Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    All is as it should be.
    If the left and the right agree then we are fucked.
    The best thing that could happen is for the left and the right to never work together.
    CapnTreee and Doughty8 like this.
  2. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Great point. Was hoping for some reasons for prison reform other than ganja being a type 1 drug because I really do learn something.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    in fairness they were and are the only ones talking about it
    and its different than the KK thing cause that was about one person and this is policy in place for over a year
    and it was one of those open meetings they were just basically covering
    but i agree Fox apologizes quite a bit for him
    i just think Trump is doing a great job of making himself look good if accurately reported
    if you remove his personality and look at job performance its effective and some really good stuff is happening
    this one on prison reform and jobs is truly heartening to me because where do people who make mistakes go?
    prison makes most of them worse and its a crazy dangerous place due to how prisons are run
    this policy wasn't something i had ever heard of because it doesn't get reported along w a lot of other things
    maybe fox washes his balls but no other news broadcast even gives you close to a factual representation of whats actually going on
    russia russia russia...the longer this goes on the more certain you will have another 4 years
  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah i disagree w that
    if its the right thing to do, such as prison reform, then do it
    otherwise you are just disagreeing to prevent a victory for the otherside
    this is supposed to be a government by the people for the people right?
    what about whats best for everyone?
    CapnTreee and BigDaddyKaine like this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    We have a whole shit-ton of non-violent drug offenders incarcerated. It goes way beyond weed. That could be looked at.

    Manditory sentencing rules and 3-strikes laws lead to huge populations, many of whom are in for long sentences for a series of petty crimes.

    There's the whole parole system and the crazy rules it puts on people. I doubt any of us on this website could stay out of prison if subjected to the wacky parole requirements.

    Just looking at that stuff could probably cut the prison population by a significant amount.
    Doughty8 and LAdiablo like this.
  6. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Therein this quote lies the heart of all that is wrong about DC.

    Preventing one party from nominating a SCOTUS judge at all was as obstructionist as it gets. No greater proof of the GOP aim against US Citizens in favor or corporate $$$. Of course voting not to change anything for 2018 makes a close 2nd.

    I too, while thankfully still finding myself having a heart, lean more progressively on most things, but still admit that 'some' of what tRump has done is good, I'd also like to see more balance in news reporting.

    OTOH when tRump calls ALL media except Faux News as fake well then those masses of reporters are not going to treat you as favorably or neutral as desired. Surprised? Quit claiming anyone not licking your cajones as Fake News.

    tRump makes his own job harder with daily mean moronic tweets. How very presidential to tweet some shit from his morning dump.

    I too would prefer to see reporting more balanced but tRump brought this one on himself. And continues to make it worse every day.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    My point is not that.
    It is that if the Demons who fell from heaven and the Reptiles that climbed out of the swamp met and had sex the fruits of their labor would be worse than either of them put together.
    Democrats think they are god and why they have kratos in their title. They want power but pretend its for the people.
    Republicans are tax collectors who get screwed out of their graft when things get soo corrupt that they cant properly forecast how much they will be able to graft without it causing an issue with the economy. They are after all conservative cold blooded reptiles who only feed themselves a little at a time so they can suck at that teat until they are ready to be put into the ground. Like all good tax farmers the publicans want security both physically and financially so they let the money grow at a nice steady pace.
    Democrats are like fuck that creeping around the ground just because we are snakes, we once had wings and could fly so fuck it we will be dragons and fly high and drain shock and awe from unmanned drones killing women and children on their way to their big score that they can take back to their giant McDragon dens.
    Any children of theirs, any fruits that come out of any union between them will be horrific terrorizing monstrosities like fire breathing Godzilla, one eyed giant Cyclopean giants, a new Predator movie, or the dirty ginger Irish.
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    It is fake news.
    You don't have to agree with trump but he is giving you a lot of truth.
    For a long time the news media stopped hiring reporters. You have fallen for this when trying to tell me something you saw in the news.
    I told you that the media entity 'reporting' it did not actually do the legwork but just grabbed the AP News feed.
    Without legwork there is no reporting.
    Most media companies have fired virtually all of their reporters but a few select stars and some interns.
    Even ESPN hardly has any reporters that is why when the recent college football fiasco happened they had nobody to report on it because their few reporters were on vacation.
    I remember when I was a kid older hispanic people talking about the great brave reporters who worked hard to bring them the truth on TV.
    They were as naive then as we are now.
    I felt compelled to explain to them that they were not reporting anything. That these men and women are not reporters but TV Presenters no better than the chick with the big tits that is a cohost on every sports show.
    Or a few years later when the science of meteorology had a Double D prerequisite.
    These are not reporters, this is not news, these are actors working as presenters of conditioning programming.
    And each of us is conditioned because we all have a condition.
    TAFNAC and CapnTreee like this.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    I did everything I was told to do, went to every meeting and did community service creating firebreaks in the forest as if I was being paid. Shit, I felt proud even, like an auxiliary firefighter so I worked it like a job and treated the forest as a college campus spreading around my particular kind of good cheer and positive attitude. I had 360 days of forest service and 3 years probation but it was all cut to about half mostly because of attitude I believe. I was never there as a criminal, at least not in my mind. In my mind I was a fucking fireman and a mountain man.
    I fell in love with working in the forest and a few months later found the old abandoned cabin at the foot of the forest that is now my backyard.

    When I was called into the sherrifs office and told that I didn't need to come back the guy said it was because of how I was always helping the women learn how to use the equipment or walking them to the port o potty which we called the port o party. The girls were usually drug addicts or prostitutes and also usually pretty nice to talk to. The cops thought I was doing it out of the kindness of my heart but those chicks were smoking hot to a guy recently out of jail spending all his time with dudes and trees. Especially the white girls who would make themselves up like little cholas. My day went by fast and fun working on the fireline. I got cut loose after 200 days which was just a bit over half of my sentence. It was actually bittersweet because I was not warned but just called in one day and told that I was done, that my time was served. I even went back up to the sherrif and asked him to verify it for me because I was afraid of not coming into 'work' and getting sent back to jail for not showing up to the service.

    I did hate going to the probation office all the fucking time though.
    But I did it and did not fuck around with it.
    The motivation is strong not to fuck it up. It really is not that hard when you take the states into consideration.
    Unless you really don't mind jail.... but fuck that.
    I was not the most organized or responsible guy and that was part of what landed me in jail. I never had my papers in order because I didn't think this was nazi germany until I realized that every country is a nazi germany in progress. I never went to court because I was a minor and didnt worry about being treated as an adult. But I looked and acted like one and as soon as I turned 18 everything was suddenly on the books.

    Shit the reason why I got out of jail after only a few months and received those 360 days of community service and 3 years probation was because I finally had the ability to hire a lawyer to get half of the shit from when I was a minor thrown out. I had a bunch of tickets for driving without a license or insurance as a kid. Shit I would drive without tags or borrow the tags from a family members non working car.
    None of these things seemed like a crime to me in my youth.
    I figured that if I had a good reason it was not a crime.
    I was closing a supermarket at 14 alongside a manager who probably wanted to fuck me now that I think about it.
    I figured driving to work could not be considered a crime or 'bad' and that any judge or cop would be cool about it.
    I was a very very very naive kid.
    And im not sure the 'was' part is 100% accurate.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  10. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    How quaint you think this and with that same mind support the evil GOP. LOL
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    I saw something hilarious today and wanted to share with @LAdiablo ...

    Hell (that doesn't exist) has frozen over.. Donald Trump tweeted this morning his support of Chuck Shumer. Say whaaaaat? So then I listened to the Shumer speech and he was railing on against the current immigration laws.. and how BOTH sides continue to perpetrate keeping the situation unchanged.

    Now personally we all think/know Shumer is a patronizing piece of fecal matter but what he was saying THIS time made sense. And Trump, in an insightful populist move threw the GOP under the bus on this topic. Wow. Good. So let it be known that 'some' of the things he's doing ARE good for us. Except for his penchant for hiring crooks for his cabinet positions. And lying mostly EVERY time he speaks. But otherwise...

    All of this confirms that Trump would be scary powerful as an independent not beholden to either filthy party.
  12. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Those aren't crimes, and the government shouldn't be pretending that they are.
    If there isn't a victim, how can there be a crime? Who is injured by you driving without the proper paperwork? Other than the government, who had to punish you because they didn't get their pound of flesh from you.
    rube likes this.
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Good point except Not.

    "The government" is You and Me. And Rube. The ONLY harm done is that You and Me and Rube had to pay incrementily more because HE did NOT pay for his registration.

    You can pretend otherwise but as a fellow liberatarian-type thinker we mostly agree. No victim no harm. But it's a fallacy to claim no victim. My license for the next year reflects a sliver that was the result of Rube's unpaid registration debt. So does yours. So does EVERY Californian's.

    Just a sliver but factually one cannot claim "no victim" because MY wallet needs every damned sliver it can keep.
  14. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    That's some powerful Stockholm syndrome there.

    I'm not the government. And neither are you.
    We are the government's slaves. If you don't think so, do what any free person would logically do, own the product of your labor and don't allow anyone to take it against your will. See how far that gets you--stop paying all their taxes, or as the statists try to say: just leave. But good luck trying to do so without paying up one last time. And good luck getting your assets out of the country without paying yet again.

    If I was the government, all of my interactions would be voluntary. They are not. I am a slave, and so are you.
    Of course, happy slaves don't like it when the other slaves realize they are slaves, so hearing it is usually upsetting.

    Ruven didn't hurt us. Ruven tried to not let the government hurt him as much.
    The government decided to hurt Ruven (a lot) for not being a good slave. It also decided to hurt the rest of us (a little) to remind us that we're slaves, and they don't like it when the slaves act up. It's classic group psychology to get the slaves to keep each other in line--if one slave runs away, everybody gets a beating. Are the beatings the fault of the slave that ran away, or of the slavemaster? In your logic above, it's the slave's fault.
    rube and Finski like this.
  15. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Nov 2011
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    My opinion: You're all racist
    rube likes this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i doubt any of us could hold up to the scrutiny of this all consuming leveraging like manafort is going through
    is he dirty? of course he is
    should the irs have been handling this instead of a Russian collusion investigation
    fuck yes it should have been
    he lied on a loan doc about his debt???
    12 fucking years ago?
    and before anyone brings it up YES i thought it was wrong to witch hunt Clinton the same way
    this should irritate and enrage everyone that thinks they have rights in this country
    if they want you bad enough they're going to find a way
    if you're ok w this then i hope you're next in line
    oh and Mollies murderer happens to be an illegal alien
    how many people dying at the hands of illegals is too many?
    i know racist
    CapnTreee and Finski like this.
  18. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Oh quit being transphobic.
    irish likes this.
  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    First, before any reply, do not for a moment think I'm in any shoes different than @rube , nor do I propose even in the faintest of I'd not do 'whatever' in the same circumstances. That wasn't the point so don't hate on me. I get @rube views, I'm merely being honest in sharing that there was 'some' costs associated and that those miniscule costs were absorbed by all citizens of CA.

    Second, I LOVE the hilarity at offering up Stockholm Syndrome to anyone who dare challenge your chaotic uber liberatarian focus. I guess at least I should be happy that YOU are not in the tRump Taint Licking club.

    Now let's have some fun with your vaporous liberatarian extremeist viewpoints. Okay it works like this and I'll TRY to agree as long as I can because 'some' of your views makes sense ... until you take them to foolish extremes.

    I too wish to pay as little taxes as I can but I pay BECAUSE ... I LOVE AMERICA and having been to 30+ countries I have No interest in living anywhere else. (OK so I haven't been to New Zealand yet but still) So because the USA is bitchin I'm up for paying my 'citizens' share. If you're not then leave... like you threatened in 2016. Since you're still here we're guessing you too think America is the place to be and so you too are all in on staying. And thus paying taxes.

    So you agree USA is bitchin and EVERYONE wants to be here, thus you pay taxes. On gawd damned everything they can imagine. Yep so go live in Sudan if you want a warlord gubberment that doesn't tax... your money.. just your life. You won't.

    Now YOU, like me I presume, are OK paying taxes for the roads we drive on. And likely you're OK with paying taxes for a local Fire Dept to keep your house from burning to the ground. Some, not all, are OK with paying for police services. Me, I live in the 3rd safest city in the USA and so I'm down with paying for police services. If YOU lived next door and were NOT OK well then fuck you you'd be an idiot to say that, and none of my neighbors are idiots.

    I've been to Hawaii and would never have been there IF the Japanese had captured it so personally I'm OK with having a strong military. OK do we have to spend soooooo much? No we could 1/2 and be just as strong but I'm not in any mood to be considered weaklings either. tRumps mental leadership faculties aside...

    You ARE your government and ALL of your expenditures ARE voluntary.

    Voluntary as in chosen to be spent by those YOU have chosen to spend it. Stop whining and elect better people if you don't like profligate spending. I try to. Amid admittedly abysmal choices, but to not vote is to STFU and since I don't see any of THAT happening on this thread, again, then I won't be laughing any longer at fools that don't speak up enough to vote. Didn't think that YOU were among that crowd but if so you know my views. It's gawd damned unpatriotic NOT to vote. You only get $0.02 but if you don't spend it, well that's on YOU. So STFU and sit down.

    Now what's left? My 'delusion' that both Left and Right are thieves? Try me. When Corp $$$ gets to 'vote' and it only takes 535 votes to sway the thieves in DC then YES we DO have a problem. Mostly it's the GOP but the gawd damned Dems are so crooked they can't find an ethical plank to save they souls. Yeah don't wager against THAT proposition either.

    So did you have a point to make.. or defend? Note that I'm being calm and fair, using simple reason that most can follow.

    oh and about your slave fantasy... I might not have shared that with the dungeon loving cretins on this site
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2018
  20. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Great post buddy.

    Yeah "if they want you bad enough" only gets dismissed by.. wealth. So sad but so true. Except for making a public example out of Martha Stewart that is.

    Manafort is guilty from 12 years ago, from 10 years ago, from 8 years ago from 6 years ago from 4 years ago, from 2 years ago to this day. His shit "SHOULD" have been caught ages ago we agree as the evidence is overwhelming. The money lundering / banking "irregularities" are just the tip. He was convicted today of 8 charges (VA) and now faces another dozen in another jurisdiction (DC) and isn't likely to see the light of day. So any reasonable human wouldn't touch him with a 10' pole. tRump OTOH well.. what a circus

    It is good of you to acknowledge the GOP led HRC witchhunt.. now if only she wasn't SOOOOOOOO much of a witch. Whatever she'll never run again is all we can hope. And BTW if you're following closely to the Mueller thread.. HRC has exposure herself. LOL. Just another case of The Donald cheating better. LOL again. Gawd HRC sucks.

    Guys we NEED to get a grip on this whole immigration thing. BOTH sides continue to fight against changing the broken system. I wish I could just blame the GOP but the (lions share of the) Dem's are united against change too. WTF already. Our forefathers came through Ellis, were documented, given tax #'s and let loose within a day. As long as you PAY your fucking taxes nobody cares. Ok for a few years there the @irish weren't liked but we got over it as more folks arrived. Make the process a <10 3 day process and MAKE THEM LEGAL. It doesn't take THAT much and yet BOTH sides of the aisle are milking whatever poilitical advantage they can imagine to NOT solve the problem. Fecking Dems are online pitching that they are helping but... nothing happens. We can blame the GOP all day but at the end of the day both sides need to get shit done.

    Oh and that post wasn't racist, but it was kind of you to acknowledge that You are. I feel comfortable again. LOL

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