think this is the general sentiment but maybe not idk find everyone here amusing most of the time and other times maybe not but it seems like its rare when things get too personal bunch of slapdicks throwing words around and rooting for the Dodgers for the most part not really a place for sensitive people although everyone here shows their soft side just thought the only rule was don't be a douche and seemed like you simultaneously decided to be that to each other in the end its your sandbox and your rules amigo
I think George Soros getting the Medal of Freedom Award from Doh ,the putrid bag of shit ,should be a lesson to us all. What exactly that lesson is, however, I don't know. And why this is relevant to the Rube/ Finski conflict I don't know either. Will no one Rid me of this meddlesome priest ? Addendum : I have discovered that typing the aforementioned protagonist/ antagonist name or DSP handle anyway (depending on who you lean towards in this , I guess) only results in huh? instead of it was. Huh? True and pure Trotsky... We should all file past his avatar a la Lenin or something, as he lies in state ?
Look, you fellows are right about this, no doubt. But has anyone on DSP ever received one ? Noooooo.. Davey Robots is due though...stay tuned. Or maybe I'm think of presidential pardon or an executive order, Idk.
I must have missed it also. But assuming he did, Rube has to be aware and act accordingly to something like that, let's face it. What light would a post like that cast on DSP ? It doesn't take much. My son's friends brother wound up on the "no fly " list because he was on a dating site corresponding with same Middle Eastern babe... Just so happens her brother was a top dog in the Muslim Brotherhood ( like First Lesbian Hillary's gf for years brother was), and his name was red flagged. You can be on the "No Fly Zone" though...that's men's underwear...
can only imagine how the msm must be milking it oh well Gutfeld is back tonight so I get the YouTube clips later
The following italic part is the preamble. You may fast forward to where this post starts looking sorta normal. I dont know about you but that emotional callous shit sounds like hardening of the arteries. I hear thats bad for you and worse yet for those around you. If you develop further emotional callouses i suggest you take a new course of action. Its never too late to invest in some tartar control. Tartar is like a barbarian horde slowly building up everywhere there has been inflammation. After the fire and heat that causes a swelling dissipates and the fluids flood the flesh around it there is a crust that develops. This upper crust is pushed down by the arrival of all sorts of tribes of migratory fatty/snotty stuff that plaques up into tartar. These tartarian invaders come up slowly but surely to take over your gums, joints, arteries and even your heart. But if you do your calculus right you wont end up a toothless tiger. So remember to always brush up and down not side to side and floss for the ladies. I have all the faith in the world in you and your ability to be reasonable. And help me limit the amount of inflammation going on. In order to avoid being flooded by tartaric acids that leave yellow and brown stains. You are 75% water when you count that your blood plasma is 90% water and your blood 51% The earth is 75% water. The sea is 3.5 percent in salinity. That precise percentage is what keeps the oceans from spoiling. Your bodies blood system is a private ocean with the same types of salts in the same percentages as the seawater. It keeps your blood alive and able to fight most anything. But who cares about numbers when the point is that... Pickled water is good. Spoiled water is bad. Eat more salt. For your blood. Dont believe the hype. Your brain on drugs gets fried. Your brain is made out of cholesterol. Your nervous system is sheathed by cholesterol. Your heart is lubricated by cholesterol. The world is like an egg and so are you. The pharmacological system is to give you drugs. But what about when they used to say... this is your brain on drugs? Eat eggs. For your blood. Dont believe the hype. The density of water is dependent on the salinity of its cells and that makes you a buoyant boy. The youth inside you is never dry so when you give it your water to hold it gives it back to you in full. The old man inside you is always dry so when he holds your water he steals the salts within the cells making the water substantially less full. Keep all the water you have. Keep giving it to the youth in you. Keep buoyant. Time heals all wounds but not until we go six feet under first. Until then you gotta fight for your rights and the rights of those around you. Fighting is the only way to make things right so you can kickstart whats left. All those nice little proverbs we were all taught by liars who assumed they meant well because it backed up the doctrines they already believed in. Teaching things that over time and experience they knew or realized were lies lies lies. They were all lies but lies that sound like truth when you being indoctrinated as a kid. Snakes dont always know they are snakes when all they know is how to sneak. They cant speak of flying because they dont know how to fly. Yet some snakes will try to teach you things they never have and ever will experience. Most of what they tell you are lies for your 'protection'. That level of 'care' is their religion. And its whats killing everyone. Your baseball mantra sounds like you channeled it from yogi berra lol. I love the opinions of all but not of people who make threats of hatred and violence. Specially to old people or anybody that is protected. It makes me a little angry. I dont like to get angry. That is pretty much my main trigger though. When a protected person is being threatened i have to draw their aggression towards me. Like i do with a bad dog or a wild animal or violent/mentally/emotionally ill people. You maybe notice when it happened to you. It happens to everyone in a forum. But I see it happen all the time, every time. And every time a guy like Finksi threatens and says horrible things to a guy like you it brings me some physical discomfort if i dont put a stop to it. And over time that physical discomfort has matured and like everything else whose time has come it is ripe to be excised. I would assume you wouldnt be for the idea of this place being for dudes that want to take their frustrations out by berating older people? I dont think this place needs a guy who is constantly spewing hateful shit every other post. Just because 'all opinions matter/are needed' or some other kumbaya communist shit. And you are right we do need all kinds of people to keep the show on the road. Except one kind of people. Unrepentant violent lying fat bullies. No matter how much lipstick you put on that ugly boar. But I get it. You all want your piggy wiggly back. The senator from the garden state has spoken. I tend to follow the elder rules. So how bout he can come back after 7 days? Of course as long as he pays the jizyah and performs all the proscribed ritual oblations that would lead to repentance, justification, and finally sanctification. Just like any other office of customs and border protection for immigrants and refugees. Im a friendly agent though, i can be reasonable with a repentant soul who truly loves our little caliphate.
Uh oh...sounds like I'm next...just as a baseball mantra from Yogi Berra ? Hey man, I've give my right arm to be ambidextrous. And another factoid : Yogi's in the Hall of Fame, right ?
You are golden old man. You been here too long. Vetted a long time ago. No target on your back. You already in the hall.
that's a very good point and whether or not I saw it we don't want someone stumbling across the site and thinking we condone genocide although those subjects have been brought up in the past so maybe on reflection I wasn't paying attention to the manner in which they were intended idk don't ever recall reading anything here that made me think hey maybe this person is actually that hateful I do know common sense can be viewed as hateful in the current climate that appears to be massively changing but just because I didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen I mean even the pedophilia jokes could be viewed as real to someone trying to read into it but isn't that the appeal of this place as well? maybe more conversation on certain behaviors is in order if we are making it a thing right now not being a douche is up to you and I think you've been fair so whatever you decide so be it I just didn't see it btw speaking of things changing first we get Milei and Bukele to the south and now Castros kid is out to the north! Euro leaders left and right kissing the ring in Mar a Lago it sure feels like the precipice of something incredible the globalist scum won't give up the power and riches easily though and that's a little scary to consider yet I wouldn't have it any other way and oh yeah 14 days!
folks can misinterpret jokes for sure but he wasnt making jokes besides we can all make jokes about shit we dont actually believe is true/real when we make jokes about stuff we actually believe is true/real then its not much of a joke but a masked insult and i disagree again about the not being a douche thing being up to my discretion because if that was the case the ban would have come a long time ago as far as the pedo jokes i try to not make it my business to curb peoples enthusiasm same with the racist, gay, or misogynist jokes that most women and lefties would find cringe if people wanna make jokes they cant make elsewhere im not gonna try to stop them from having fun unless the jokes arent for fun but for real getting the joke is a sacred trust if you break that trust its because you never really got the joke in the first place you know why a deer taste gamey? because its adrenal glands know the deer is playing the most dangerous game having the ability to speak freely have freedom of speech and make any joke we want is for a reason everyone exposes themselves over and over and over time their true nature is bound to come out we post drunk, high, happy, sad, mad, pleased, frustrated, mean, etc... and it creates dynamism which is explosive and causes fighting fighting is the best it is how you get the best out of people its how people become the most united that only comes from being real and reality is a fight if you think i was playing dirty with finksi you forget how i do i fight fire with fire as in i copy the style of the other guy i try to show them a glimpse of themselves but its a slow burn and i take my time with slight reveals so nobody feels bad until the slow burn becomes a fire that burns everything but the truth away so about the news no need to be scared instead its time to be prepared everyone should get ready for some discipline anyway the human body has numerous vulnerable points including the solar plexus dont forget to eat more salt you major devil
Re: the misinterpretation of jokes.... A black guy walks into a bar, with a gorgeous scarlet macaw on his shoulder. The bartender says, " wow, man...that is really beautiful- where'd ya get that ? " And the macaw says, " In Africa- they're running around all over the place, bro'! So is it racist, or is it just an amusing quip about avian intelligence ?
not racist the macaw was obviously just repeating what the black guy says whenever they ask him about the macaw the macaw being like a broken tweeter will repeat a sound based upon a memorized prompt not knowing the true meaning of the sound yet knowing the appropriate response to the call of course those that dont understand math at the level of a macaw will think this to be a racist joke just like those who dont understand calculus are surprised at the rise of tartar in the lands of the arians that isnt even a dentistry joke but if you dont control the tartar colonies they will inflame everything there is no point in crying about tartarians at that point they been inside your pearly and gold enameled gates for years but when we see tarzan king of the jungle and lord of the tarts swinging from hollywood and vine... maybe the maths will start to math for more people when you were a kid did you like to dig in the dirt? i didnt have a sandbox but i had a patch of dirt you have to build tunnels for the water to go in but you also build tunnels for where you dont want water to go in in fact some tunnels are placed in areas specifically to keep water out of other tunnels tunnels are like pipes and pipes are like bells they all make sounds if you know how to hit them right and when you place them together inside a system you have an instrument from inside the tunnels it just sounds like sounds but from the outside the tunnels sound like speakers to the hearers far away well those that are in tune with sounds being made by the musical device and can follow when the tune goes up and down, side to side, and in and out so you know your pokey from your hokey im just kidding all the previous nonsensical story was just a joke i do that sometimes you know why? yall might have been raised catholic but catholic just means universal and you know who their mascot is right?
That might have been a leftover from another incident where we didn't want that name and his content easily found by outsider sources. I have removed that filter. Finski!