Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    what did I miss?

    I mean Fuck Moonbeam in general but what else today?

    (maybe I should be watching Google News rather than pissing away time on DSP)
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    how bout a DSP registration fee?
  3. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Fuck Brown? Is that a political thing, or are you supporting sex with chicks of color?
    Me likey, so, I'm down on brown...snack on black...
    LAdiablo likes this.
  4. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    Reg fees going up as much as $175 per car this year to replenish the road improvement budget after he fleeced it for his BS, Legacy high speed rail fuckjob.
  5. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    So OK I hadn't heard that.. and I paid the registration on a coule of my vehicles recently, they were down slightly. Maybe because they were the older cars/trucks not the newer ones.

    You invective indicates that you think work on a high speed rail system is not of value. Is this your stance?

    I've ridden multiple bullet trains, our Amtrak is a laughing affair held over from the 1880's We could stand to move forward a century or two. The German train I was on ran 300 Km/h (180MPH) and the water in the glasses barely rippled. Same with the Japanese. We're about the only first world country left that hasn't modernized rail travel. I speculate that this is because Today's baron's and tycoons are uninterested in using ANY of their own wealth to build such a network (again) and they now insist that the public sector fund it while the private sector profits from it. Of course that short sighted position is lost on both sides.

    A highspeed rail system that could efficiently move freight as well as humans could prove a significant advantage to our country and it's employment.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    High speed rail cannot be half assed. It must be done right.
    We tried doing it worse than half assed.
    High Speed Rail is not the problem.
    It is just not the answer for every city/state and we are too tied down to other things.
    We came late to the rail, and we may end up waiting till we can jump over rail and get whatever the next great invention in high speed mass transit is.
    Like warp tech or really really advanced 3D printers. More like 4D printers.
  7. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    LOVE that you are quoting Breitbart for us. Oh yeah we agree that Feinstein has been lining her pockets for decades. But that's a tangent.

    Come on buddy you know Breitbart is near the bottom of the list on news source accuracy.



    So then you can point fingers at quora and snopes but those two repeatedly keep getting proven to be some of the more accurate data out there. And in the instance cited by Breitbart Feinsteins husbands firms, now owned by Blum Capital, was the low bidder anyways. the same Blum who greases both parties palms.

    And 'do the math' at $35M per mile it's a bargain. The last Port of LA/ Long Beach improvement plan called for extending rail (high or low speed) from the port to Ontario because so much freight (80%+) has no business being in LA at all it's merely passing through, clogging up the freeways. That project was approved at $500M per mile. Now $35M is cheap because it's wide open farmland where we can work out issues and install backbone with minimal disturbance to other traffic.

    and FYI I'm absolutely not slanting left on this, there are plenty of sites, magazines and networks that are just as biased to the Left. Daily Kos, Slate, Salon, Mother Jones, The Nation, Huffington Post, etc., but if you're reading Breitbart and watching Fox every night your world must feel scary.

    Neither side of extremist reporting makes any pretense of objectivity, which sucks for every single one of us living amongst the shrill vitriol.

    I'm just pointing out that parading Breitbart 'anything' is not worth citing and mostly make you sound foolish or more racist. Think about it. From a friend. Don't read that incendiary shit. Stick to Google news if you must. They show multiple sources and cite accuracy issues. If you care you can read how multiple sources describe the same news different.

    I know, I know then its big bubba Google telling you what you'll see... but that was over long ago
  9. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Breitbart had nothing to do with the subject.
    Maybe if you were not what you accuse Darth of being you would not have lost sight of the point and changed the subject to Breitbart.
    The subject is that the rail line is not feasible without way more money and a huge amount of red tape.
    That fly over 'farmland' that you talk about is owned by the type of people who are least likely to accept a payout to sell their land. Most will need to be forced out. And it does harm to many ecological zones that will be forever disrupted. We are talking about not just water flow but animal feeding/mating migrating paths. Talk about starving the beast... you will if you cut off its access to what it needs.
    Then cattle ranchers will have a field day as they need the long open land to run their cattle all over the state so they can graze.
    Now these are 'left' issues in the stupid doctrine of dualism that we and every other culture/religion thats ever existed holds dear.
    Bluezoo and LAdiablo like this.
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Umm yeah that was the news.. did I not confirm that already?

    Her husband has a long history of benefiting from her inside knowledge. Not really so much news. Dem gubberment is nearly as corrupt as the GOP. OK not really but.

    OTOH your cited sources "wow".. do YOU really believe this?

    http://www.capoliticalreview.com/blog/sen-diane-feinsteins-husband-wins-ca-rail-contract/ "High on Crack Speed Rail Authority" "stop staring at the screen, its true" - not the faintest hint of impartiality.

    http://www.americanthinker.com/blog...llar_california_high_speed_rail_contract.html "Corruptifornia", "Crazifornia", "High on Crack Speed Rail Authority", - same bias, same absence of other data, to its credit issued correction that story was false. So thanks for quoting these now corrected parrot nutjobs.

    http://calwatchdog.com/2013/04/26/se-diane-feinsteins-husband-wins-ca-rail-contract/ almost verbatim of the first story. No new data. Identical sentences indicate that neither/none of your "sources" actually wrote any of this. It's a script. You bought it.

    https://ihavethetruth.com/2015/03/1...nne-feinsteins-husband-wins-ca-rail-contract/ - no article at all. Merely a cut and paste of the first story.

    http://crazifornia.com/2013/04/16/dirty-business-as-usual-at-california-high-speed-rail/ why am I bothering? "Crazifornia" Do YOU really believe this is news?

    http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-co...california-contract-35m-per-mile-2628006.html the best link that you included a it provide a nice story rather than an oft repeated sound bite. Of course the story was about New York catching someone else other than her husband at corruption but at least there was news. Semi related but still news. Of course since I started by agreeing that Feinstein and EVERYTHING about her is already corrupt that wasn't really part of the news.

    Was it?
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Wow Rube nicely done.

    You've managed to overlay your own agenda while concurrently accusing me of the same.

    My agenda is "Make America Great Again" and start by not living in the 19th century. Argue that again.

    But you won't. You're argument will remain protection of the natives. Which is sweet and nice ... and wholly irrelevent. Have you learned it was planned to be elevated above ground so as to not disturb crops, livestock, local traffic etc.

    No ecological zones get "forever disrupted". No cattle ranges gets interupted unless its by the trains going by. When I rode in Germany the cows didn't even look up. Non issue. Quite making reasons to stay behind, that's not how it works and you know it better than most. Some of the working high speed rail systems are pushing 50 years of productivity.. that America is losing.

    We'll fully agree about the "stupid doctrine of dualism" but interpretations may vary as it pertains to the high speed rail story
  13. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    Where there's smoke, there's fire. Do you really think corruption at this level is simple to pull off?
    They know what they're doing. Why do you think most politicians still walk around as free people?

    How about the Zika BS in Florida with the Scott's and the mosquito spraying contract? If you want to be a contrarian just for the sake of arguing on TeH IntARweBz than have at it... :) When people in power have the opportunity to ingest tens of millions and in some cases billions, you don't think they're gonna take it? Puhleeese, human beings are not as civilized as we fancy ourselves to be and greed is a very powerful character trait.
  14. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    We aren't talking about smoke and fire. We're already in complete agreement on that aspect. IMO every single one of the 535 in DC is corrupt with the lone exception of socialist Elizabeth Warren.

    All of them. We're saying the same thing about corruption in politics.

    Do any of us dispute that events happen and official gubberment channels say otherwise? How naive is anyone? Not so much. I think the gubberments hand of lies is playing out tenuously. Fuck them. We agree that gubberment greed is systemic, everyone there is present to profit themselves at some point. Feinstein is a fine example of open larceny but by no means the only example. No one is disputing this.

    I simply favor infrastructure that helps us compete this century or next. 20 years ago I rode on glass at 3X the speed of anything in America. 20 years ago! Make America Great Again starts with infrastructure not rickety 1880's rail tech.

    Arguing cost per mile for changing history is like arguing against laying fiber cable because we don't yet need the bandwidth. You're ahead or behind.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Not my agenda at all. I think you must not live here or something. In this state all that ecological wetland and other special wildlife areas are highly protected. The environmental impact is still severe even if the thing is up in the air.
    Not my agenda at all, but left wing california. Im all for using our money if it is to be used on some bullshit to be one some cool bullshit like a super tram.
  16. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    I agree that we need more infrastructure but remember, it's Brown who held up (then) futuristic mass transit measures in favor of gophers back in the day so ram-rodding a budget killing, scandalous swindle of a cluster fuck down our collective throats to re-write his legacy now as a "Monument to myself" ain't the way to go, IMO.
    Last edited: May 3, 2017
    LAdiablo likes this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    of course warren is cloaked in white lmfao
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    wait this should be in the political OT
    we need a power tripping mod
  19. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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  20. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    laugh your fool ass off but I'm not reading/seeing/hearing ANYONE in DC say that she's wrong

    just that you don't like her
    because she's not corrupt like the other 534

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