Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    ok so maybe there would need to be a mandatory 2 week waiting period or something, not instant death
    i don't think a lot of these people even remember who they are
    they're the equivalent of bugs scrounging around for whatever they can find to survive that moment
    its like putting down a murderer that doesn't kill others but murders himself daily
    it would never happen anyway so throw that aspect of the solution out
    how else can you get people to contribute to society without demanding anything of them?
    at the very least they shouldn't be given the free money they are ALL getting unless they clean up their own mess?
    and the disease that absolutely has to be festering in these places is frightening
    there is no way it can be allowed to continue and yet no one is doing anything but moving it around
    if you just give addicts any place they want to hang out without expectation its obvious it just proliferates
    add a dipshit mayor and suddenly he thinks spreading them around for all of us to enjoy is the answer
    a man, like a dog, needs a job even if its just protecting its space
    do you think its right to expect anything of the homeless in return for assistance?
    never thought it would ever come to what i saw in DT yesterday

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Morrissey's first album (which is really a Smith's album) was incredible.
    There's a bunch of good songs on his later stuff. Less poppy than the Smith's but still great music.
    rube and Finski like this.
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah i don't hate him and owned a few of his cd's just thought the things i read about him being pissed that Marr played w other artist was nonsense
    he's caught a whole lot more grief for becoming a conservative
    Finski likes this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Gotta burn all the heretics.
    Finski likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    Watched Field of Dreams tonight.
    The 4k remaster is incredible. They must've used the original camera negatives.
    The ending got me as always.
    But watching it as an adult, there was a lot of irony to me with the way they glorified the 60s and who they accused of book burning, fascism, etc.
    Finski likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    Fellow Dodger fan Mary Hart cancelled for hosting Trump in South Dakota's 4th of July celebration.
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  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    So if we follow your bug analogy.
    Is it the bugs fault that big cities created a perfect condition of filth and societal decay that breeds them?

    I mean is it the rats fault you got the plague or your fault for killing all the cats that would get into your trash cans making a mess so now the rats proliforate and now you are defenseless against them since you got no more cats?
    It's not the rats fault you get the plague.
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i think you might be confusing the less fortunate w the chronically addicted and insane
    the insane should be off the streets
    the chronically addicted can't be allowed to just let it all hang out in the public square shooting up and defecating wherever they please
    irish and THINKBLUE like this.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I'm not.
    Wtf is a less fortunate ?
    Is that like latinx or other pandering terms Democrats invented.
    Man I hope you put on your reading glasses because I feel a long rant coming on.
    Those over my shit can click on to the next page.

    I don't want to be a Nazi.
    And you got to be a fascist first.
    Like what the Democrats want to be.
    Basic Karen shit.
    Someone get a manager so I don't have to see this shit type of shit.
    Nazi karens are coming and they will be pissed.

    You should see what my neighbors put in my mailbox. I am not a less fortunate to them either.
    I have options.
    I can get money.
    I can live their lifestyle.
    But i protest.
    For real. Always.
    And more and harder to those I like for any single one reason. If something about you makes me like you then I will always protest anything you do that is detrimental to the collective soul. Detrimental to your I and mine I.
    This is what I learned from my music.
    Not to tell anyone to March or that they must do this or that to show support.
    All that is magic tricks.
    Illusions and mental glossing not flossing.
    But to rock the vote.
    Which is the corporate push to vote for them.
    Rocking the vote is actually turning tables over. Rocking the fuck out of the vote.
    They fucking neutered the word rock.
    Speaking of which... Where is your Kroq now?
    We wish Morrissey was all they played in comparison to the music formerly known as rock that is played now.

    My existence in the spot where I live is a living eyesore.
    Closest neighborhood is all cops and city councils and shit like that.
    I get bags of trash in my mailbox.
    All smelly used pieces of 'Mexican' trash.
    Opened cans of beans spilled into my mailbox. Anything ethnic they could find probably. Taco bell del taco corona tecate etc... All those used wrappers and shit.
    Even condoms. As a public service so I don't reproduce.
    My mail drenched in foul smelling garbage.
    Or Polaroids of local homes and lawns and mailboxes with nasty classiest and racist notes telling me that I don't belong that I'm an eyesore that they didn't pay all that money and work so hard to have to LOOK upon my life and how less I work and how much less money I contribute to the communal tax ledger and you know what that makes me?

    A fucking thief.
    A brown trash as they call me round here.
    An eyesore.
    I'm stealing from their taxpayer coffers according to this mindset.
    I'm stealing their future social security they tell me.
    Not me of course. I'm one of the good ones they say to my face. They gotta see me often. And I walk around with a big stick.
    But that's just to help me walk straight.

    Their taxes educated me to be who I am today.
    The nigger in their midst.
    Worst of all for them I am one by choice.
    One they reluctantly sometimes have grown to depend on and trust to be around their vacation homes when they aren't around and kids drive up to mack or ride their bikes.
    I'm supposed to kick people out.
    At least that's what they assume I do for them because that's what they make their employees who look over their gardens do.
    I never do. Instead I keep the area free of snakes scorpions and any other creepers.
    And my dogs always keep the dingos these folks are deathly afraid of at bay.
    I'm friends with my local bear family.
    They visit me more than any neighbor has.
    Although the new neighbor came to visit recently. He seems alright.

    But man do I tell the master's and commanders great stories of how I told the kids to get off our collective lawns.
    Thing is I like to feed the animals.
    I set food out for the bunnies and squirrels so I can look at them dance around my house and shit everywhere.
    Then I go to the gardners who are the most well equiped and highly efficient and precise militia you will ever find.
    Then we talk about what's really happening.

    You now what they did to all the whites in the south who didn't own plantations?
    Americans are pretty inculcated into believing that being white in the past meant that you automatically got to own a plantation and have tons of slaves.
    Hundreds of thousands of poor whites did not. They were seen as worthless.
    Way worse than slaves. Slaves cost money and had value.
    These shifty no good white trash were moved to swamps and other foetid areas to live in shanty towns like gypsy.
    Specially once the great southern slave backed economy collapsed.
    Once the money got tighter the people had even less love for these sleazy lazy penny loafers.
    Their pet dogs lives were worth more than these people they called nigger lovers.

    You think this is new what you see but it's not.
    Last time it happened they had these same concerns.
    Guess what happened to all those white people?
    The ones that had ended up in the lowest of lowest class and who sheltered escaped slaves and shared what little food they had.
    Payback is a bitch and the southerners got their revenge on their malnourished mud eating subhuman yellow jaundiced looking retards, sluts, addicts and drunks.
    And the descendants of all these folks are what today the elites call deplorables.
    If you can point to any large swath of humanity and think of them as deplorables then you are certainly in elite company.
    Just not elite enough for the elite to want you around.
    But the deplorables will have you.
    They will understand your repentant change of heart.
    Rarely does anyone willingly join with them.
    You need to have your head cracked first.
    Like in basic.
    But if you don't want to go through hell week no fear.
    The head crackers will eventually make their way to you.
    Your white skin won't save you.
    You ain't white enough anymore.
    Neither will your money.
    You ain't rich enough.
    They will bash your head in one two three many times.
    Then you will nod like a sheep.
    Or become a goat.
    Be the GOAT man.
    Ive seen your past.
    It's already in you.
    Show me your lightning bolt.
    I know you a nigger lover.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    nah man you're putting words in my mouth and taking it personally
    i didn't read all of this because i know where you're coming from
    addicts can not occupy the public space or civilized people are the losers
    if you want to put your spin on it have fun
    Finski likes this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Not my intent at all.
    I'm not taking you personally.
    Im always gonna take that subject to heart.
    Like you and I and anyone can say retard all they want. But if people are actually mocking and being assholes to people of that persuation I am the devil.
    To them.
    Mom's, kids, homeless, drug addicts, etc...
    Anyone touch a hair on their heads and I get turned on.
    Remember this site started over people calling someone a retarded nigger making fun of his thick inner city dialect and lack of quality education.
    That kid works for Northrop Grumman now and lives not to far from you.
    I burn everything down for certain special things.
    Everything else I let sliiiiiide all the way to the Pacific.
    Because those things can fight their own fights.
    I don't chew bubble gum Diablo.
    I chew fat.
    I take no prisoners.
    I only take coworkers.
    I only attack the people I love.
    Those I don't I never bother with.
    Think bout it.
    When I left PSD I talked to 3 dudes and I told them who I liked and they told them who told others and we had hundreds here at any given time that first year or two.
    Then I started to break everyone down.
    Until only the finest were left.
    I shoot to thrill.
    But if the kill ain't clean I leave u alone.
    If I put my cross on you it's because I think I can make a thrilling.

    All of you that I have crossed remember.
    And while you have hated it and fought with me at the end of the day each and everyone of you has stayed the course and made peace with whatever apparent wild and crazy shit I was on about.
    I was not doing it for my health.
    Trust me.
    I have a malignant whatever.
    The lest said the better.
    I don't want to hear the word.
    Who knew I would be a little superstitious.

    You been to my house and you brought me weed.
    You think I got beef with you my man?
    You think Im mad at you for being a little bit fascist.
    I'm not like that.
    I know that I will be holding hands with fascists and antifascists just the same both working for the same thing.
    With a French accent.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    and that's why you didn't get a rise out of me w the last diatribe
    i too know what you're about and that's why i chose to just let it go
    i know i'm not a fascist and absolutely no one can tell me who i am or what i feel
    look something for real has to be done soon about this problem and i'll say it again don't think you have any idea how bad things are DT
    i go there all the time and i was shocked at what i saw a couple of days ago
    whatever we are or aren't doing to help those without direction its not working
    time to try something new
    you're trying to make my opinion far more sinister than it is although i have to admit i intentionally started it
    i knew you would be the one to challenge the euthanasia part so apologies for the troll even if i do think extreme measures are warranted
    this is the only place i could say something so outrageous
    but the situation is truly more outrageous than the average person realizes especially from on top of a mountain
    we're down in it here and there is a consistent erosion of rule of law
    you just can't say people laying about in massive numbers doing drugs and shitting all over the place is ok
    its vile and dangerous to humanity
    anyway you can say anything you want about me
    just don't dox me bro
    rube likes this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    This is the only place this kind of convos can br had without anyone being a bitch about it.
    Btw I wasn't in any way calling you a fascist.
    Whenever I'm not at the mountain like right now I'm in pomona off holt.
    And over there I'm the fascist sell out who abandoned the hood and took a fancy government job.
    Since I dress like I shop at walmart I stick out in the hood and get rolled up on constantly because they think I'm something else so they just wanna recon to get a feel of how I respond.

    I got nothing but love for you.
    Happy fourth of July.
    Folks should listen to the whole star spangled banner. Specially lately.
    All the bars.
    Till the end.
    It's a glorious song.
    For aferica.
    irish and LAdiablo like this.
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    same here brother especially after our pow wow
    a little bush calling me karen, white, rich, entitled etc but it rolls off my shoulders
    i'm looking for peace love and understanding same as you
    btw i kinda took a 180 on this fireworks thing tonight even though my akitas want to curl up inside me
    i think this is more about extending a large middle finger to the mayor and the state
    i sure hope so
    Finski and irish like this.
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    the valley last night
  16. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    That they do it is one thing. Not my thing, but OK.

    That they do it until 3 am like they did in our neighborhood this morning is bullshit.
    irish and LAdiablo like this.
  17. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Lock people in their houses for 4 months AND cancel the public fireworks displays.
    It's not surprising. I hope our "leaders" have learned something from this.
    rube likes this.
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    that was a spasm
    rube likes this.
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I was fully expecting this and more.
    Normally I watch fireworks fr my pad because I can see everyone's show from here. This was gonna be the best forwork show ever and I decided to skip watching it.
    My bum ass was dancing in the middle of Holt and Towne jumping around and over the fireworks trying not to fall into one of the girl of the nights hanging boobies.or the homies with the 40s.
    I don't drink alcohol except when I do and then I turn into Bert Kreisher during fireworks play by play as if we are playing warzone and we keep blowing out the enemy but then the guy across the street comes out with more and higher ordinance so we have to match the level of pow in our next explosion or lose the round.

    It was a glorious battle.
    Got hit with an IED.
    Luckily it was one of my own.
    I'm very out of practice.
    Only lost a couple eyelashes though.
    There is no war without casualties.
    And there's no better place to celebrate freedom and independence than in the streets dodging cops over bullshit you know they are powerless to enforce right now.
  20. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    I'm sure that had something to do with it, but the people letting off those nuclear blasts aren't usually those that frequent the shows at the local fairgrounds.

    The number of those nuclear blasts is increasing every year.
    Finski and irish like this.

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