Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    But since that will never happen.. just avoid the place altogether

    (now I'm wondering which brother to harass LOL)
  2. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Holy crap who told her that was attractive... at all?

    What a laughingstock
    This. :clap:
    Finski and irish like this.
  3. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Kim K and all her fans
    Bluezoo, irish and CapnTreee like this.
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    and Kanye's 4th surrogate too
    irish likes this.
  5. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    ok one of those real life dilemmas i need opinions on
    normally i wouldn't ask but i really don't know what to do atm, maybe i do but its bothering me
    i have this friend and i've known him for 30+ years
    he's a knucklehead for sure but i love the guy and well, he has a tendency to fuck around behind his live in gf
    thing is my girl is from a similar background as his and they have started talking
    or at least his chick is talking to mine and wanting to tell her about her situation
    and she told her that she's monitoring his text messages to another girl
    its escalated to where he's telling this other girl he loves her, sex talk, etc.
    flashback maybe 3 years ago and his live in called me out of the blue and told me she knew all this stuff about the same side chick
    why do guys have a side chick and start falling in love?
    i told her to leave his ass and save her dignity because at the time i knew what he was doing and fuck what to do even though i of course admitted nothing
    forgot about it until my girl starts telling me she's gonna leave him because blah blah blah
    so the last month or so i've been talking to him and trying to get him to admit what he's doing but for some reason (stupidity) he's not catching on and denying
    he complains about her attitude and how she's accusing him of this affair and i know she knows exactly what he's up to
    but if he doesn't admit it i can't speculate about how it is she knows that...
    and pretty clearly she has no dignity because she continues to live w him and we were even talking about Italy in april
    i know he's a clown and deserves whatever he gets but it continues to bother me that i can't let him know about the security breech on his phone
    btw its not the first time its happened so he's seriously fucking dense
    but he's also my lifelong friend and brother so i feel compelled to keep trying to let him know without compromising my girl
    just not sure how exactly to do that and its frustrating
    i fully expect that just like 3 years ago nothing would change and they'd end up staying together since she's sort of pathetic, ok very
    but day after day i get to hear what she knows about what he's doing and its this slow burn
    i know its his problem and really has nothing to do w me but also don't ever want him to know i knew about it and didn't say anything
    truly one the best friends i've had in my life and has shown up every time i needed him in ways most can't understand
    this bitch has also threatened me w something (i have no idea what and doubt it would matter) that she has on me lol fuck
    i've suggested to him he's probably still hitting it on the side but he never cops to it
    think i probably just need to pretend its not happening and i know nothing but how do i do that?
    Finski likes this.
  6. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    fuck his dumb ckunt gf
    and fuck her even more for trying to gain leverage with a baseless threat
    she deserves what's happening to her because she's allowing it to happen
    if she had any dignity she would have walked a long time ago
    when i was younger i cheated on chicks regularly
    not proud of that, but i was an ignorant young punk
    but the reason i kept doing it was i knew i could get away with it
    either i wouldn't get caught, or it wouln't matter if i did
    i think that's where you bro is at
    it's pretty clear he has zero respect for her
    i wouldn't get involved too deep
    but i'd definitely tell your bud to have his ho back the fuck up off of you
    dodgers likes this.


    Nov 15, 2011
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    I rarely eat fast food anymore, as I've hopped on the meal prep bandwagon (saves time, money, and health), but I do like it.
    There are fast-casual eateries that are much higher quality, but sometimes I just want to have a traditional 'fast food' experience, you know?
    Unfortunately, that experience has been pretty crappy for me the past several times I've indulged....

    ...I'm not super critical of fast food workers and try to extend grace when things aren't exactly right, but wrong orders have become the norm rather than the exception.
    With costs so high, it's irritating. El Pollo Loco screwed up my order 5/5 times I went last year.
    The quality is going down too (even with a low bar). I'm talking careless, stale ingredients at times.

    Chick-Fil-A and In-n-Out have received criticism in the media for their traditional views, but guess what?
    Nobody makes a better fast food chicken sandwich or hamburger.
    They hire competent people and treat/pay them well. They use quality ingredients and get orders right.
    Hobby Lobby kicks ass in retail, I hear.
    Maybe these other businesses should look into the traditional values thing. Cuz these companies get it done, son.

    Burger King has zero redeeming qualities.
    Carl's lost me about 6 years ago. Not even the Western Bacon can draw me in anymore.
    Haven't liked Taco Bell since 2003 at least. Pure trash.
    Those 3 I avoid like the plague.
    rube and LAdiablo like this.


    Nov 15, 2011
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    I pretty much use fast food on an a la carte basis now.
    I will grab tacos and chiles toreados from an actual Mexican, running their own restaurant/truck.
    THEN stop by a fast-food place like Del Taco for some french fries and maybe some other promotional side or a drink.
  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    how do i tell him that without just coming out and saying she knows what you're doing and is tapping your phone?
    the threat is there if i say something to him
    idc what happens to any of the bitches w the exception of mine since she tells me daily
    she also doesn't exactly want to know anything and i think she is sort of the only "friend" the girl has
    agree she deserves it for not standing him up but it is his pattern
    if she left he'd freak out and beg her to come back, really fucking stupid but there it is
  10. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    wow your bud sounds fucked up
    problem is he's in too deep with this bkitch
    the damage is already done
    if he mans up and admits it, she owns him and will probably cheat on him
    if he doesn't, then his trail of deceit only lengthens

    how does he not know she's tapping his phone and you do?
    i'm assuming the ckunt told you
    man that's some fucked up shit she's trying to drag you down into
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    be straight with your friend


    Nov 15, 2011
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    Mike Piazza and Eric Karros do not like this
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  13. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 16, 2011
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    How long have you known diablo?
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I got another story.

    Prince Harry was being taunted by some kid and he told the kid that if he ever opened his mouth around him again his dad would have the other kids dad beheaded.
    Prince William in a similar situation told a kid that when he grew up and was King he would send his knights to round up and arrest all of the other boys family and put them in a dungeon for life.
    These and many other stories about the two heirs to the throne were related by their closest relation their mother the princess before her death.
    Her two boys love the power they have over others since they were children.
    As teenagers their grandma got them gifts of leading military operations where they got to call the shot that firebombed villages of peasants in afghanistan for their birthdays.

    The moral of the story is that heirs of great power should not be applauded when they use the threat of that power irresponsibly. It shows that they will be monsters once they fully come into that power.
    Which is what Diana thought her kids were growing up to be.
  15. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Ismael Valdes says hold my beer.
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  16. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 16, 2011
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    THINKBLUE and rube like this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    about a month and its really starting to bother me
    i know because she is talking/texting my girl and she is telling me what she knows
    if he wasn't so thick headed i've been trying to get him to cop to it cause we usually talk about everything
    if i come out and tell him he has no capacity to play it smart and will expose me and my girl
    so there is the conundrum and while neither one of us truly care about her its going to be a mess
    how can i anonymously inform?
    maybe i can give one of you his number and you can send a text lol
    i know this sounds weaselly w two L's but i really try to avoid shitstorms and he's a grown boy
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Stop being weasely.
  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Great moralistic story.. too pressed for time to actually cite a reputable source? Or two?

    Prince William is Flight Lieutenant 'training' to be a search and rescue pilot.. hardly the firebombing monster position you describe
    Prince Harry is Lieutenant of the Household Calvary whatever the F that means. "Monster who firebombs villages of peasants" appears a long stretch by any interpretation.

    Neither fits tidy into your slanted "story".

    Of course if the point was merely to offer the moral: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" then we're on the same page. It would be near impossible to imagine what a normal person would do or become if YOUR Grandma owned a kingdom upon which the sun never sets. Do we really expect that those kids, or William's kids in their time will behave any differently?

    Further how do you really expect ANY 12 or 14 year old with near unlimited power to behave? Also not clear is how 12 and 14 year olds gain the type of military authority you describe? I have no interest in defending either but in the absence of citations and in light of human nature what other point are you driving towards?

    My story was sharing a tale where the exact phrase was used in real life, not that I, nor anyone that I know, embodies the "I have fuck you money" attitude... nor that anyone is applauding.

    Chip on shoulder much??
    Bluezoo likes this.
  20. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    <snorts with evil grin> I'm your huckleberry...

    So the Tall Boy can't keep his shit together and no 'friend' wants to tell him.. for fear of what? Fuck that.

    Sounds like they deserve each other. Too bad.

    Simple text goes like this "Dude you might want to keep your phone away from your bkitch" is a good starting line. He has no response other than "Why?" in which case I/you explain that "I'm not down with hearing about your shit storm daily from my slam piece" at which point chips fall where they may but YOU are free of daily aggravation and Tall Boy straightens his shit up. Or not.

    Bro's before ho's and he's not going to NOT have you as a friend. Whereas letting it fester benefits no one.

    And promotes further weaselly thoughts.
    irish, LAdiablo and rube like this.

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