haven’t eaten at the stadium in years going to a game with the wife next week my question is what food options are there on the field level? thanks in advance
same old shit mae some better eating options behind the outfield but expensive af take your own in is my advice
Peanuts as the starter. Cracker jack for an early treat. Dodger dogs balfway through. Garlic fries for the stretch. And a pack of rolaids in relief.
correct. same old shit, except now it costs way more. There is an overpriced knockoff Shake Shack, a couple mexican places, and an overpriced BBQ place in the outfield. I strongly recommend eating before the game somewhere else
i ate at that shake shack and it was reasonable enough in quality i thought i'd try it outside the stadium when i saw one in WH didn't taste as good, not sure why, maybe a lot of salt but $9 for a burger? two people for burger, fries and a shake was nearly $50 not a big fast food guy at all but fuck that noise $100 and i leave full from my sushi spot if i'm not drinking pretty sure 3 burgers and a couple of shakes was 100 at DS which is wholly absurd but other than that its imposter Dodger dogs still those fans laying down that cash filling their faces and swilling those beers seems like i kept running into the Rams offensive line in the aisles