Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    I highly recommend, should you require some escapist fare, and I certainly did, that you catch " The Shape of Water"...I still can't get it out of my mind.
    Absolutely sold on Sally Hawkins...and a great cast and director.


    Nov 2011
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    Sorry about your dogs, @LAdiablo
    Only a handful of tragedies can sting worse than losing a furry friend.
    Hang in there.
    irish likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    I'm pretty indifferent towards Star Wars. Aside from seeing the prequels once or twice as a kid, I never took interest.
    In preparation for The Force Awakens, I bought the original trilogy on blu ray to see if I could get into it.
    Objectively, they are good films. The story, characters, optical effects, John William's score, etc are all impressive.
    But without the nostalgic connection or any interest in sci-fi, I gave up during the second movie and didn't have any desire to go see The Force Awakens.
    Just not my cup of tea.
    Although if I'm in the right mood, I enjoy A New Hope as a standalone film.
    Were the villains straight, white, protestant, land-owning males? :poke:
    Finski likes this.
  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    as strange as it seems i am extremely grateful today for a lot of things
    first was knowing them for 10 and 15 years
    the rott was having a hard time getting up and never in his life wanted to stay inside
    and the old girl was just not able to control herself inside anymore
    so w these rains it would have been horrible
    2 1/2 years ago when i lost the akita that used to be my avatar it was sudden and devastating and took months
    the two akitas i have now are both incredible dogs and have the run of the yard
    its like they know the job has been turned over to them now
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I dont know how this works man.
    My dog, that has tasted human flesh and should have been put down by the norm... I could not face that.
    He is old now, he is arthritic, he is blind in one eye and near blind in the other. once they were able I cant hand feed him because since he goes by his also failing smell he will chomp at the air and take half my hand. His son dominates him and I have to keep him away during feeding or he will leave his father just scraps. He cant even be free because since they have started developing the area around here the dogs have to be within the fence. The people across the ridge have chickens, my dogs like to attack chickens.
    I want my young dog to have a life but he has a lot of his fathers early bad traits. For instance they have both killed their twin brothers who were bigger and stronger but albinos with the inherent weakness of being noble in spirit. I loved the ones that died more. In fact I think I have some sort of despisement for these two. I feel bad for them but I think my love for them died. Which makes me feel shitty about myself sometimes but I try not to think about that. People say that I should have put him down the moment he sinned but he was my dog. Even if he is just a dog and like most dogs only wags his tail when he is being watched and will get attention for it, he is still mine.
    The son killed his brother when they were still pups.
    He learned from his father who he watched kill his uncle.
    Both dead dogs were like father and son even though they were uncle and nephew.
    And these two who are father and son are both miserables.
    The dead ones were awesome, beautiful, kind, sweet, all the good things you would want from a dog.
    Both were brown albino pink faced hazel eyed with giant bearpaws with the nicest smile.
    The other two are black dogs. Their father was a black dog but he was a giant in this mountain and their mother was a polkadotted white queen.
    The uncle was killed by his brother after they fought after a rooster that got loose.
    Both dogs had each other by the throat. I could not stop them with the hose or throwing things at them.
    So I did what I tend to do in fucked up situations... I pulled a Rube as my friends used to say. Which is to lose my mind and do something incredibly stupid and dangerous without knowing what the fuck I am about to do. I went in and tried to separate them. Both bit my hand as I had to put my hands in their mouths to pull their jaws apart. First with one then the other. But they kept going back at each other, it was impossible for one person to hold the jaws of two rabid dogs open with two hands.
    The brown dog looked at my face and released his lockjaw so I bear hugged him and pulled him as high as I could and threw him as far as I could while the black dog ripped into my legs. Then the brown dog rushed back to my defense and attacked the black dog and it all started back again. This time I went in with fists and started to punch my dogs in the face. I am sure the black dog got knuckles in his eye and probably contributed to his blindness. The brown dog was bleeding out from the throat and the black dog would not let go. One of my punches to his mouth finally worked to let the brown dog loose a bit but my forearm was now in the black dogs mouth. And he would not let go. I had to kick him off me as I dragged myself away. He kept after me and took more bites out of my legs and feet until one solid kick in the face finally got him to run away. Every punch I gave him hurt me and I pulled back every time, I could not bring myself to kick my dog until I had to kick him to save myself. He lost some teeth, I broke some.
    You guys talk about your dogs sometimes, it always kills me to hear these stories although I love to hear how you guys love your dogs. Its weird. Like I cant bring myself to put this dog down but I cant love him either. I feed him. I make sure nothing happens to him, I talk to him a little bit, sometimes I pet him... because I feel sorry for him.
    And for many years after he bit me I felt like him too.
    Like a dog that won't hunt.
    The brown dog died a few weeks later, we tried to heal him as best possible.
    I treated the brown dogs wounds better than I treated my own.
    That day pulled my guts out of my body and I was never the same again.
    But a few years ago they put my guts back in, and slowly things been getting better.
    Yall should not talk about the things you talk about here, your personal things like you do.
    Because yall inspire me to write these long ass posts that end up betraying my guard.
    I read Irish, I read huh?, I read Diablo, and all the rest of what you fuckers write and I am in heaven.
    The written word as it comes from the pen that is tinted by the heart on your sleeve is the lifeblood that has kept me alive when I feel like a dead dog.
    Cap has made the joke about this site being my own personal therapy session in real time, it aint no joke.
    It works for me.
    I hope it works for yall too.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    thats a crazy story bud
    i've broken up many a dog fight including that 150lb rott i just put down
    dobermans locked on to each others throats
    akitas and chows
    but if any of those guys had done what you say your dog did there would be no hesitation
    i would toss that brown dog inside the house and march back out and shoot the black one dead w one good arm
    and maybe toss it in the black trash can
    rube likes this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I have buried so many pets that people bring me the most precious dead they have.
    One time... it was not an animal.

    But land developers have never respected old burial grounds.
    And my mountain is being terraformed. All my dead have been unearthed.
    I am sick of this mountain. I have made up my mind to leave this place.
    I have been dodging this day for years. I am ready to go to the big lake.
    Funny enough is that land developers are making million dollar homes in my mountain backyard.
    And I want to develop the land around a putrefying lake littered with homeless refugees and gun toting methheads.
    The water is green with toxic fumes. The land is dead with toxic people.
    Moringa fixes toxic water, and free fruits and veggies fixes toxic people.
    And the Tilapia loves to eat up that toxic algae. They can be the alpha predator in that dead lake.
    For us it is toxic, but the Tilapia the green algae is pure 100% vital omega.
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah, im subtle like blunt head trauma.


    Nov 2011
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    irish, Finski and rube like this.
  10. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    If you roots are so deep, and you will be in your home until your days are done, then burying your dags in the yard on your property is a wonderful thing.
    But if your life does a 180° turn, when you're an old guy (like mine did), then where to bury a loyal companion and friend is troublesome.
    I thought my moving, nomadic days were over, but they have just started over again.
    I have an ultimate solution so he will be with me, but I envy those of you that can have a final place to go and visit them close by.
  11. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    doubt that its permanent since where i live will get developed at some point
    but its nice to know they are here for sure
    that ultimate solution thing sounds scary...
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Nah...not scary.
    I guess in a way, no place is permanent really.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Maybe man should not stay in one place for too long? Its not natural.
    It makes man staid and complacent.
  14. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    No definitive answer, imo.
    But roots can be comforting and fortifying...you may feel quite differently in a couple of decades. Indeed.
  15. blazer5

    blazer5 DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Is it bad that I'm having a 3 beer lunch on a Wednesday?

    Cheers bkitches
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I felt differently before, I wanted roots, always been rootless.
    A case of wanting what you don't have.
    But roots eventually get dug up.
    Canals last longer.
    And they take you farther.
    Why do I feel like I need to see the dentist?
    I shouldn't be chasing waterfalls, I know.
    But there is this really nice one down the Ortega Highway.
    My old Chrysler seats about 20 but I sold it at a junk sale.
    But my Previa is as big as whale and its about to set sail.
    Finski likes this.
  17. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Bon voyage.
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    works until it doesn't lol
    if i had to go back to work it would be a pretty non productive second half of the day
    if i don't have to go back to work thats a pretty early start on an almost certain hangover lol
    blazer5 likes this.
  19. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Yup...seems like a good idea that day, or week, or year...whatever...but eventually the hammer falls in the form of DWI, or cirrhosis , or both if it's a thing all the time. And a bunch of other bad shit possible too numerous to mention.
    Seen it a hundred times.
    blazer5, LAdiablo and rube like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Hey man I do this to myself too.
    As soon as I wrote canals after talking about roots I felt a sharp pain down one of my molars.
    Thats why I had to think of something to distract from the pain. Like the F-52's Trump wants to send down the Uppsala highway.
    Wait is Uppsala in Norway... where does wiking Santa Odin live again?

    Thanks, Trumpf!
    Lets make the Norselands great again!
    Cuz who doesnt need a little bit of ragnars-rock-n-roll-a.
    Finski likes this.

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