    And it dont matter how it looks.
    Ugly still scores.
    I would shoot bricks at the backboard unexpectedly then sprint like mad knowing where the carom would go and get the rebound for an easy layup.
    People would mock me for how I played and It caused problems.
    The high school coach flat out yelled at me first day at camp and I never went back.
    Besides practice was gonna be at 630 am and I worked till 2 am.

    I took my old dodgers mentality to basketball.
    And it worked great.
    Now inland empire park basketball is keeping the NBA afloat during the final days of the fall of the lebron empire of kangs with spray painted on beards.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
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  7. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    Any further questions
    I am glad to oblige
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i played w guys like that and if you don't know a guy w that type of game it can be mystifying until you figure it out
    then its over pretty quick like my ping pong game against TB
    i'd be fly swatting that weak shit all over the place at 60
    also that's the most impressive bunch of bs i've read in a long time amigo
    but if that's how you remember it carry on!
  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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  10. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    Oh yeah i plaued against dudes that said that same thing but I would just roll the ball over their block attempts.
    They would get mad and foul me hard everytime since it hurts their ego to see a wetback looking unathletic dude make them look silly.
    And since their ego is their life they can't look silly and be ok.
    That is a demon.
    I go all doc holiday for demons.
    From zero to 60 i become a Satan to a demon.
    And my weak shit becomes like a fullback going up the middle jumping straight into the post defenders chest forcing him to ground himself if he wants to keep his gravity the next time i blow through him.
    I'm a walking scab. I'm not afraid of pain but tough guys at the basketball park are fags who don't like it when you play hard. They gotta look good the next day at their job. I grew up playing where dudes went to their car to get a pistol if you offended him on the court.

    I used to play with plenty of 60 year old white guys. I played in the fireman's league for a few years in irwindale and my team lost in the semis to the eventual winners who were all 50 plus.
    Excellent mid range shooters, passers and cutters.
    Was like playing the Celtics from the 40s.

    I can barely walk for 15 minutes before the top of my right femur slides into my pelvis.
    One day I ran into a guy who was into karate and I learned fighting was dangerous. Unfortunately my crippled ass got more crippled. Too crippled to run without hurting myself after.
    Then again I've also flipped my truck and flown about landing on my ass several times.
    And been in more fights than those fake hardasses that always talk about their street fighting days lol. I grew up fighting on my way from school every day since I was 5.
    I sent my dad to the hospital, my mom called 911 because I broke my dad's back when he slapped her around. I was like 7.
    My uncle's and cousins are all bigger older and stronger and I had to remove their salvie animal instincts so they could live in society.
    They took out all their social anger on me and I became much better for it taking all those punches in the head.
    My brain swells andy skull moves and my jaw don't close on the left side.
    I'm half Mexican which salvies hate because they had to come through mexico and racists Mexicans to get here.
    But racists aren't racists in a bubble.
    Y'all know what I'm talking about.
    Salvies went around raping stealing fighting and killing.
    While intimidating to the locals and a the same time claiming holier than though and victim refugee status.
    Pure Evil.
    Like what Trump said about Mexicans.
    Most of these Mexicans trump talked about are animalistic salvies.
    You offended them by daring to fight back. If you bring a knife to a fight they bring a hand grenade.
    They like to end things quickly.
    They have no taste for the fight.
    They are bullies.
    They fall down like pancaking towers.
    Because their whole everything is a facade.
    Even their muscles are all water covered by thin skin.
    People who love their own flesh so much are ego driven liars.
    So all their defenses can be swum around easily.
    Specially if you ever played on the offensive line and learned their secrets.
    Linemen are the best dudes on the team.
    They never got a reason to lie.
    They don't care what anybody thinks about them.
    They just gotta always be the best. Every down.
  11. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    I would play you a rolling stones song but you might take the joke too literally and I don't want to hurt your feelings.
    But suffice it say that this old man only yells at the storm cloud he created.
    Thanks for listening.
    I do it for you.

    For you to do the same.
    Help electrify the cloud.
    That's what it's for.
    Go ahead and yell at my cloud.
    You are safe.
    Because I don't sell my clouds data.
    Or monetize my cloud.
    There is no google trackers.
    No cyber goggles looking over your words parsing your thoughts to feed your desires.
    I'm from the 90s.
    Where we love people who look like drug addicted whores.
    But hate nice people just as much as mean people.
    Both equally suck.
    Nothing more whorish than being a sellout.
    And no greater drug than your own farts.
    You don't want to be silent but deadly. Wrong type of cloud.
    So go ahead, yell at the cloud.
    It does old men good.
    And that's why I made it for you.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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  13. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

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  14. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

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  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    oh no [​IMG]
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  16. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

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  17. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    60's/70's flashback
    sudsy (rip) and mo...

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  18. jpldodgers

    jpldodgers DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2012
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  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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  20. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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