Hanley wants an extension

Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by TheKnockdown, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Well we can't say it's cause he was white that he escaped persecution. Hello Biggio & Bagwell.
  2. phils phanatic

    phils phanatic Active Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    That's pretty much the same point I was making before on steroid testing, any roid will cause a spike in testosterone.anti-doping agencies caught onto that and then HGH became popular.now the test for hgh searches for higher amounts of the growth hormone.the only way that the growth hormone would be high, w/o taking hgh, is if your have an issue with your pituitary gland.IMO you'll need a whole new chemical composition than steroids or growth to pass either of these tests
  3. DodgerLove

    DodgerLove DSP Legend

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I am obviously no chemist, so I don't really know specifics. Because I was a former athlete and still have buddies who play, and I workout a lot, I've heard about certain drugs that don't always show up positive on tests. I have only done minimal research though, and might look in to it more because I'm curious now.

    I think some of it has to do with masking the elevated levels of testosterone, or any of the elevated levels of whatever may look suspicious. Also, I know there are some newer PED's/growth enhancers getting popular that elevate your testosterone like normal PED's would, but they drop back to normal after only a few days. They're apparently pretty effective, not as effective as straight HGH though. The only risk you run with that, is if you get tested within the 3-4 days of which you took the PED. So I guess you would just bank on not being tested until later on down the road.

    Also, I'm sure you guys have heard about this deer antler spray shit. I'm not sure about it though, I've heard some people swear it has definitely improved their performance/strength/whatever, and I've heard people tell me it's bogus.

    IMO, I just feel like science is always advancing, so they're likely developing more and more advanced drugs that can't be caught yet.
  4. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Yeah, masking is the key I guess.
    As far as science advancing, it works for testing too. They just need to keep up as much as possible.
    I've suspected there was a roid that worked for very short term like you mentioned. So unless there's a lot of random testing, evading tests would be very easy. There's been many times when players struggle, go to DL, and then return on fire a lot(like Kemp did today, but for a week or two). I know Vernon Wells as an Angel did this all the time. My friend used to say when he'd regress to useless, he'd want him to go to the DL, take his drugs and come back killing it like he seemed to always do.
  5. phils phanatic

    phils phanatic Active Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Keeping your testosterone to epitesterone is deffinitely the key for steroid users.each league and antidoping agency has their own set ratio for which that must be.however, they also have a maximum amount that each level must stay under.for instance, an athlete used to be able to keep his ratio good by taking steroids and estrogen, but nowadays their counts would be above that maximum level.as far as HGH goes I havent come across any ways to mask it.I do think eventually there will be another "performance enhancer" in the future, but as far as I know it's a ways off.I have heard of this deer antler spray but I dont know much of anything about it other than it has some nasty side effects
  6. LAFord

    LAFord DSP Legend

    Nov 16, 2011
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    The only side effect I've seen is a 2 year $16M contract. ;)
    CapnTreee and phils phanatic like this.
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    I knew well over 90% of the Mitchell report names as would many of the other die hard DSP baseball fans

    I completely agree that Bonds was born Bobby's kid and was naturally talented to begin with and he always had exposure to the best of everything related to baseball. He would/could have been HoF either way...and the world watched him 'mature' from a young rangy 30/30 guy to growing jumbo size and whacking HR's all over the place...

    when he started roiding is almost irrelevant its the doubting that it mattered at all viewpoint where you lose me. Really?

    Some of us have been around the game awhile...
    LAFord likes this.
  8. doyerfan

    doyerfan MODERATOR Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Staying back on topic, Hanley is giving me an extension.
    BigDaddyKaine, LAdiablo and LAFord like this.
  9. TheKnockdown

    TheKnockdown DSP Legend

    Jul 2, 2013
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    Lol wtf did this thread turn into
  10. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    ^ twas inevitable
  11. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    just try to keep it hidden from nancy boy wankers
  12. phils phanatic

    phils phanatic Active Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Funny thing is I have NO CLUE how we got here so i'll just let that go :D

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