Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Your rulers are of your own design in your own mind.
    They do not have the powers to rule by bull.
    Only if you fall for it.
    Fiat rule is ruling like a pope.
    I explained this to you at the start.
    How a bill becomes a law.
    You do not have to comply.
    If a thing is not a thing made by the thing.
    If you get arrested you can sue and you will win big.
    Leaving is like complying.
    They want you to leave.
    They win because the smart people are too smart to stay and peacefully patiently resist.
    That's for suckers and smart people aren't suckers.
    The smart don't want to feel the smarts that come with being smart so they use their smarts and move where all the smart people go.
    At the S-Mart general store at the ok corral where all the smart traders trade with each other safely rounded up.
    Of course there are other kinds of intelligences that will be there with the smart.
    For protection.
    And the less said about them...
    But good luck.
    Here in CA its just going to be suckers and clones.
    And in botany its better to be a sucker than a clone.


    Nov 2011
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    Whatever happens happens.

    But if any mortal man has the ability to win in unwinnable circumstances...I think it's Trump.

    The dude seems like he knows something. Part of that could be that his life will be fine no matter what and he doesn't have any fucks left to give but I think he's confident.

    There might be one more act left. One more card to be played.

    The media called it for Biden to set the narrative going forward. That if Trump prevails in court he is a dictator who stole the election from mUh firSt bLack FeMale. Well, I am done caring about what the left or media thinks. Either the fraud is held to account or it isn't.

    I'm praying for the lawyers and for the judges to do what is right. Not what is convenient. I understand which one is more likely and that's why my expectations are low. We've already seen zero accountability for other blatant democrat crimes.

    But if he pulls this off...

    If he doesn't, it is just back to business as usual (getting fucked in the ass slightly harder) anyways.

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2020
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  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    could you imagine if it were the other way around?
    fuck they went after him full tilt the entire term
    say four major republican states suddenly shut down counting and sent everyone home
    then miracle of all miracles 100s of thousands of votes get found for DT
    could never happen since repubes want him gone just as badly which is totally obvious w their complete silence
    but if it did libs would scream from every corner of the earth and it would be 24/7 news
    i really think no matter what happens DT has the chance to start a third party finally
    all they need is 3% to establish legitimacy and obviously they can clear that hurdle
    lose the battle and win the war
    has to be a major price to pay for this most absurd and blatant a theft
    no way he or any of us that gaf shrug our shoulders and walk away and leave the country to these losers


    Nov 2011
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    Came here to say something similar.
    He won't prevail because the GOP doesn't have his back.
    They will pressure him to concede for "the good of the country"
    Yeah, letting people cheat so they don't throw a tantrum is great for the country.
    Fuck I wish I wasn't so young.
    60 more years of this shit.
    BigDaddyKaine, LAdiablo and Finski like this.
  5. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    gotta do everything possible to get another party
    voted for Nader and the green party in 96 cause i thought there was a chance
    Trump starting another party would be incredible imo
    but i agree the good of the country needs to happen now unless there's incredible evidence
    cause the wicked motherfuckers controlling our country will most certainly whip the chains of civil unrest no matter what
    THINKBLUE and rube like this.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Ritual de lo habitual.
    In Montreal you can root for le habs or the Canadians but you voting for the same team.
    We are slaves to habit.
    Unless we stop the habit of running away we will always be fugitive slaves.
    If folks move from Rosemead because it's got too many Mexicans or Asians then move elsewhere where you eventually are met with another group of deplorables and you go to another state.
    That state will get deplorables too.
    Or the deplorable moving in is gonna be you.
    Then we gonna have to leave the country.

    Or break the chains of slavery where we are just sheep that run for cover when the sky starts to crack and warp.
    It's only the wind boyos.
    Why bark like a mad dog.
    Be a good dog and put your head down.
    It soon will pass.
    Don't be so afraid of one evil that you become easy to herd.
    That's what happened to them.
    And you don't want to be the thems.
    Eventually you gonna have to stand your ground.
    And you don't learn that overnight.

    Ok you can but we shouldn't rely on that miracle. It's bad form and the millennials are watching.
    We should be in training.
    Ritual de lo habitual.
    Then if you must leave you aren't a fugitive running away.
    You are a host of Goths.
    And we have a lisp.
    We pronounce the D more like this and less like dis.
  7. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah Rube, I get it. I was involved myself.
    But the true dynamics don't change.
    The flesh is willing , but the spirit is barbarian...we've played the game since day one.
    Smash the skull to bits with the mandible of a smilodon, Australopithecus.
    Hard core, man.
    Hard wired hard core.
    Death from above.
    And below.
    From everyfuckingwhere.
    rube and TAFNAC like this.


    Nov 2011
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    After 4 years of slander, framing, economic + bio warfare, violence, and dehumanizing 1/2+ of the population, it is time for "unity"...riiiiighht. And we can only have unity by submitting to you. Suuuure.
    LAdiablo, BigDaddyKaine and fsudog21 like this.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    The only way you can win is to fight.
    The only way to lose is to not fight.
    Regardless of the outcome you win if you fight.
    And fighting has nothing to do with the iron in your hand but the iron in your blood.
    If I spoke of killing I would speak plainly.
    Dirty deeds are only dirty when done with split tongue.
    But I am speaking of the opposite.
    For instance why we play and watch sports.
    For the love of the game.
    And why siblings are rivals.
    For the love of the game.
    And why you want to beat your neighbor.
    And why you want your neighbor to help you beat the Giants during interleague play.
    And why you want to trade for that Giants player next offseason who killed the Red Sox in the previous world series.
    And why you sign the free agent Red Sox superstar to get you to the championship and beat the Asterisks at their own game.
    If our spirit is barbarian then fight it.
    Fighting is winning.
    If they divide and conquer then fight to unite.
    Like I do with you guys.
    If I don't punch you how do I know how much of a punch you can take?
    The Aztlan had flower wars.
    Called that by the Spanish because at the end of the 'war' everyone would get flowers and all the dead got up and were fine.
    Some maybe a little injured but definitely not dead.
    What kind of war was this?
    But a few years later people in europe started 'discovering' team sports about putting heads/capitals/balls in baskets/hoops/nets.

    So don't confuse me Blue.
    I don't like the Biden style and so I don't romance and woo you.
    Or tell you what you want to hear.
    Caress dem earlobes with sounds that tickle fancy.
    He gathered all those that go for that.
    But I can't go for that. (unless you think this is a song about boyfriends and girlfriends)
    But some people like the pain.
    Some vote for things that might not be in their best interests financially or politically but maybe because its good for morale and team chemistry.
    Same that vote in their their secret ballot for what is the greater good so others don't to do a dirty deed in the dark for what's in their best interests.
    And what it boils down to is that you can't start a fire unless you bang rocks together.
    That's what rock n roll is too.


    Nov 2011
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    Hey, Joe. It's been 30 years. Remember me?
  11. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    Been intentionally avoiding the news but you're still going to hear it picking up food etc. Place I went tonight had cnn on and the guy was saying how it's time to submit since it's only delaying the inevitable. Part of me wants it to go 4 years. If only they weren't all on the same team and anyone had his back. Even if you like the outcome the blatant manner in which the counting was delayed requires investigation. There is no time table for this. Such bs
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  12. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah but you don't pile up on a junkie.
    Not when half the population has a family member or friend that's been through it.
    The Trump team overplayed the crackhead angle.
    I believe that was the feather on the scale that cost him the election.
    LAdiablo and Finski like this.


    Nov 2011
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    Nothing Trump did cost him the election.
    He kicked ass and had the most enthusiasm of any candidate we have ever seen.
    He improved with blacks, 'Hispanics', married women, young voters, etc etc.
    He got 71 million legitimate votes and probably more that were destroyed.
    The dems had an insurance policy in place. Simple as that.
    Finski likes this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Many people's votes are influence by the last bad taste they had in their mouth.
    But the dems probably did cheat.
    Then again if you aint cheating you aint trying.
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    he's factoring in the cheating already
    i can think of a lot of unnecessary things he said that cost him
    comparisons to Lincoln?
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    Nov 2011
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    He says shit like that and people love it, apparently. Because he got 71+ million votes and gained in every demographic the media said he wouldn't (and did everything in their power to make sure he didn't). Trump's positive hyperbole is necessary. It's a counterbalance to the negative hyperbole cast against him. It may turn some people off but it's a net positive. I actually think his comparison to Lincoln in the context he uses it isn't that far off. I have seen him use it in two contexts. 1. Negative media coverage 2. What he has done for black americans. He never said he is equal to Lincoln. He says he is done more for blacks than other presidents since Lincoln. LBJ signed the civil Rights act but what about the great society? Eisenhower and Nixon probably intervened to enforce desegregation. Kudos. but Trump is the first president who doesn't treat them like pawns and has genuine love and respect for them. He fights for them even when he knows 80 to 90% won't vote for him. He's worked hard on criminal Justice reform, funding historically black colleges, helping Tim Scott with opportunity zones, and getting black unemployment to an all-time low. He was rewarded for that with the most black votes for a Republican in half a century. The party should not take him for granted.

    He did the same or better in every major dem city (LA, SF, CHI, etc) except Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia. You know, the ones that are in swing states, stopped counting in the middle of the night and put the fraud to work.

    He did as well as any Republican would do in this climate so it's hard for me to sit here and say he did anything that cost him the election. Especially when Biden has said and done things that are exponentially worse. anyone who voted for the worst candidate in American history had their minds made up.

    This was fraud.

    To add...

    I am not saying Trump is infallible or has handled every situation perfectly. I think he did a damn good job with the COVID response. The travel bans, the field ships, the testing, the funding, the ventilators, and basically hitting the best case scenario for deaths according to the genius scientists. However, I acknowledge that his rhetoric and communication on the issue was a disaster and probably did turn off some undecided voters. Even then, I feel like I'm giving these voters too much credit. Voting for Biden is next level stupid and I'm not sure there's anything Trump could do to convince such a person. 4 trillion tax increase, lawyers & free healthcare for illegal aliens, 100 trillion green new deal, stacked court, social currency credits for blacks, abolish single family zoning, Obamacare part 2, paris climate accord, etc. On top of a 47 year record of failure and selling out this country to other nations. Nope. Anyone stupid enough to vote for that isn't changing their mind over minor rhetoric.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2020
    LAdiablo, fsudog21 and Finski like this.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    It's not about the addict.
    You making it personal.
    It's about addicts in general.
  18. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    But, but, but..........he's a racist. I know of a couple of people I normally respect that parrot this. When asked to state examples, they say "well he just is."

    Tough to argue logic like that.

    All that said I feel he has no one to blame but himself. It was more about personality than policy.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    you left out not getting us in any wars and supporting our military while getting them out of harms way
    but you're right the fix was obviously in as we all saw
    doh said plenty of stupid things as well
    as guess the point is that he knows they will misinterpret and weaponize anything he says so why give them the ammo
    just thought his rhetoric could have been more focused and less Trumpy in the last month
    he clearly had won the election even with all that said but i still don't think its over
    just wonder what the price to pay will be for the common man to keep him where he rightfully belongs
    imo he's done a fantastic job and should be president another 4 years
    doh has already said his first priorities will be reinstate daca,rejoin the Paris accord, lift the travel ban etc. all the important stuff
    going to be a price to pay anyway you look at it but i agree w Rube and fsudog he didn't help himself by comporting and executing like an executive in the end and that cost him
    THINKBLUE, harkeyed and Finski like this.
  20. N.Z

    N.Z DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I was watching CNN the entire Election Day. It’s coverage fas far better than Fox, btw.

    Ohio and Florida in the bag, massive leads in all remaining battleground states, then, simultaneously, they all stopped counting... for hours. I go to bed, wake up, and they’ve suddenly found hundreds of thousands of votes? Big tech kicks into censor mode, and the media don’t even blink.

    What a mess. I don’t believe this result for a second.
    LAdiablo and Finski like this.

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