Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2013
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    I'm on my second Ram. Had the first for 8 years/ 125k miles. 1500 eco-diesel. I do a lot of freeway driving and with a tonneau cover I was up to about 27-28 mpg on the highway. Never any problems and I would've kept it another 8 years, but needed something to tow a heavier trailer so upgraded to a 2500 Cummins diesel. It hurts at the pump, I'm down to about 22 highway, but otherwise a good truck.
    LAdiablo and irish like this.
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Not to be a dark cloud, God knows we are reminded so ofen of the frailty of life, but Tommy Brown, the last surviving member of the Brooklyn Dodgers has passed at 97.
    For those who remember them, and saw them, this passing truly marks the chapter turned on the Boys of Summer.
    This potential juggernaut of a team assembled now stands on the shoulders of those scrappy giants...
  3. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Is it on Max?
  4. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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  5. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    How it started:

    How it's going:
    rube and LAdiablo like this.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    think its awesome people want to do this but seriously what a time consuming , money intensive hobby
    sure he must get promo bucks but guess I don't really get it
    love machines and all but I'd have to be pretty fucked up to sit around watching guys do burnouts lol
    felt his sphincter clench on that last run!
    rube likes this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    im sure luck helped some but a few people prepared like you said, others already knew days before and flooded their yards before leaving, and the rest people who defied the government order to evac
    which is what you would do if you wanted to save your house from becoming cheap land for foreign investors to build gaudy mcmansions on
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    i would only do this shit in the dirt roads behind the mountain where the worst that could happen is that i flip my truck over the side of a cliff and have it get stuck on a tree halfway down the hill
    that one took 3 of the big tow trucks and a crane to get out and after that i think i was all done thinking i was an amateur rally driver
    i was lucky the tundra only got superficial damage and that i was alright
    but before that i had a little S10 shitty pickup that would catch air on anything and was often flying me off into constant sphincter clenching moments until i crashed it one too many times and it become one with the mountain
    tied it to the tundra and pulled it to the side of a cliff and pushed it down and watched it roll into a canyon filled with old cars and appliances from before any of us here were born
    my point is that if you gonna race and have fun with machines why spend so much money on upping the sphincter clenching levels when you can give yourself the same kind of shit your pants action for cheap in the woods with cars you can beat the shit outta
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    poor mans home paintjob at the family dollar is too much of an eyesore for wetback busters not to murder a guy fleeing not to get deported
    that fatfuck new on the job dei hire was just salivating to get his cherry wet
    thats not a fucking cop
    how are you a fat fuck when you a new cop?
    isnt there some standards at the academy
    like no fat fucks allowed until they drop that extra chin
    once you in you can eat all the donuts and dicks you want
    but sheesh at least have the common decency to not be a fat fuck on day 1
  10. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    If I get pre-approved by my credit union for a specific amount for a car, when I show up to the dealerships, am I essentially a cash buyer in that scenario?
  11. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    ok so the fat fuck cop is clearly Latino and you're saying he decided to go kill a wetback that day?
    I'm w the police chief cause up until the moment he shot the guy they were doing their job
    out of state plates and a roller paint job on a late model vehicle is pretty fucking suspicious and talking to the guy is reasonable
    then dude runs and flees the scene and the stupid cop fired his gun
    no background on the dead perp either so Im guessing he wasn't Snow White up to nothing just minding his business
    but hey whatever suits your narrative
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    you're always a cash buyer in every scenario
    unless you're checking on a Porsche or something fuck them asking your financial situation imo
    I approach these things w make me your best deal and I'm pricing 3 dealerships
    if you have the best price I'll come back and buy the car from you straight away
    not going to take your price and shop it at the other 2 dealerships so give me your best shot
    not fucking around and this is your one chance to sell a car to me
    look em in the eye and mean it
    fuck sitting down and qualifying you first
    irish, F!nski and BigDaddyKaine like this.
  13. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I appreciate this
    irish and LAdiablo like this.
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    btw with a little research I found out Juston Reffel or whatever his name, was a 38 year old white boy w 40 grams of narcotics in his car that day
    not sure what else he was up to before his life ended but clearly he's not a wetback fleeing not to get deported
    hard to find anything about the guy since its only about the lawsuit which is valid since he didn't deserve the death penalty by that wannabe cop
    do better
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    clearly latino, as you said, super obvious
    yet i dont care and you do, why is that
    cmon, lets be real... whose got the narrative here

    im not focusing on the race of anyone
    we are strictly talking about being illegal
    being a wetback is a term for an illegal
    im not making this about white people
    why do you make it about that?
    not only do i not mention race but im not alluding to it or pretending its about something else when i really mean it as a race thing
    what is my narrative?
    i have no narrative as im pro trump and republican in a lot of things
    im with you on 90 percent of this shit but you get ornery over the part im not in lockstep
    whose the one with the narrative if im here speaking to a room full of people repeating the same things to each other?
    im not looking for votes or preaching to a choir for likes as if i had a narrative
    why do you always have make it as if i have a problem with you or your people
    why make it personal diablo

    yeah up to the moment they shot the guy they were doing their job as trained
    their training is obviously shit
    as this fat fuck with 3 weeks on the job shot his gun off and killed a man
    so the guy who says that what they did up to that point is ok should be fired
    because that was not good police procedure
    specially not when you are riding along with a DEI rookie fresh off the boat who clearly doesnt know his ass from his gun
    obviously there was mistake after mistake after mistake here and no need to cover their ass for them
    they will always do a good job covering their own ass
    they dont need your help
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    do better how
    the guy got killed by a trainee cop being supervised by a piece of shit
    i was writing two different stories and put wetback in this one by accident from finishing writing the one about the landscaper
    dude but seriously you are reaching hard to try and defend this shit and show me up over a syntax error

    how bout the fucking cop do better
    how bout i get a gold star for helping you do better and getting the all important facts straight that the guy was not a wetback but a drug enthusiast or as the cops would call him a drug dealer or addict
    now shit he didnt deserve the death penalty

    and how is having a shitty paint job on a car suspicious if its not illegal?
    the point is that they can say anything is suspicious because anything out of the ordinary to each person can be suspicious
    but that is teenage girl liberal democrat safe space i need my mommy mentality i thought you werent down with
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah that's what happened nvm
    F!nski likes this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    yeah, and you are nitpicking something that isnt the point
    we agree on all the facts except you wanna hang your point on something else
    the fact hes white supports what im saying in that its not a race thing at all
    and as i said in the other post the authorities will not stop at just illegal immigrants but will ramp up their policing of regular citizens too
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    you win
    don't ban me bro
    F!nski and irish like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    hah much hilarity
    you guys are having a blast im sure
    only engaging me to be dismissive or derisive comments you guy see as jokes
    i might be thick headed but im starting to get the butt of the joke has been me

    the other admins either @irish or @TAFNAC have decided i need not have the ability to ban people at all
    all without telling me, you guys must be smiling ear to ear at all the fun
    not only are yall happy you beaming
    the old evil power mad tyrant has finally been stripped of his power lol
    i know its not like that and im just having some good ol fun

    yall didnt have to do this much if you wanted to do your own thing
    yall could have had the decency to say it openly that you wanted the site for yourselves
    you guys know i have no problems with sharing anything that was DSP, when have I ever been selfish?
    when i have i denied anyone access, when have i acted uncaringly with anyone here or done stuff without warning
    thats why i built this place and that was my goal
    for all of us to share everything with everyone
    not to monetize it with ads but to have you guys build relationships without fear of moderators constantly harassing and banning people for having different political and cultural beliefs
    i had no problem trusting anyone who wanted to help
    but now im all of a sudden untrustworthy and a threat
    i can understand being unpopular and disliked but feared?
    that is silly
    im harmless
    there was no need to go this route

    obviously you guys feel i have become the bad admin like the one we had at PSD when we left
    no need to clown around, i get the message already
    i havent been the admin for the last couple days
    someone has decided that im no longer part of the decision making here and relieved me of my duties
    it would suck to find out who it was either way
    but either way its gonna be one of the Craigs
    it sucks enough to know who is happy about it in the forum
    i dont need to know which Craig is responsible
    i would have liked to be given a heads up before you take me out to pasture though guys
    do yall still think im an evil hacker who wants to steal your information or do harm to the site like PSD said?
    that fear people have is incredibly lame

    so the jokes about this being my place to do what i want are no longer jokes but digs
    you probably dont know whats going on and i will always give you the benefit of the doubt on all things and not be reactionary towards you because you were kind to me when i was weak
    and that is enough for me to never want to feel any other way towards you
    im retardedly christian like that

    when you and I met you asked me my opinion of different people here
    i didnt have any negative opinions about anyone that i can remember
    you asked me about Craig because you didnt have much interaction with him
    I told you i didnt really know him much at all other than he was a regular that wanted to help
    you mentioned the guys you had previously had problems with
    some which i was surprised cuz i thought you guys got along and even did stuff together outside DSP
    I couldnt agree with you on some of the guys because some of them had sent me a little money when i was in need
    and i would be forever loyal to them
    even if it was for 50 bucks or 200 bucks
    im very cheap whore and i love you long time even if you just pay once like at hometown buffet

    you ended up with disagreements with people you met here over money
    at least with 1 person so im not trying to say it was a trend either
    but just as to why i dont like mixing something i do for love with money
    and why i didnt do advertising and only took money from the 3 or 4 people who volunteered it freely
    it helped me get by and i totally used it for personal reasons and not on DSP
    money usually has strings attached to it, invisible strings that you dont even see or feel
    but they get in the way of the other invisible strings that bind people together

    either way i hope you guys use your money to make this place better than i been able to
    and if you utilize finksy correctly you have a fountain of content right there
    the dude is prolific and has a voice for the sport if only he wasnt such an ugly fat ass he could be on youtube too
    jk, since yall fail to notice when im doing work i too am a fat fuck with a big gut and hanging flab all over
    im loving it though
    for years i couldnt put on any weight due to being sick
    now i eat and i get fat and i take shits almost like a normal human
    its wonderful to be fat!
    anyway back to DSP
    there is no reason finksi should be having his podcast replies on some other webpage when he could be having them here
    whats the point of attracting talent if you arent going to grow it and use it
    we should have figured out a way to host his podcast on DSP long ago
    maybe now the admins can pony up some of their hard earned credit to add that application
    now that the cheap admin has been pushed out :)
    the dude is not soo bad looking that he cant be on youtube with his talent and voice
    all he needs is a producer and a director and maybe a researcher to help him write his scripts

    we once had a talented programmer who helped me do a lot of the work that set this place up over many long nights
    his name was Hammerin Hank, he did so much to build the undercarriage that is DSP
    we had arcade games and high scores and implemented all sorts of fun little distractions that added to the enjoyment of being here
    Scratch too, while he was not technically inclined he did a lot of the type of stuff that Irish has been doing for us for the past decade.

    but the biggest reason for this place existing was a little black kid who is now works for Boeing
    the mod forum on PSD became the bash this black kid for being a little slow and too much black but very eager to help
    im reckless and cant stand what i cant stand
    but my recklessness is motivated by my standards
    and we all have different standards
    for instance Alamuddin was one of the guys that was with me from the start when we left PSD
    we got a long great, i picked him up in LA somewhere and we went to the Lakers game back when the tundra was still young
    but he was hell bent on monetizing the site and i had no motivation to curb my standards and so we parted ways even though we got a long great
    my standards was that DSP was the opposite of PSD in its structure of power and decision making
    PSD was for what was best for lining the pockets of the admins and DSP would be about what was best for the members
    but that was what was best for the members according to my standards
    but now you have popularity as the standard
    and that is how you manufacture consensus
    and you know what comes with popularity and consensus

    so whatever happens diablo, you are right, i win
    i got what i wanted
    a closed knit tight community of sports fans that rally around each other in support
    now you guys take this gift of community god has given you and do something more with it
    stop being slaves to PSD by even having a mod forum
    i tried to have the admins mod forum turn into a public forum
    i even opened up the mod forum a few times to all members
    or changed global member powers so that they could read the mod forum
    i like being transparent to a ridiculous degree in everything i do
    the other admins would stop me or correct me when i would do these things
    but i hope they really do take it into consideration going forward
    that openness and transparency is the way to go
    not just here but in your daily lives
    because everyone who isnt foolishly transparent, who are too smart to not move silently... like a boss
    they will end up standing on the same chair as judas... like a dragon
    cuz a snake is a snake and they move the same way

    im loud as fuck
    and if im yapping like a puppy
    or if im barking like an old dog
    im still just the same rough collie i was before
    just that jeff and little timmy are all grown up now
    time for this lass to go spend time with the rangers for a couple of seasons
    then after that... maybe i hear the call of the holden ranch

    maybe i do like to have the last word like craig said
    yall can make his words true by not replying to this post
    this is a long one that i doubt anyone will read all the way anyway
    either way i had my fun, even if its just another tl;dr

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