Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. Go Dodgers

    Go Dodgers Well-Known Member

    Mar 2019
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    What the hell are you talking about? Obama's strong economy?

    If you're going to criticize others for their viewpoints, at least get the facts straight before you make irresponsible comments. Obama didn't do shit for Social Security or Medicare, he only used them as bullet points to get into office. Once elected, he gave up on reforming either and then stopped talking about both entirely. You know, just like his predecessors Clinton and Bush, the latter whom he criticized for the exact same thing before getting into office. A little hypocritical no? What about his failure to strengthen relations with China, who since did so with neighboring countries? Or what of his inability and naivete to recognize the strength of the Islamic State?

    But back to the economy -- given all this plus Russia’s growing cyber threat, are you honestly trying to say Obama made our nation is a safer place after he took over?
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    never heard that one before or at least in the last five minutes
    obama doubled the deficit on his own
    and morally bankrupt? yes they are but apparently you think dems hold a moral high ground when they are equally pandering millionaires and hypocrites
    i was pro choice all my life but liberals are celebrating third trimester abortions...and no heroic acts to save a life that survives an abortion
    thats some evil shit right there but not morally bankrupt in your world?
    could care less about gay marriage like probably every other conservative voice here
    and white supremacy yeah i'd say more but ill be late for my kkk meeting wtf kind of nonsense is that?
    common sense should supersede everything, not that tripe you just stated
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    None of your guys shit is even a point.
    Back and forth over old shit.
    You need present truth. The type thats been getting people banned on social media.
    Like how the Seagrams clan funds pedo sex trafficking cults tied to clinton/weinstein/avenatti/geragos/gillibrand and many others elites already under investigation.
    This goes deep into mexican political and business elite as well in canada and central american NAFTA arms/drugs/sex program based in Arizona and run by Hollywood and NY crime families.
    Indictments all over, folks getting arrested, more coming but all we hear about is trump is evil.
    He may well be but sometimes it takes a thief.
    Patty might have been a sneaky snake but he drained the swamp into the sea and now folks call him a saint.

    It is about being pro life or not.
    These fuckers are pro death so they push pro choice.
    The point is that if the law is pro choice choose life over law.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Lots of talk about shrinking middle class and growing income inequality.

    Both apparently true, but if you believe this graph, it's because everyone is doing better.

  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Isnt that AEI think tank a Dick Cheney thing?
    Against Trump trying to regulate the sorcerers of pharmaceuticals who want to charge an arm and a leg to save your neck.
    I can paint that graph a different way.

    1. Inflation adjustment is bullshit as the US lifestyle of mass personal consumerism has multiplied exponentially.
    Basically you did not have to buy or pay for so much shit back then and most of the basics of life were relatively inexpensive for a working man and what you did buy was viewed as an investment where brands mattered.

    2. Household information is silly with the massive amount of homeless and uncounted immigrants as well as the non-persons in prison.
    The jobless also don't count as households. Neither do the millenials living with their parents.

    3. Numbers are silly. 30% of people are in low income under '35k range which is a whopping 7% better over the past few generations.
    Ok... but what if 90% of that 30% that is under 35k makes nowhere near 35k?
    What if most of those under 35k crowd actually makes between 12 and 24k a year.
    The vast majority of full time employed people earn in that range.
    And now there are millionaires up the wazoo matching the same number 30% than that of poor people. How this is spun as good news in light of the shrinking middle class is fucking retarded to me. Its like a huge middle finger in your eye.

    4. What has shrunk is the ability for people to live comfortably in a manner that is socially acceptable culturally and politically.
    That is the middle class. They can eat their stack comfortably and maybe stack a stack or two for the future. They have shrunk mightily.
    What is expanded are the amount of people who can stack stacks upon stacks upon stacks and the amount of people who have to eat their stack as soon as they get it or get thrown out in the cold.

    Its on the table the stacks are stacking the chickens frying and syrups getting thick!
    CapnTreee likes this.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I will add a 5th.
    In the 60s if your parents both worked it was because you were in the lower part of that lower 37%.
    The level where your parents were servant workers.
    Middle class families who decided that both parents would work tended to be because they wanted to get into the top tier and be rich.
    Not because they could not survive.
    When this happens to societies the culture goes into the toilet and those at the top grow nihilistic and their inner demons become empowered to bleed the lower tier of blood and water.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    You guys should recognize when two disparate thought parties attempt to locate something akin to middle ground.
    I once again Thank @huh? for his perspectives and did my very best to rationally outline where my thoughts differ.
    In fact I'd wager that our thoughts differ a bit less than a week ago. Coming together, even if we do not reach the middle is still a great thing.
    And then I read this..
    What d'fuq dude? Rapid shallow insults? Rather Trumpian of you, don't you agree? Trying to hurt my feelings? LOL. As if meatheads have provided any answers? Hell yes I'll side with the pencil necks over the most other phenotypes. You should too.
    Followed by..
    Did you think you were advancing ground? Did you think you're assisting 'my' cause in explaining the dysfunctional world we live in and how our gubberment is currently owned by corporations? Nah just poke these guys in the eye because it looked like a fine chance to do so?? WTF already? Try contributing in a harmonious manner and your thoughts will gain more traction. Otherwise get comfy being shunned as another extremist because the Far Left is nearly as bat shit loony as the Far Right.
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    your diatribe sounded almost verbatim what schiffty said to the other senators calling for his resignation from the intelligence committee
    its ok i'm sure it sent chills down your spine to see his big eyes flare and the flotsam spill from his pie hole


    Nov 2011
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    Secular Humanism is a religion, too.
    Finski and CapnTreee like this.
  10. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    You're a smart guy, you must have taken a Stats class like me and thus I'd inquire why your stats prof didn't teach you that "ultimately statistics tell whatever story the statistician wants them to". So at least we're now clear about the story you wish were true.

    Might I humbly offer from more verifiable sources.. Wikipedia...

    Note how the vast majority of Americans incurred the 2008 banking theft. Still not close to back to where they were 12 years ago.

    Where did all the money go? It has become extremely highly concentrated. This is OK if you're a DuPont, Rockefeller, Astor, Mellon or Trump
    Not so good for the rest of us.
    Or perhaps you prefer this one

    While these are at least as enlightening as your AEI stats they don't quite support the same conclusion do they?
    How about "The gap between the top 10% and the middle class is over 1,000%; that increases another 1,000% for the top 1%"
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Name calling again are we? Adam Schiff has been a proponent of ethics, open disclosure and following the rule of law and has therefore has thus been called all sorts of names by open liar Trump... and Trumpette's it seems.

    Asking a lying bully to tell the truth incites him to lie further, and we're seeing that there is no limit to Trump's willingness to double down with whatever fraudulent thought crosses his pea brain next
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2019
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Nice tangent... LOL

    The lack of religion does not make it a religion but nice try
    Going to call science a religion next? You might get me there...
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    @rube you have so many good thoughts muddled up with you're own brand of ... mischief... that I'm going to pass on commenting for a bit to try keep seeking middle ground on getting folks to realize that DC is corporate owned and thus not a friend of anyone but the ultra wealthy... and they don't post on DSP like their slavish minions do
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    and pocahontas is a legit threat for POTUS remember lol
    he said he had seen absolute evidence of collusion as the head of the intel committee
    he produced nothing and continues to lie not to mention leak everything he can
    speaks volumes that he's someone you hold in esteem
    yeah he follows the rule of law and has indisputable integrity lol
    he's a proponent of ethics while using his power as a weapon what a joke
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  15. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    So have we .. just by reading the twits tweets.
    No biased press required. First, the game isn't over. Next dim bulb Don Jr. or brighter bulb Jared may each still join the orange jumper crowd. Note that meeting with Russians, or Jared establishing back channels at Trumps behest are still not disputed... unless your rosy glasses say otherwise.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    fuck middle ground
    i like coarse ground or fine ground.
    middle ground is for swill
  17. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    cuz politics be pepper

    fine ground isn't so good in that case. That seems to be the only kind of pepper served in Asia and it sucks. Fine ground white pepper at that.
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah more likely one of them follows up SR in 2024
    2 years and 25 million wasn't enough for you i know
    in that period of time name ONE thing other than hound the president the dems did for the American people
  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Hey @LAdiablo did you hear about the Visa/Mastercard class action suit being settled?
    I read about it over the weekend.. it applies to all merchants who accept either card type for payment. Has to do with merchants having to pay for all the dodgy BS cash back cards and FF cards without any knowledge of the charges they were paying until too late when your statement arrives.
    Consumers have no clue that merchants get tagged for every lame card promotion foisted.
    The way class actions suits works we'll probably only see $0.15 per year or some shady shit but I might look further to learn what records I need to support a claim.
    Found money and all.

    Not sure you'd heard since no one, including my merchant processor, told me about it.
  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    missed this but i think 57 oh w spineless dems voting present is a rebuke unless you are holding out hope someone will change their minds
    maybe the russians influenced them?

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