Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Feb 18, 2015.

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  1. Based God

    Based God DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Tbh don't take anythin I say as smart but Ima jus say

    Try to settle with the party for damages and don't let this go to court or the authorities or wherever the fuxk it may go

    If the courts/police mailed you this shit then it's a wrap

    Tbh you could also be a real nigga and not show up and get a second warrant that'd be pretty lit tbh
    irish likes this.
  2. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Whatever, cupcake.


    [​IMG] (Only known picture of Trump on a bicycle, reportly doesn't know how to ride one.)

  3. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    I know one thing...eliminating Kasich...the four people left in this thing are pretty, pretty, pretty fucking ugly.
    Phew...muy feo.
    Now Melania Trump is hot...Heidi Cruz is a dead ringer for Bob Hope, but has really big boobs...don't know about Mrs. Sanders...Hilary's wife is...oh wait!
    Actually, her gf is a middle eastern beauty, whose brother is in the Muslim Brotherhood.
    But looks don't matter, they say.
    irish likes this.
  4. blazer5

    blazer5 DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Better Call Saul..
    irish likes this.
  5. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    Pfffft... weaksauce honey.
    Bluezoo and irish like this.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    At 16 i drove an old datsun Z i bought for 500 bucks at at a local police impound tow yard.
    Brakes didnt work and shocks n struts were busted. Been sitting there for years.
    Didnt even have a key. I had to use a screwdriver to turn it on.
    I had no license yet nor insurance.
    On my way to work a bunch of little kids ran into the street far ahead of me.
    All cars slammed the breaks.
    It was busy traffic at noon in downtown covina on its main street citrus.
    There was like 4 or 6 cars in front of me. I hit the breaks but they failed so i pulled a hard right into the adjacent lane.
    Almost made it but my left side front bumper nicked the right side rear bumper and made a small dent.
    It was a new buick. Right off the lot that day.
    Both of us were cool about what happened. Kids jumped into traffic and an accident was unavoidable. We agreed it was nobodies fault.
    Cop showed up and took our statements separately but concluded our stories matched and no one was at fault.
    And that the damage seemed to be minor and less than the the 500 dollar mark. By law you must report an accident with more than 500 dollars of damage. If less then a report is not required. Besides the accident was over railroad tracks as well. Tracks are not the jurisdiction of the local PD. I believe thats highway patrol.
    So on those technicalities he advised us to take care of our damages privately and he would not write up a report. Saving us from the insurance company raising our rates and getting marks on our license.
    We all agreed it was a true accident and that she would fix her bumper and i mine. Nobodies fault.

    Few weeks later i went on a 4 month road trip to south central mexico.
    When i came back i came back a different dude. But thats another tale.
    When i got home i was drinking and partying all the time. In mexico when they offer u wine it means glasses full of hard white tequila.
    I basicalky moved in with this girl whose parents had left her a big house in anaheim.
    I rarely went home. Just enough to get clothes and stuff after work.
    Then back to my severely alcoholic girlfriends house.
    Cuz she was way too hot for me to stay away. She was crazy and came from a trafficking family. But thats a whole nother mess of a story.

    Point is that there was lots of missed mail.
    The lady in the buick tried to get her insurance to pay for the damaged bumper.
    They did but that triggered their policy of reporting the accident to the police.
    I failed to appear in court multiple times because i never got the notices.
    A judgement was brought against me by default.
    The insurance company was awarded a few thousand in damages. I had another 3000 in court fees.
    I was found guilty in absentia of leaving the scene of an accident.
    License was preemptively revoked.
    I had only a permit and was not allowed to get a license till i was 21 by the judgement. Also received 90 days community service cutting through forest to make lanes for firetrucks in the mountains.
    But i had to work because i was the main breadwinner and all my cash went into keeping us in house and food even if was never home due to work school and girlfriend.
    I would down loads unisom to sleep and loads of coffee to work.
    And binge drinked on the weekends till i could have conversations with inanimate objects.
    But thats a story for another day.

    I ended up getting lots of tickets for not having up to date tags. Cant register car without proof of insurance.
    So each ticket was at least a triple.
    No registration insurance or license.
    Thats a 2000 dollar ticket. And more years of suspended license every time.
    I had no time for community service and kept putting it off.
    I had lots of these and basically made payments to the court for a decade while dodging cops and even getting into a high speed chase for failing to stop at a dui check point. I wasnt drunk but i knew i had warrants.
    I lost them in a residential neighborhood where i parked my car in a random driveway that i saw with a covered carport but no car.
    I ducked low as they passed with sirens blazing then silently peeled away the opposite direction and went home.
    But i digress.

    After many stints in local jails for this issue and a mountain of fees plus lots of impounded cars and community service i got a credit card and went to a lawyer.
    I was also facing 2 years in jail.
    Lawyer got me down to 3 months of jail in la county.
    10 days in san bernardino jail to be served on the weekends after my 3 month stint.
    And also 360 days of community service in the mountains and parks n rec in liu of paying massive court fees and fines. Lots of dogshit cleaning.
    And 10 days of work release with the water dept in pasadena. Right across from the headquarters of one of the biggest internet companies of the early tech boom of the 90s.

    I did most of the time.
    Served 45 days of my county bid.
    After the first week of hell i was made a trustee because i had nurse training and worked in the hospital. It was actually not a horrible experience.
    Genpop was a nightmare but the trustee dorms were like summer camp in a way. It was actually kind of fun a lot of the time. Even the work was rewarding.
    I made friends with some black dudes i worked with and formed a network to get by a little better.
    I would deal in meds i would get from the job and junk food from the canteen. I took cash with me to jail so i could buy something to trade with.
    Doritos snickers and pudding goes a long way. And so do benzos and other mind altering meds.
    I would get orange juice veggies baked potatoes and steaks from the guys who worked at the kitchen that served the warden and deputies.
    People got all sorts of things they needed abd i got to do what i enjoy most. Being the middleman that succeeds in getting all sides to feel like they scored.
    When you in a tough situation every little win is a huge score.
    And while talk is cheap so they say its actually priceless for folks lost and alone who are in need of the talking cure.

    So to finish up i will tell you get a lawyer and quick. Dont over think what u gotta pay him. I hesitated for a decade because i was stubborn about credit. I liked cash and was ethically opposed to the credit system. I was way too political for my own good.
    I had some scary shit happen in jail thats not for discussion but i had god on my side and came out ok everytime.
    After about 100 days of my year long sentence cutting down forest brush the boss there signed my walking papers.
    Imo i tried to actually do a good job as if it was my job. And sat up front with the guy in charge of our crew who was a real estate agent on the side and had his files in the truck doing business from his phone.
    I would often lead the crew around while he was on the phone so the work got done on schedule and so he could finish his dealmaking on the phone.
    I was out there like a bard singing while i worked and encouraging or cajoling the crew along the way.
    And always giving special attention to any women on the crew so they wouldnt be harassed.
    Of course some were nice to look at and enjoyed conversation.
    So that was a source of good times. Possibly why i was released way way before my time was up.
    If you end up in trouble remember that good behavior and the right attitude goes a long way.

    But if i would have gotten a lawyer when i got back from mexico my twenties would not have been such a level grind.
    So call saul.
    Let him get you off.
    Thats what the middleman is for.
    Just dont ignore it like i did.
    Assuming things will be ok because you are a minor is foolish.
    Money doesnt care if you 16.
    You still gotta pay.
    But whatever you do do not try to get yourself off.
    Ego and pride aka self love will blind you. And you wont be able to tell your right hand from your left.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
    CapnTreee likes this.
  7. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Car and Piece by Rube Tolstoy...
  8. Based God

    Based God DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    The part where you eluded cops on a high speed pursuit and ended up losing them by parking in a driveway sounds like you jacked that straight from my thoughts because I think about that a lot when thinking about what would I do to lose a cop. Crazy though, must have been intense.

    Second elaborate on this scary shit in jail
  9. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Shit works.

    I know.

    (don't forget to take your foot off the brake.)
  10. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    About an hour away from my fantasy draft. I never draft well, except a few times on auto pick, lol. I play the waiver wire like a violin though.
  11. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i was thinking rube homer
    but i didn't see anything about seafaring phoenicians
    hmmm, maybe it was the odyssey and not the iliad...
    TheKnockdown, blazer5 and Based God like this.
  12. LASports96

    LASports96 DSP Legend

    Jun 2013
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    Mothafucking Stater Bros ain't play around..... just got hired and they got me working 40 hours the first week
  13. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    One of my friends in the caddie shack had an idea for a putter grip a while back and ran it by some people he knew 'in the business'. It's been about a year now and he has a product available on the market as of today. I'm really proud of him, and I hope he does well with this thing. He lives about 6 miles down the road from me and I've played golf with him as well as caddied, and we did a few road trips too. He's a great guy and funny as hell too.

    If you play golf or have friends that do, I recommend they check this grip out. We could be witnessing a revolutionary idea in the art of putting the golf ball. Find out more, or put in an order here:

    (I will receive no personal benefit from any sales or referrals, I'm just the guys friend.)
    rube likes this.
  14. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    looks really cool
  15. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  16. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    he has a gas station named after him in Ireland
    landed helicopters in this little town and claimed it was his heritage lmfao
    was going to take pictures but fuck that
  17. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    kenya is in ireland?
    Bluezoo likes this.
  18. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    in a related story...



    Nov 2011
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    Turned the job down. Wasn't going to sign a 3 year contract for any market outside of the top 30-40. I can be patient living in California in the meantime, finishing up with school and other things. The news business isn't something I'm passionate about enough to sacrifice much for.
    rube and irish like this.
  20. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    as i said from the start
    whatever call you made would be the right one
    no matter how good/bad any of us thought it sounded
    no one can speak to what you desire [no homo]
    and finishing school will only help whatever occupation/endeavor(s) you eventually decide to pursue
    plus you'll get to go to future air events...

    ... providing we don't get any bomb threats:terrorist::stirpot:
    CapnTreee likes this.
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