Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Oct 12, 2019.

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  1. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    What I don’t get is, IF we had a culture of cheating, wouldn’t you also be on the lookout for others cheating? Looking back on Astros film it feels grossly obvious what they were doing. How do we not notice that?
    LAdiablo likes this.
  2. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    So that you can call the other team out for cheating and open up an investigation that'd likely turn back your way?
    Sounds brilliant.
    How many times have the Astros accused other teams of cheating over the last few years?
  3. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    No. Not ratting on them. I mean thinking, hey they seem to know what pitches we are about to throw and they are whistling a lot... let’s try disguising our signs just in case something fishy is going on.
  4. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    Of course, there's actually a report that says the Dodgers did suspect the Astros of sophisticated sign stealing before the WS, but back to the question of how they didn't notice it was actually happening..

    This is the org that didn't figure out Kersh was tipping his breaking stuff until it was too late. We lived through the speculation that the Cards were stealing LAD's signs from 2B back in 2014..think we can say that the Cards got away with that one if it really happened. And most recently, more speculation that Kersh was tipping pitches in Game 2 VS the Nats in this year's postseason.

    All to say that the Dodgers look like professional victims at this point, so if they are cheating, why wouldn't they be worse at it than others? Feels like they're the suckers most of the time. Regardless of potentially bringing attention to themselves, I'm completely happy that none of them are whining about the Astros because all this shit is just tiresome.
  5. ColoradoKidWitGame

    ColoradoKidWitGame DSP Legend Administrator

    Jul 2013
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    • As I mentioned earlier, there are rumors that MLB is now weighing potentially dropping a huge penalty down onto the Astros. Don't expect a death sentence, but their are rumors growing that there could be some all time bans dropped down. This is an instance where apparently the most hated team(behind the scenes) in the game has 29 teams and a bevy of ex-personnel that are ready to bury them. With reporters like Evan Drellich, Ken Rosenthal and Jeff Passan dropping new bombshells seemingly every couple of days, the issue does not appear to be getting closer to going away. Another thing that is being rumored is that MLB was hoping that they could get away with maybe some light fines and let the story fizzle out, but those reporters plus the internet uproar is forcing them to likely have to act stronger than they wanted to. That new wrinkle pisses me off and just proves how much of a pussy Manfred is, btw. All this is paired with another story that dropped this weekend that showed that the Astros ownership group are the ones behind this push to cut 60ish MiLB teams out and completely change the landscape of minor league baseball. The Astros have become supervillains almost overnight as all they did this weekend was piss off baseball fans in small town America and now pushed the MLBPA into the fight against them. Honestly if this whole scandal had not involved the Dodgers and Yankees at such a significant level, there would not have been more than a puff of smoke here, but the fact that they used this method to get by the teams with the largest fanbases in the game gives the angry mob a major strength in numbers.
    • Earlier this morning on the MLB Network, Jim Duquette said that Cole and Boras are not interested in the quick sign. So the expectation is that one is going to play out. He did say that the Nationals are looking into him as a backup in the event that Strasburg walks, which is not likely. Duquette also mentioned that Arte Moreno had dinner with Boras recently, this was presumed to be them trying to bury the hatchet as Moreno apparently fucking hates Boras.
    • Speaking of Strasburg, Duquette says that he and Rendon are moving quicker in their talks to get a deal done sooner. Boras will likely leverage his major guys one at a time as many of the teams that are in on one, are likely in on all of them. There is some belief that the White Sox are going to do something big that surprises a lot of folks this year. He also reiterated that teams and agents have expressed that things are much more active now compared to a year ago.
    • Joel Sherman was on the MLB Network as well. They were playing GM of the Dodgers and his idea was, Sign Cole(to a deal that is much smaller than he is asking for), Trade for Betts in a deal highlighted by Verdugo plus Downs and sign Dellin Betances. That actually would be a pretty awesome offseason in my book, though it would be a reach to see all that happen... also as stated before, the Red Sox are said to be pretty unreasonable in the early goings when it came to Betts talk.
  6. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    2020 Hall of Fame Ballot: Bobby Abreu, Josh Beckett, Heath Bell, Barry Bonds, Eric Chavez, Roger Clemens, Adam Dunn, Chone Figgins, Rafael Furcal, Jason Giambi, Todd Helton, Raul Ibanez, Derek Jeter, Andruw Jones, Jeff Kent, Paul Konerko, Cliff Lee, Carlos Pena, Brad Penny, Andy Pettitte, J.J. Putz, Manny Ramirez, Brian Roberts, Scott Rolen, Curt Schilling, Gary Sheffield, Alfonso Soriano, Sammy Sosa, Jose Valverde, Omar Vizquel, Billy Wagner, Larry Walker​

    who would you vote for?
    for me personall, i can't vote for anyone who cheated
    so no bonds, clemens, manny, etc...
    if you feel differently, cool... that's just how i feel
    so i'd probably go with jeter, kent and vizquel
    but i think only jeter will get in... at least this round
    LAdiablo and Finski like this.
  7. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    No roiders.....ever. And now no Astros from 2016 on to this year
    fsudog21 likes this.
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Are drugs cheating?
    If so then analytics is cheating too.
    And mandatory volunteer off-season training.
    But nothing compares to the cheating involved when you are dead tired from playing back to back games for your low market team and the cheating high market team has you checking a superstar that was out with load management the previous game and is running on a full tank of gas while you suck fumes so you ask for that magic needle at halftime.
  9. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    Dude, you’re arguing apples and oranges. It’s about conduct that is labeled as against the rules or illegal. Analytics or having more money to throw around isn’t against any rule. If MLB wants to make sign stealing legal then fine, make it legal and let teams know it’s ok for your opponent to do this. But right now you are creating a false equivalency by labeling things that might make the playing field unfair, as cheating
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    analytics is math
    drugs and cameras are cheating
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  11. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    performance enhancing drugs, yes
    that's why there are penalties/suspensions for using them

    uh no

    mandatory volunteer?

    everyone gets tired at some point/time
    rest, recover or play through it
    it is supposed to be an equal playing field
    if a player uses illegal/banned substances to get an edge then he's cheating
    Finski and THINKBLUE like this.
  12. blazer5

    blazer5 DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Lol mandatory volunteer
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  13. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    • There are now photos online from the 2017 Houston Astros Championship DVD. In the photos there are quick shots of players going to the locker room and you see a video setup next to a trash can right behind the Astros dugout. Interesting notes: there are towels hanging up to block the view of the setup from the field, and there are lots of seeds on the floor around the setup suggesting 1) someone was sitting there a long time, and 2) the trash can wasn’t being used for seeds.
    • There’s a new report out that the Astros may have used electronic buzzers to communicate signs as well.
    Nirvanaskurdt, rube, Finski and 2 others like this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Not at all.
    Im actually Captain Obvious.
    Trolololol is the secret identity.
    It's the same guy.
    Both annoying but to opposite groups.
    Just depends on your perspective.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    In some organizations it's more important to go to the optional meetings than the normal ones. And what it can mean to your success within the org if you skip them.
    Many times leagues will not allow teams to require players to attend workouts prior to training camp so they call them voluntary but players are otherwise compelled into attending.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Except that what is supposed to be is not.
    There is no level playing field.
    If the baseball commissioner changes the weight and composition of baseballs once the playoffs start then some dude gets busted for HGH I blame the league for setting the cheating example.
    You think the Pete Rose ban would stiill stick if baseball puts a team in Vegas?
    You lose the moral authority on that subject.

    Players use all kinds of shit.
    The reports report on stuff the consensus has chosen to have reported. That pressure causes rules to be enforced.
    Without the pressure the rules are nothing. And only the parts of the rulebooks currently under pressure get enforced.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Analytics is intelligence.
    And it does not understand this word cheating.

    You may use certain drugs to help you.
    Many sports allow drugs others ban.
    Banned drugs are sometimes illicit but sometimes legal.
    Many OTC medications for everyday issues are banned in certain leagues.
    Some leagues like the MLB will allow banned drugs with a doctor's order. Including growth hormone and steroids.
    The NFL teams hand out pills like it's Halloween candy.
    And many leagues will suspend you for using weed like the NBA where everyone smokes weed.
    Drugs are and have always been a part of sports and is a grey area with a dubious history of both legality and outright tolerance seeming in encouragement.

    Using electronic devices to gain an advantage within a game and then lying about it and covering it up is the most direct form of cheating I've seen.
    It's on a higher tier than betting on baseball and point shaving. It's throwing a fight level but in reverse. It's stealing a game and never been close to being something within the scope of sports.
    It's not about the gray area gamesmanship that is stealing signs but the conspiracy and direct organized criminal theft of a live nationally broadcasted world series game across state lines.

    It's a crime of sport and you have it on tape.

    Cheating is one thing. Everyone cheats and cheating doesn't make you a cheater. It makes you a Dodger.
    Spying and lying and sneaking and backstabbing is what makes you a Cheater.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
  18. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Analytics is information.

    How you apply it determines how intelligent it is.
  19. BlueMouse

    BlueMouse 2020 World Champions

    Nov 2011
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    Who'd have thought? A guy who thinks it's funny to make light of domestic abuse, also turns on his former team the first opportunity he gets. I'm not saying he shouldn't spill the beans on the Astros... I'm just saying the Astros really have no one to blame but themselves. If you surround yourself with a bunch of assholes you're going to get shit on eventually.
    irish, rube and Finski like this.
  20. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    No real free agent news, so MLB is cool with riding this Astros' spygate wave right into next year.
    Release a little cheese for the mice every week, all good
    1st big name FA signs and takes the headline, slide the HOU punishment in under the rug

    irish and Finski like this.
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