You said you only work here and to take it up with management. So i did. Should never have been banned for a bad joke that obviously wasn't serious. We'd all be banned if we took everything that was said on here literally.
So what you are saying is that "i only work here/take it up with management" does not trigger your funny bone. IMO it is an OBVIOUS joke. Specially with the bits about paying the Jizyah tax and doing oblations and rituals and all that caliphate stuff. Stuff that is on the nose obvious being that im talking about a guy who cant help telling us how much he hates all things Islam/Arabic. But maybe its not as obvious a joke as ethnic cleansing comments are. We just have different senses of humor i guess. I dont see the surprise/punchline in someone saying what he really feels. Specially when its not even said as a joke. But in rage filled tirades. Maybe he's drunk when it happens and thats his excuse. But im trying to help my special needs nephew learn about how you cant use the fact that you are special needs and on medication to excuse terrible behavior. Now if you want to say that it doesnt matter what people say because its just the boys being boys then just say that. Dont come around sideways with it being a joke. He was not joking. Did you even read the post? Its in the mod forum. You are welcome to read it and tell me where the punchline was. I would rather believe you just been too busy to read it and are just reacting to popular appeal. Im just a slow rube that recently came down from the farm so please show me where the comedy part of the ethnic cleansing comment was. Until you show me the part that you found funny and appealing I just cant believe you. I love to learn and i really like comedy so show me where the joke is.
Fire and Ice Anyone who harbors people of fire will get burned by the ICE. Anyone who plays with ICE will get burned by the fires of hell.
It did, obviously. I don't care what you believe. No one can show you when your mind is already made up. You are emotional when it comes to Finski and can't make rational decisions regarding him because you have to win the argument and get the last word. He will be unbanned. You can block/ignore him if you can't help yourself and play nice with him.
Hello again. Fwiw ... I'm working on not being an asshole. But if I relapse... well... one day at a time. Time to get dinner ready. It's Mexican tonight. Don't get triggered. It's food. Let's eat and forget it.
thats the understatement of the year you guys taking this shit way too seriously and i got my hands full right now anyway im having too good a time with my garlic and onions the beans, peas, and spice patches are going nuts my spinach is coming in a little shitty because the critters get to it but the avocado are creamy and the citrus is tangy oh and the mustard man that shit is growing like crazy i fucked up with most of the root veggies and harvested them too soon but i got a big sweet potato patch that looks like its gonna come out pretty good unfortunately the land im working with here is very limited spent the past year and a half working it up but its got a lot of hard spots still i have a plan though and its really why i continue working this little plot in the back cant just sit around and let my skills change trajectory and start to erode fuck that i like to keep learning new things with every season out there in the dirt that stuff never bores me and i can be out there until its too dark and too cold then again i do talk to pretty much every bird, squirrel and crawling thing that comes to me right now my focus is on trying to get me a pet goat but a nigerian pygmy dwarf one for dei reasons i wanna get them farm subsidies so i can ranch goats and sheep up in silverado canyon but about finksi and the other things you said... i think you have the wrong assessment about my motivations but its not that big a deal im not going to get in the way of what you want to do since you feel that strongly carry on
No Del in Kentucky... more's the pity. I love that place. Not many Mexican restaurants here do asada - it's all ground beef. Sad. Made real asada tacos for my oldest's birthday party. They looked at me like I was Benito Juarez. Gotta teach these rednecks how to eat. Wow. I just gave @irish several ways to rework this post.
Tomorrow is a great day for this country. I'll be up early & my kids are going to watch President Trump take his second oath of office. I know some people are upset about it. Well ... too bad. I had to endure eight years of race-hustling by Obama and four ineptitude-filled years of Biden's dementia. Time for strength. Looking forward to it.
I'm just glad he's still alive. Honestly didn't like his chances on making it to inauguration given everything we saw over the last few months.
As if the guilt of Fauci, Milley, & the Jan 6 committee were in doubt ... this horseshit this morning...
The presidential pardons history. Slo Joe's legacy.
Pardons are very important... they began after Shay's Rebellion in 1787. Unlike J6, which was not a rebellion in any way, Shay's lasted for months, with nine killed, including some by hanging. Washington initiated pardons to assuage angry mobs. So I get it. Biden claims he's protecting thd innocent; Trump's people see it as shielding the guilty. So WHEN Trump pardons all J6 victims today or tomorrow, the Left needs to STFU & read a history book.
Not all those involved in Jan 6 were victims. They were all trespassers and some destroyed property. Those that destroyed property should have been sentenced made to pay restitution. Kind of wish that would have applied to the BLM rioters, too.