Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Biggest issue I've had was dealing with a trio of loudmouthed blokes from Liverpool drinking Watney's Red well after midnight. It got loud, it got friendly, darts involved, sawdust on the floors and that pub made beaucoup coin that night. Took me until well after 3AM to slow them down. Had a biz mtg at 8AM. LOLZ.

    Oh wait nvm, that's all true, but it happened in an underground pub in Kowloon
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Maybe I should go to Europe and market to right wingers a rhetoric that they should arm themselves in the wake of this muslim invasion in the same way that their forefathers.
    And then start selling them armor, swords, and tactical gear so they can be prepared for the coming muslim apocalypse.
  3. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    what were we just saying about the profitability of supply chains?
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  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    I can get the product from China and India cheap and I know the product well and I know the different types of customers and I know where they live and I know where they group up but getting it to Europe and selling it to the general public becomes more difficult.
    In England and many european countries the importation and sale of swords is regulated. They view them as dangerous lethal weapons because they are.
    But if you belong to an organization that uses said weapons as part of a sport or ritual or personal empowerment clubs like Anthony Robbins clones based on a bullshit take on the code of Bushido.
    So you need to create some bullshit club that can serve as a religion in order to create a marketplace. This is how they did it back in the middle ages.
    Then build a keep for the religion and its arsenal with a staff of clerics and temporal workers with at least one overseer to move lots more product in the new marketplace.
    I would volunteer to make the move to oversee operations at a keep in the south of France maybe?
    Diablo said Barcelona was great.
    I already sell tons of swords over there to people who are part of a local dojo or karate school or a HEMA practitioner and even LARP and SCA renaissance fair types who figure out how to get some sort of official permission to get the stuff through customs without a major headache and cost.
    Thats what you need Cap.
    Can you make that hapn capn?
  5. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Arrrrrrrgh matey the devil be in the details.. oh and Barcelona WAS great. Even if Diablo and I passed each other in the night within a few minutes of each other.
    1st point = selling to ANY locality is tough
    2nd point = selling internationally is tougher, mostly because YOU are not there.
    Freight & tariff costs yada yada on top of all other business issues. But I've long sold individual units overseas, it's that there are indeed a ton of stray issues per HTS commodity code.
    reaching out to peoples requires angles and marketing and all sorts of supplementary support efforts. You know, storefronts, or clubs, or other logistical advantages. But it CAN be done.
    Does the/your product measure up to international scrutiny or is it intended to be sold solely on a low margin cost+ basis?
    Customer acquisition costs are everything but I'd imagine they'd sell well throughout Scotland provided authenticity were maintained.

    We can talk in greater detail off line as I'm currently helping a couple of other entrepreneurs with international supply efforts already.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    thanks cap, i sell both good and cheap product, mostly on amazon and ebay but some direct to groups and individuals.
    there is no way I can do something internationally
    at best I want to sell locally and reach all the local karate dojo and life coaches in the inland empire and san gabriel valley to start off with.
    One lady in Utah buys 70 crusader swords every 3 months when she does a retreat where 70 new acolytes graduate and become crusaders and she gives them a sword.
    Its weird like amway cult weird but it fires people up.
  7. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Au contraire but the devil is in the details.
    The 'homework' you've done 'naturally' in past years that serve well your current market just needs completed for any future desired market. Type or location. In the case of selling swords to groups using them you're networking across all the martial arts dojo's, SHOT show leads, clubs, Ren Faire's in all locations, battle re-enactment clubs, historical groups, and of course every bladeshop in the land. Europe might actually be very good for you. Tons of tourists visiting castles which are everywhere. Locals are not impressed but outsiders LOVE themselves some castles and everything to do with castles/swords/mace/yada yada. Overlaying these markets onto maps and then targeting hotspots within that appeal to multiple segments helps you more. Making freinds with custom bladesmiths only increases your pedigree and the breadth of your offerings . I have freinds in the Tacoma area that are into swords and people that like them tend to purchase more than one. Just like gun owners.

    The devil is in the details and the first detail..
    Do you have the "fire in the belly" required for success?

    Others can assist but you'll have to become your own evangelical
    as all entrepreneurs must
  9. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

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  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    I have fire in the belly for days. And am a workaholic, especially if I enjoy the work.
    I have tried talking like you just did to my boss in the past and it all seems to old-fashioned for him.
    He is used to pouring a ton of money into setting up a big shop and then having the customers come to him by offering super low prices. That strategy is not working that well anymore.
    I tell him that we have to go out and get the customers. I showed him where they are and that they wanna spend. We just gotta go to them.
    Like you are saying, these people are like gun owners. Once they buy they want more stuff and accessories and customization. I sell to plenty of pseudo-celebrities in the UK. The guy who used to star in the Highlander tv show has parlayed that into a gig where he has workshops where a mass of people can learn how to be a Hollywood action star type of deal. So we sell and ship swords for him all over the world where he does those shows. We get Canadian video game and tv/movie studios buying our stuff all the time. I would love to be proactive and market directly to them. This morning there is an order from one of the ex Mythbusters leads. So I packed in a free gift of something that he might like and promote.
    He sells manbags of some sort on his website, an everyday carry type of manbag that has tools and trinkets that a modern would need. So I sent him a really nice knife that transforms into a fork and also a spoon and a few other things. It has a nice pearled gold i-phone type color over the aluminum casing so its got style points. Boss does not do throw-ins. He does not like to give away product.
    Because we sell on eBay and Amazon we are not allowed to link to our website or talk about offers outside of the confines of their marketplace. So its tough to get repeat customers. Customers would like to buy our stuff but they don't always find it buried by all the competitors on those sites. We can't contact them but we have all of their contact data even if eBay and Amazon try to hide it. The sites view them as their customers not our customers so there is no way for us to market to those customers without risking a ban from ebay/jet/walmart/amazon/etc... I can't believe that an item I put up for sale today can be for sale on walmart.com tomorrow and you can buy it at your local walmart anywhere in the world and in a few days walmart will have it ready for you to pickup at your local store. That is pretty slick and a huge way to dump cheap or old product fast because people believe its an actual Walmart product not an order fulfiled by a thid party who then ships to walmart. We even dropship for walmart directly to their customer.

    The main motivation is that I am tired of sitting at a desk all day and being away from my family. The wife and I would like to be able to move around the country and visit europe or go to mexico/south america and it be our work. Our family and friends are all spread out and few still live here in SoCal. I lived for a while on permanent vacation up on the mountain anyway so why not have your work be a vacation too?
    We want to go experience ren fairs and other reenactment stuff, visit castles have fun traveling visiting castles and other cool places that are , tickle my ancient history/literature fascination, she can flex her artistic muscles doing product customizations, hang out with fun weirdos into all this crazy shit and make a little money off the fans along the way.
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  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    And the big dream at least for me, of course, would be to combine all the things I enjoy.
    I would love there to be a sort of amusement park for re-enactors. A place that has small areas for different historical eras the way they do at Disneyland. One section that deals with Japanese and other Asian inspired items. A young America section because we sell lots of reproduction old west weapons and civil war/revolutionary war stuff. As well as lots of marine/navy/army ritual swords.
    And in the rear an area for modern or post-apocalyptic conspiracy nut survival/prepper stuff.
    With people in costume playing their role, food and drink that is inspired by the historical periods, a central arena for real mock battle like at Medieval Times but not so fake like they do. Actual warriors battling it out who pay an entry fee to fight one another, not paid actors who fake it like at MT. If you put a nice sword or piece of armor as a prize to the winner of a tournament you will get plenty of signups and people willing to sign waivers in case they get hurt. Insurance would still be a big issue.
    As far as food it would be very simple to prepare old-fashioned food. High fat, average protein, low carb. Like in the golden days.
    A big open fire pit lined with brick where carcasses of meat slow roast on a vertical iron spike (or an old sword for fun) for about 4 to 5 hours.
    People walking buy will be compelled to buy by looking at it, and cars driving by will stop because of the smell. This is how you cook lamb/goat in central mexico.
    The entire area should be open air with lots of shaded areas but lots of places without a solid ceiling/roof.
    It is such a simple concept that it can be placed on an empty lot. A few shipping containers can be dropped at the corners and opened up to reveal supply depots and temporary anchors for each themed area. With most structures being camouflaged containers or circus tents made to look medieval, mongol yurts made to look viking, etc...

    Here are some idea of the way the food would be presented.
    It is from my favorite restaurant in the world and very difficult to get video from. Its huge with 3 stories and long ass dining rooms. It has a roof now but before the top deck was roofless. The sides of are all open arches, its great. I will show some videos of other locals sheep shops in the area. In that part of mexico the hills and mountains of jalisco you will find that every town has a bunch of men who specialize in their own flavor of the true al pastor. Made with goat, sheep, lamb the way the numidian and berber herders who invaded spain did and not pork and beef like they do elsewhere. Those are not true al pastor.

    Those cazuelas are clay discs that are laid down with some thinly sliced citrus fruit and then the best local tequila is poured, some rum too I think. I have never seen anyone finish one. You always end up getting help or you get too fucked up. Probably the lead leaching from the clay.

    Its pretty much medieval way of cooking and you just set it and forget it. Then just come and peel the meat off as it is pure butter.

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2018
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Rube buddy...You need me to speak with your bosses
    I've done 7 startups, been on Boards of Directors, and I personally know that you are saying the right things.

    But first "we" meet.
    What you desire is only just barely out of your grasp.
    You possess ALL that is needed to move along
    However, You need an agent. A free agent... LOL
    rube likes this.
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


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  14. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Fuck now I'm hungry...
  15. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    So the swords in the pire pit need to rotate for perfect roasting

    So we make the sword hilts rectilinear and place them in a similar receiver on a rotating/revolving chain driven system.

    Arrrrrgh my inner geek
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Or you get my uncle Chuey to turn each spit every hour or so.

    (arrrrgh my inner cheap mexican)
    CapnTreee likes this.
  17. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    The Wookie?
    irish likes this.
  18. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Douchey hit gets Kersh pulled...beautiful game...misjudged fly ball and sucky blooper cost him the only run.
    vintage gold right there tonight.
    irish, rube and CapnTreee like this.
  19. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Oh man, Maxie in quicksand these days.


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