Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I thought you were an atheist?
    Maybe im confused because you arent so sure if you are atheist or agnostic.
    It relates only as far as Capn relating the fact that i use 'nonsense' which he generally means faith beliefs to any other point i make.

    Obviously anyone can legally start a business.
    Its also obvious that what i meant by 'start' and 'business' is far more involved than the technicality of filing paperwork and paying fees.
    Many entities first start doing business in the shade and slowly bring their business into the light when they are ready to.
    This is done in a bunch of different ways.
    From stealing patents, tech, ideas to less than legal startup funding to not reporting early earnings to not having all permits and insurances and safety equipment from the get go.
    For many types of businesses you first need to be able to get to a certain threshold legally speaking before you can operate.
    Many dont have the money to do all of that or wish to invest what they have in something which has no guarantee of success.
    So they wing it like setting up a pop up shop out of your van selling shirts or bacon hot dogs after a concert or sporting event.
    Entrepreneurs that dont have the ability to reach the handle to open the door have to jam their foot in the doorway someway or another.
    Like how Bill Gates stole from IBM.
    Like how Steve Jobs stole from Xerox.
    Like how DSP stole users from PSD. :D
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    many people have integrity
    which i dont mean in a moral way which is the modern definition but in a mathematical way which is the original definition
    as in they are one person/mind and their views are not fractured depending on the situation
    so if you are one way in your personal life then you will also be that way in your business life
    that is integrity, which is another way of saying a whole/undivided/indivisible and from where the modern definition of morally upright is based on
    i only give the explanation because im sure someone will say im being preachy/moralistic by using the term integrity

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I think I'm an athiest too, I'm just not sure. :D

    I dont think there is a God, so I choose to not have faith in, and adhere to beliefs strictly because they're said to come from said God.
    But I can't say I'm sure there isn't a God, either because that would take faith too. So that doesn't make me a very good athiest.

    I do believe that things like the existence of God or not are knowable, so that doesn't make me a very good agnostic either.

    Oh, and by the way, I find most athiests to be more preachey and sanctimonious than fundamentalist religious types. It like they're so wrapped up in their perceived logical and empirical superiority that they can't see that their position is as equally faith based as any religious belief. I get tired of people with faith based beliefs calling other people's beliefs nonsense and fairy tales
    rube likes this.
  4. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    totally agree
    but born again christians aren't far behind
    like a reformed addict, their self-righteousness and holier than thou bullshit is intolerable
    CapnTreee and TAFNAC like this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah but more power to them. They usually were people who fucked up bad and turned their life around.
    I tell my uncle whose an insufferable prick that becoming such an annoying person now that hes a recovering alcoholic is his pennance for being a bad drunk most of his life. His frontal lobe is hardened up and so he doesnt get why people dont like him. He says all he is trying to do is help them and be their friend buy nobody wants to be his friend because they are bad.
    I tell him its not because they are bad. Its because they are bad and so are you and everyonr else yet you believe you are good now after all the fucked up shit youve done.
    Dobt worry bout being good. Nobody is good. Just be decent and dont be such a douche all the time. Thats good enough.
    If you wanna preach do it by example. Thats the only way thats ever worked. Everything else is just patting your own back.
    But like i said... Some people are cursed to be that holier than though guy that will turn people off due to their past misdeeds in some form of karmic way.
    I do believe in reincarnation btw... It just happens within one biological life.
    Im not the same dude i was in my 20s.
    But i may be the same dude i was in my teens ;)
    CapnTreee likes this.
  6. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    On this we've always agreed so I'm looking forward to the next 2AM reply..
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    We agree mostly about piety though an understanding of science is hardly "equally faith based"... unless someone is trying to explain quantum theory BS to me again otherwise religious nutjobs still take the cake

    Yeah and so Rube all the first post comes off as 'it's a rigged game and everyone cheats'
    I didn't consider that you'd take my dismissing your "defense by ancient fables" so personally. No harm no foul, your beliefs get to remain your own.
    Craig's reply that 'due to the byzantine unrelated rules/laws/codes it's near impossible not to cheat' starting a business, while supported by facts, still does not lend credence to your assertion that it is "basically illegal to start a business" so my friend you remain misguided

    "Microsoft apple google facebook etc... All started illegally" Seeing the seed of an idea in someone else's work and then developing or growing it into something larger/better is hardly illegal. Even Gates deal buying DOS from Seattle Computer Products back in the day was legal, the sellers didn't know the value of what they had. Neither did IBM. Neither did Xerox Parc with Jobs. Hardly makes it stealing... more like better perception

    Per Google "Gates actually sent IBM to Kildall to buy/license a version of CP/M for the new IBM personal computer. When IBM couldn't or wouldn't make a deal with Kildall, Microsoft bought what became MS DOS from Seattle Computer Products for $50,000 and licensed it to IBM".

    ...Proving that IBM were idiots.
  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Comparing The Clinton & Trump Tax Plans

    Taxing the Wealthy

    • Increases taxes paid by the wealthy by $650 billion, raising the taxes paid by the top 1% by $78,000 a year
    • Limits value of tax deductions (except charitable) to 28% for those in higher tax brackets [$406 billion]
    • Adds 4% surcharge on incomes over $5 million [$126b]
    • Sets a 30% minimum tax rate for taxpayers with income over $1 million (i.e., the Buffett Rule) to ensure that the wealthy pay a fairer share of taxes [$119 billion]
    • Cuts individual tax rates losing $1.4 trillion, with a significant amount benefitting the wealthy.
    • Cuts top tax rate from nearly 40% to 33%
    • Revenue loss mitigated by limits on deductions taken by higher-income taxpayers

    Taxing Wealth: The Estate Tax

    Strengthens the estate tax to curb accumulation of dynastic wealth. [$235 billion] Lowers threshold at which estate tax is due to $3.5 million and raises the top rate to 45%. Creates new higher estate tax rates of: 50% on over $10M, 55% on over $50M, and 65% on over $500M. Current estate tax only affects the richest 1 in 500 estates.
    Eliminates the estate tax, losing $270 billion.
    (Reduces lost revenue by requiring wealthy heirs to immediately pay capital gains taxes on inherited assets, with a $10M exemption.) If Trump is worth $10 billion as he claims, his heirs would inherit at least $4 billion more.

    Taxing Wealth: Capital Gains
    Increases capital gains taxes on the wealthy by $234 billion. Requires wealthy heirs to immediately pay capital gains taxes on inherited assets (by ending step-up in basis).[$150 billion] Encourages investors to hold assets longer by extending the holding period to qualify for lower, long-term capital gains rates.[$84 billion]
    Provides a $192 billion capital gains tax cut to the wealthy. Eliminates the 3.8% tax on investment income above $250,000 per couple under the Affordable Care Act, lowering the top rate to 20%. (Changes in how inherited assets are valued will reduce the revenue loss).

    Taxing Corporations: General Tax Rates

    Has not announced any corporate tax-rate changes. (Doesn't want to upset Wall St)
    Slashes corporate tax rate by 60%—from 35% to 15%, which loses $2.4 trillion. (Pleases Wall St)

    Taxing Corporations: Treatment of Offshore Profits

    Has not announced a position on taxing the $2.4 trillion in existing profits held offshore by multinational corporations. Taxing those profits at the 35% corporate tax rate, less credit for foreign taxes paid, could net up to$700 billion.
    Proposes to tax $2.4 trillion in existing offshore profits at a 10% rate, less foreign taxes paid. This would raise about $150 billion—$550 billion less than the up to $700 billion that could be raised from applying the 35% corporate tax rate to those profits.


    Raises $1.7 trillion to pay for new investments
    Loses about $5.8 trillion

    If nothing else is clear, the Donald has been compromised by the old guard Republicans. And Hillary is lying as fast as her lips can move but we learn more by what she won't say than by what she does
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Im not taking it personally, i dont ever think you are being a dick about this type of stuff. Just that you are hardwired into your belief system and wont/cant see the point i am making because of said hardwiring. You take me to mean 'its a rigged game and everyone cheats' because thats how you view my outlook. Which is nihilistic. My views are the complete opposite of nihilistic and IMO that is plain as day. Which makes it even more strange to me how you continue to assess my views as nihilist.
    The point i was making was similar to Craigs. That because of how the rules are set up it is very difficult to be in compliance by most new businesses. That a lot of the big name companies have cheated to get a start, a headstart, a foothold, etc...
    I was being very general and you came back with precise examples where they didnt cheat. But of course that isnt the whole story and they did cheat at many other points in the process.

    It would be nihilist to say that everybody cheats, the game is rigged, its all evil.
    It would not be to say everybody cheats, its a known known, thats how the game is played, its all good just cheat the right way and get a good lawyer and accountant to work it out after the fact.

    BTW, the bible says something similar. Since you love those examples ;)
    Everyone falls short of God (everyone cheats).
    But by grace you are forgiven (at some point you feel remorse and you clean it up)
    Thanks to the fact that Jesus is your homeboy (the defense attorney who calls witness)
    But be careful because Satan is there to entrap you at every turn (the prosecution)
    So be good and god bless (live a joyful life so your spirit will be a good witness to the judge)
  10. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    Yeah we both enjoy a sense of humor while debating that's for certain

    Big companies cheat by paying to get the rules written for them and agaisnt their competitors
    Little guys cheat by avoiding detection/taxation/licensing until profits warrant it

    No one was really debating those points though that is still not to say that all companies start illegally... even in a metaphorical sense.

    Cuz God said it, YOU believe it so that settles it.

    Always loved that circular reference from some born again family member decades ago


    Nov 2011
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    Haha this moderator is a hack
    CapnTreee likes this.
  12. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    unfortunately so are the participants
    CapnTreee, TAFNAC and THINKBLUE like this.


    Nov 2011
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    This is true. :nod:
    irish likes this.
  14. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    This is what you get when you have a society that values the Kardashians, fat beauty pageant kids and trigger warnings.

    We get a "choice" between orange muppet Hitler and Dr. Evil pantsuit lizard queen.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    or you can vote for me
    and by me i mean you
    and by you i mean US
  16. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    what does that even mean?
    CapnTreee likes this.
  17. blazer5

    blazer5 DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Sweet debate
  18. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    easy peasy
    most people tend to say that you should vote for your issues
    they will talk shit about a certain demographic for not voting for their own best interests
    like former immigrants or hispanics shouldnt vote for trump for example because it is against their personal interests
    that is wrong
    you should vote for me
    and by me i mean not you
    because voting for me is voting for you
    i see i lost you again
    if everyone votes for their own interests then we will vote for a bunch of shitty policies and vote in pandering politicians
    if everyone voted for the interests of me their fellow citizen and not for themselves then the country would be a better place
    by me of course i mean US as in what is best for everyone IE the country
    then panderers would not be able to get deep into your heart of hearts with their bullshit
    you would be immune to it because they cant go after your precious
    instead to curry your favor they have to be about what is best for everyone
    and while that is much less exciting when it comes to politicking and debates and all the bullshit called politics... it is what makes for sound government
    i hope you guys understand this better now
    so you can vote for me
    and not you
    because when you vote for me
    you vote for you
    because you are just another part of me
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
    CapnTreee likes this.
  20. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    still pretty cryptic
    if you're talking about propositions/statutes/amendments et al it's one thing
    but the candidates themselves -- even the local ones -- are disingenuous and all have hidden agendas
    obama is a prime example of not delivering what he preached/promised
    yes we can... only we won't
    but he's far from alone
    in fact it's more the rule than the exception

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