you’re right. I guess there was reason to believe Kershaw was a decent option there. He’d succeeded as a reliever before, they even prepped him in the regular season! And like I said, after the Eaton K, I don’t see how Dave could pull him. He looked good enough to get Rendon and Soto out. But Kershaw did what he does: has a great moment immediately followed by just a soul crushing one. I guess my long post was kinda getting to this point of: I understand And don’t really care what they do with Dave tbh cause It’s mostly been good enough and I’m fearful of them replacing him with someone just absolutely shittier but if they have something better lined up where maybe it’s just turning the page that helps then go for it who cares. But don’t do it pretending a new manager solves it all. Cause Kershaw/Kenley could’ve easily turned him into a hero from 2016-2019 if they didn’t constantly fuck up. Corey pissed me off a lot this series too and things change if he gets like 1 hit but, I think , IMO, it’s too easy to blame this entire decade postseason failure on the manager when I don’t think any manager would have solved your cornerstone players fucking up multiple opportunities in excruciating fashion
Corey and Cody were insufferable this series. Cody is on his way to being the position-player equivalent of Kershaw.
I'll say this as well for Kersh's usage as a reliever..can it be a surprise appearance? I don't know who said he'd be following Buehler, I don't know how it got out..whatever. But the whole damn world somehow knew Kersh was gonna be following Buehler in this game. Have to assume the Nats were prepared. Is there a way that they could've kept that under wraps? Could they deny, deny, deny when asked about him? Why does everybody have to know Kersh is coming days ahead of the game? This franchise, man. It's like opposing teams always stealing our signs. As smart as this franchise can be with the farm and development, they are trash at maneuvering between the lines when it's game time.
At least we know that Belli will be dynamite in the field at whatever position they have him at, and if he should find himself on base - he can get into scoring position in an instant. Belli at least thrives in other spots and does his big hit thing every so often in series
I have to totally disagree w you a manager puts his players in a position to succeed he panics last night and goes to the guy w the most post season failures on his resume? how long has he been watching Clayton? the guy has no clue how to ride the hot hand but consistently draws the failure card in every big moment I'm afraid I'm going full @Finski and will be checking in because of this group of guys and laughing at this team if they stand pat not wasting my time on a team that entrusts the legacy (which is now basically the 90s braves) to such an obvious simpleton there is something intangible that is very lacking in this organization Utley embodies what we are missing but this is the era of man buns and woke zombies instead of fire and screaming in that dugout its all "oh well we learned some lessons" Roberts is NOT a leader of men and I'm not going to be anything more than passively invested until he's gone fuck Dave Roberts
Dream managerial situation: Dodgers fire Roberts. Maddon signs with Angels before the Dodgers make the mistake of jumping on that train. Dodgers hire Utley. Padres pickup Roberts. Bochy inhales helium and floats away.
I mean, yeah, I get that, but can they deny, deny, deny when asked about him? Can they make up an issue? He's sick, or something like that? Could they somehow cast doubt about his availability? It's time to be creative and use a bit more gamesmanship
At work on two hours of sleep because every time I tried to fall asleep last night, I woke up in disbelief over what happened. :/
I honestly 100% get what you’re saying. I personally don’t feel as strongly about that but I also genuinely understand why someone would feel that way, cause the shit of Roberts is: good enough regular season manager that does well with depth, and he’s good in the playoffs when he has a sense of urgency BUT a catastrophic failure when he goes with his “gut” or some shit. But also, like I said, I don’t really care what they do with him but HOPE whatever they decide to do they understand what they really need from a manager and what the actual players need to improve on. Don’t replace him for the sake of it, replace him and have a clear vision of someone that can elevate the team. And understand that you need to set up the team where Kershaw/Kenley/Cody/Corey aren’t relied on in the playoffs. They’re obviously talented enough that you use them, but don’t rely on them.
They could’ve just given Kershaw’s money to someone worth it and we’d have advanced easily. That’s what I keep coming back to. The smartest front office in the game gave $100 million away to be nice to a mid rotation starter. It’s like the Kobe contract but we’re in the middle of competing so it’s even worse.
And at least the sentimental part with Kobe was based off winning rings. We win in 2017, give Kershaw double the extension idc
It's the Kobe contract, but this time the recipient never gave you a championship parade, let alone 5
I know you’re reeling because of the loss but this is about as dumb a comment as dsp has ever seen. Who cares if they are told, do you think they don’t see him warming up in the pen? Does the game not stop while he jogs to the mound and throw warm up tosses? Do they not have a scouting report on him prepared before the series? this isn’t football where you can try and sneak a guy into the huddle and run a wildcat.
Aight well, another year where the funnest part about winning 106 games and getting our hearts crushed is being able to talk with you all. We’re fucking crazy for coming back here every year, but we do. Gonna try to not pop in here as often over the next months (I’m getting married, fuckers!) and it’ll be hard to muster up much care over what this team does until like July but, until then, fuck this team
So dumb that it's exactly the point Pedro raised last night. Preparation and scouting reports shift game to game because of how fluid performance is and because you can only put so much focus into a gameplan before you've clouded your brain. Seeing a guy warming up that's not supposed to be available, and then adjusting, is just different from having been prepared to see the guy warming up and now here he comes
Imagine if Kershaw walks and they don't sign Pollock. That money gets us halfway to signing Harper for a decade. Sure, Harper isn't the superstar you expect with that contract, but you can count on him to be a positive at the end of the day. Would have been the 4th best WAR on our team this year, and sure as hell wouldn't have struck out 11 TIMES IN 13 ABs!!! Take Kershaw and Pollock off this team, go into the series with a rotation of Buehler, Ryu, Stripling, Hill, and we sweep. Easy sweep.
Beating a dead horse at this point but i'll continue to say it....blind loyalty is the biggest problem with this franchise and the biggest reason they can't win a WS. Blind loyalty to guys that have never delivered a ship. As long as we keep handing out loyalty contracts to chokers and over the hill scrubs, I'll continue to believe we will never win a WS again.