Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    I'm sorry I missed that one.. were YOU claiming not to be selfish?


    Not human? Walks on water? What in gawds green Earth makes you think YOU are not as selfish as the next human?
    Now whip up a sermon on the seven deadly sins and convince yourself that you're a saint.
  2. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    So are you claiming that YOU can conceive and birth a baby?

    This I gotta see.. not.
    Women are wired differently, for a reason.
    We re not women. Thus who cares what MEN think about abortion? It ain't our bodies carrying that heartbeat.
    Which was my original point.. why are some ancient (white male) relics in DC permitted to tell 170 million women what they can or cannot do with their bodies?
    The arrogance required to argue that point is lost.. on the arrogant.
  3. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Not funny.
    Not close to true.
    Makes for a nice argument based upon that broken logic, I'll hand you that.
    Still not close to true. But feel free to repeat it.
    I'll feel free to explain how not true it remains
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Back to the points schtick again?
    Babies, once born, have rights.
    Thus 3 year olds, 5 year olds and 11 year olds have rights.
    Abridged rights we assign to children but still rights.

    Tumors grow within us too.. and do not have rights.
    Some even grow large.. so?
  5. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    You see no issue with you @rube being presumptuous enough to think that YOU know what gawd likes or dislikes?
    And you call others arrogant?
    No wonder everyone make pedo jokes about you preacher boy
    Holier than thou is your go to mode

    Well "IF" Jesus saves
    He'd better save himself
    From the gory glory seekers
    who use his name in vain

    And as Ian explains that the falsely pious are the biggest sinners of all
    Didn't they teach you that in protest school?


    Nov 2011
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    Dense as a Bellisario turd.

    Evil is evil. Doesn't matter if I'm a white or male.
    And, again, you're whiter than all of us; especially mid-thigh- up.
    Male is up for debate, though. Seems like you identify as a lesbian.

    Men should defend those who cannot defend themselves.
    If it hurts the feelings of grotesque woman like Chelsea Hand(job)ler, Michelle Wolf, and Alissa Milano, so be it.
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    The point was that the humans deciding what a woman can do are old white males in DC.
    Like 'they' have some rights that women do not. Which is evil.
    And evil is evil and begets more evil.

    Now stop staring at my crotch faggot
  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Good. I'm listening..
    and.. you clearly haven't heard a word .. so go ahead and stick both feet in your mouth as I've said none of these things
    Have you noticed a habit of assigning your fear as the motives of those you dislike?
    Find me saying ANY of that drivel. You won't. You can't. I don't say that. YOU say that and assign it to me. It's your best chance.. to do what? Attack?
    Sheeesh sharpen your logical blade already.
    Is that how loving Christians speak in your church huh?? Sarcasm or not I haven't read a Christian sentence yet in your screed

    Try again tomorrow. No harm no foul but a fine rant nonetheless.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Yeah dumbass, thats how its supposed to work.
    If you paid attention you might have gotten that.
    God is supposed to be your bro.
    He saves you when you fuck up.
    The more you fuck up the more you need your bro so the more you get to know your bro.
    Till you stop fucking up so much because it disappoints your bro.

    He will always come and bail you out, that's not the issue.
    He just misses you and wishes you would call or send an email or something.
    Don't be a stranger is all.
    It be cool if we could kick it more often.
    But I understand, you got a job and a family and lots of stuff to do.
    I'm there if you need me bro.

    That is the type of life that god is.
    First though, when you are young and fucking up a lot he is your father.
    Fear your father.
    Fear out of love because you fear to hurt who you love.
    Fear because you know he would never hurt you and only you can hurt him.
    That is God.
    The depth of his power you would call weakness.

    Thanks for the pedo thing... you really are a class act.
    LAdiablo and irish like this.
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Don't be a dick.
    In your culture saying the word faggot is a dick move.
    Follow your own rules.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Yeah, Craig that bible thumper always preaching to the choir.
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Who are you assigning as "my" murderess-in-chief there chief? I see you reaching for single use straws to hate but they're not mine
    Spoken with church like reverence and piety, very Christian of you.. good luck
    You really ought to read before you attempt to misquote me. I get that we disagree, I welcome the invective's even but stick to the facts.
    Too far? Not even close. If anything you've endeared yourself to the bigots and misogynists who revel in your seething hatred... while claiming like you, to be religious. The humor in that is palpable
    Use your own words or quote mine accurately. Putting your fears in my name doesn't make them mine, they are still your fears. Cast me as your villain, but try to be more accurate. I do not celebrate death in infants or the elderly.One might inquire of 'your' side choosing a mother's death to save an infant as if that's defensible. Forcing 11 year old rape victims to carry to term.. because the church (of old white guys) says so.. don't get too high and mighty, it's just farther to fall. Note also that by your holy definition you've never masturbated either.. or else you've killed or abandoned to die many thousands of your children. Apply your circular logic to that one. Sperm have lives too. LOL.
    So that we're clear, I hear you, you prefer to be an agent of matricide. Because that's 'better'. Tell yourself whatever gets your juices flowing. No skin off of my back. Post more unholy lies and pretend that I said them.. it's your confession to absolve. Look I too have committed my share of crimes but these are not them. You've wasted your arrows and I'm nowhere near your target.

    But it was still a purging rant so I hope that you feel better.
    Now about that conduct unbecoming of a religious teacher.. I'd almost be willing to share that rant with your students.. or faculty.
    I know, I know ethical atheists are a tough bunch of cats to corral
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    A) WTF do you know about 'my' culture? You prove otherwise hourly.
    Were you there staring at my dick? I missed that. TB and Diablo can't keep their gay thoughts in check and it's been years they've been jacking off to this.
    Those ARE my rules
  14. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    And yet you claim women are no longer of that 'protected' class?
    Hypocrite much?
    Or should I be defending YOU because you cannot?
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    All the 'women are equal' fags are the first to run and hide behind kick ass women that have to defend them when shit goes south.
    Its a lot easier to fuck a chick if you convince her that her pussy is just like a dick and we use our dicks for kicks whenever we want so you have the right to do to fuck around like I do... speaking of which can i touch your boob?

    Its the weak shit the weak do to get pussy.

    When all you gotta do is grab them by the pussy at that righteous perfect moment that they desperately want you to grab them by the pussy.
    Fags think this is not a real thing. That women never want men to grab their pussy. They think this because its a phenomena they have never witnessed first hand and therefore being beings of little to no faith they cannot conceive of the possibility.

    The white man is evil though.
    The Nazis went all around the world to find who the most evil people in the world were so they would be the first to taste the wrath of the mighty Aryan Nation.
    Then one day some nazi went to Hitler and told him that they finally found the most evil people in the world.
    Good ol' Hitler took his Benzo to the east and met with some ayatollahs.
    The ayatollahs were all stoked with meeting Hitler.
    They were all "welcome paisan, mi casa is su casa my white aryan brotha man".
    Hitler then found out the harsh truth.
    The most horrible people in the world are the modern descendants of the Aryan gods that his modern cult had postulated.
    His German people had come from swarthy Persian proto Viking Kurgan Barbarians who raided from the Caspian to the Baltic before getting whitewashed.
    Then Himmler and Gerbils got him woke on how these Aryans had originally come from India and killed all the darkies they could find to settle up in Iran on the plateau.
    When they needed cash they would just sail downriver demolish their boats to make a fortress and kill darkies then take their horses and loot and ride back up the mountain.
    By the time they got to Bavaria they were called the huns and their cousins were fucking shit up everywhere else in the east.
    So then Hitler found out that his people are the bad guys.
    And then there was only one thing he could do.

    Poor white people.
    Right now they are doing something even more retarded.
    They are making it so that white people are evil.
    And they are starting to punish people who are considered evil.
    Just wait white people until you start learning math and realize that you now need to punish yourselves for being evil.
    Oh wait... that is what you guys are doing yourselves right now.
    You are punishing yourselves.
    When there is no need.
    That's not the kind of Christian Jesus likes.
    But since white people don't want to listen to Jesus they will keep punishing themselves.
    So he wan'ts you to keep your chin up.
    Take it like a man.
    You still have a ways away till you give it all away.
    Its only just begun...
    LAdiablo and THINKBLUE like this.
  16. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Right. So you the religious name caller are arrogant enough to presume to know what gawd thinks or likes.. because he's your bro?
    More so that you believe you.
    Ignoring of course that more humans have died in the name of gawd that all other reasons combined

    Now tell us all how you 'protesters' welcome children of Islam who worship 'their' gawd instead of yours
    Hypocrite much?

    Here's your sign...
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    I read you keep talking about people staring at your dick.
    Since none of us have met you other than diablo im not really sure where you are getting this and why our dicks are in your head.
    Please take my dick out of your head and out of the words you say.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Women are the protected class.
    We get to protect them.
    It is our right.
    And our duty.
    Any man who says otherwise is a fag who does not want to have to defend a woman in need.
    Buy a comic book and learn some morals and ethics for babies and learn that its always about saving the women and children you old fuck.
    irish likes this.
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    What religion am I Cap?
    Do I go to church Cap?
    Do I tell you you are going to hell or are a bad person because you are a sinner Cap?
    Do I tell you that you need to go to church so you can get saved Cap?
    Do I proselytize to you Cap?
    Do I use the bible to prop up any of my arguments when talking to you?
    Do I sound like those pius pew surfing tie wearing old white men wagging their finger at you?
    Wake up Cap... that old church lady is you.

    And Muslims, again with your Muslim baiting.
    DURRRR.... I have no argument so what about the Muslims eh?
    I already toles you that I have no quarrel with the Mullies.
    Mullies did not bring down the towers.
    Saudi Arabian allies brought down the towers.
    The mullie deal is not about DSP.
    Thats your deal with Diablo.
    Stop playing that card on everyone else.
  20. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Arrogant religious zealot
    Open unapologetic misogynist
    Complains about me observing that @irish and so many others here call him a pedo so it's me who is the problem for reading that repeatedly
    Where there's smoke.. there's fire
    Keep digging.. racist. We're reading YOUR words and we're not surprised at them just at your candor
    Point your fingers everywhere else.. keep pretending YOU walk on water
    "let he without sin cast the first stone" was not taught in protest school I guess

    Ever find yourself in a deep hole and forget to put down the shovel because digging your shit is so much fun?
    Yeah we know
    Now put down the shovel of hatred
    It's unbecoming

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