Holy Hell! Elon just promised $45 million this month & each month through the election to the GOP Super PAC ... I don't even support PACs ... but I'm happy that the Clintons are shitting their pants at this news. Not even Soros has that juice. Fuck off, Lefties!
Damn... I rarely buy into conspiracy theories, but the more I read about this, and the more I think about it, the more implausible it becomes that this kid pulled this attempt off all by himself.
He absolutely didn't. Whether his network was Dems directly or black ops in general, or even a GOP cabal that knows Trump will gut their puppeteer system when he's POTUS again ... that'll take decades to uncover. Look .... we are a few years away from getting the REAL lowdown on who killed John & Robert Kennedy.... because it sure as hell wasn't just Oswald or Sirhan alone. What's amazing about Trump's scenario isn't that it was a conspiracy... it is that they failed. These nefarious fuckers almost NEVER fail. Democrat enemies.... or Demenies, have killed their way to power since Booth shot Lincoln.
Just doesn't add up that he drove from an hour away with his rifle and an extension ladder in his car (or did he just happen to find a random one sitting there?), got through the security perimeter either by car or carrying his rifle, found a conveniently-located building that happened to have no security below and no snipers on top, and had plenty of time to get in position and take the shots. All while witnesses on the ground were yelling at police and SS that there was a shooter on the roof. And now there's this story that a cop saw the ladder and went up to investigate and had to retreat when the shooter pointed the rifle at him. In reality, that cop would've radioed in and then engaged and Trump would have immediately been rushed off the stage. Instead he probably radioed in and was told to stand down.
The MSM did Alex Jones up as a madman. He's deserved much of it, but he's right as rain on this topic.
and now this from cnn https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/16/politics/iran-plot-assassinate-trump-secret-service/index.html
Lived up to the hype. Remember when the Rebublican Party was entirely gay and lame? So glad the Bushes, Romneys, and Cheneys are gone.
Aaaaaaand another reason Newsom sucks at his job .... https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4775245-elon-musk-spacex-x-headquarters-california-texas/ Will the last business owner leaving California please pick up the flag ...
that is an insane fucking thing to do to kids and their parents since it basically means the freaks in the schools can get kids on hormones before anyone knows its happening wtf is wrong w him and this state?