Off subject, but the video (supposedly going viral) of the two shop owners in CA getting that brazen thief fuck down and beating him with a wooden rod is simply heartwarming. Bravo, boyos. It's how Lady and the Tramp and Bambi made me feel when I was a little kid. That said, I'm sure they'll be indicted very soon...
Sikh store owners take that shit personally. But yeah, if this is indeed in California, the libs will seek justice for the "victim", and at the least I bet 7-11 will rescind the franchise rights.
Well actually, after further thought, I'd say the shop owner was in the wrong. The poor kid was beat up for what?... trying to show a little entrepreneurial spirit and start his own retail business on the street? What right does the shop owner have to squelch the young businessman's dreams? Maybe he didn't want the extra competition, but that doesn't mean he can take such oppressive measures into his own hands. Everybody should have the right to try and make an honest living for themselves. It's senseless acts like this that make me a proponent of reparations. I'm glad there's a place in Gavin Newsom's California for the underprivileged who show a little out-of-the-box thinking like this young man did. Let's not forget the victim and let's lock up the true criminals in this case... the unstable store owner and his overzealous clerk.
Can't think of who it was, but I heard the other day a comment on the obscenely polarized state of America " we have to do our best to accept all dissenting views, even California, which gets everything wrong"
Beat that mofo like a red- headed stepchild...I hope the thief is injured and in pain, because thar just the kind of guy I am. Actually, although he was determined, the clerk didn't beat him as well as he could. More cranial bashing, I say.
Pete Rose eat your heart out.
Not really, Irish. I mean anywhere in NJ isn't too far away as the crow flies, it's small as states go. Nothing like CA for sure. I'm up the NW corner of the state, real near the borders of NY and PA. It looks so cool, and where I grew up had places like that dotted all over the place. Newark was close to that. Those kind of diner/eateries were/ are a thing in these parts, especially Jersey.
Watched a bear today in a pathway on the side of the house from the window...pulling down the branches of a tree and nibbling on the leaves. He wasn't more than 20 feet from me, with the wall between us, of course. I'm really glad I live in a place where I can watch a 400 lb. boar black bear for 20 minutes. Standing...sitting. With the sun shining off his jet black fur, he was fucking beautiful, man. Guess he had his fill, turned and ambled off, taking his time, proud and fearless, and disappeared into the woods.
rolled pretty good up here but tbh i think most of us are desensitized after 94 it’s going to take something big (finski homo) to rattle us
used to be amusing seeing the panic on peoples faces but now its just annoying went to get something to eat for dinner yesterday and saw people rushing and running w carts full of water and tp yeah baby go get yours!