Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    nope, it is our fault
    only a bitch would blame the women (not calling you a bitch but us men collectively as a society)
    dont be a bitch cap, dont fall in their trap
    a mans job is to be the defender of women, their protector and governor so they don't go too fast
    if you need to be permitted to be something then you already lost
    if you cant be a man without being aware of harming the most precious and fragile thing ever created in gods green earth.... then you are not a man.
    what is the precious, most fragile, but most priceless thing to have?
    a womans ego.
    if you do not protect her ego your ego will eventually be rendered null
    because if her ego gets too damaged it will consume yours
    that living star becomes a deadly black hole
    which is where we are at today
    if you protect and nurture her ego and teach it to become a human she will stop acting like a feral tiger.
    women are ferocious they are beasts and a whole nother class of human than we are
    in essence women are a higher step in the evolution of man
    poetically speaking women are the fruit of mans labor
    and literally speaking man is the fruit of womens labor
    labor is work and we are both slaves to the pact
    we are labradors
    but we should not be bitches
    or else you gonna have to get used to wearing them chains
    dont ever stop listening to them click and clank
    they gonna remind you everyday that what i say is for your own good.
    and maybe one day you will make your escape and hit the hay
    just follow the hay bale road
    but be careful with that pitchfork Eugene
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    it is not even worth caring about
    stupid is as stupid does
    i am glad they took down this burrito stand
    not because of whatever bullshit scandal
    but because the owners readily agreed that it was in bad taste and closed shop
    the market spoke and they were found not up to the task
    not everyone can be a leader
    some have to be happy being ideal helpmates
    being happy being a helpmate is how you can learn to be a leader
    you cant be top dog without being a labrador first
  3. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i just find the hypocrisy mind boggling
    saying they stole something is absurd when all they did was research
    what if these two women had been mexican instead of white... would there still be an outcry?
    and that is the epitome of racism
    Finski likes this.
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    not it isnt, it has nothing to do with racism on either way
    these people claiming that what the white chicks are doing is racist are retarded
    but when you turn it around and claim racism if the shoe was on the other foot is also retarded
    fuck, how bout we stop judging folks as racists over something stupid that has a mere tangential relationship to race?
    there is no racism going on here
    these girls went to puerto nuevo and like all of us who eat those gooey buttery all you can eat tortillas with a bucket of lobster and shrimp while drinking something good and watching the tide roll in and received a vision of going north and selling these tortillas to white people
    you can find good tortillas made by mexicans, but most white people would NEVER step foot in one of those hole in the wall spots
    and that is OK!
    it is not racists to want to eat and be around people that you are comfortable with
    and it is not racist to be comfortable with people you are used to being around
    its human nature
    and while human nature is often something we have to govern and not just follow blindly or else give in to baser instincts
    we should not punish people for being people
    as long as they are not trying to punish others for being a different people than you
    that is racist
    the key word is punish
    and even racism has its place
    in war for example
    in war you should do everything in your power to not brandish your weapon
    a nation just like a man (because the nation represents our current level of mankind) has to always seek to be a governor, a helper, a leader, and supporter and fosterer.
    and he should eschew violence
    unless violence is the only answer
    and if that is the case then you must commit wholly
    you cannot go into war pussyfooting, that gets your men killed needlessly
    your men will die, but how they die and why is most important for morale
    you want that team spirit to be holy, not cynical.
    every society eventually becomes too PC, too enamored with its own farts, and lulled by the enemy.
    their men become pawns in fear/fealty to a tower which turns them into bitches, while the women become queens like Semiramis who want to be kings.
    that is why we cannot win wars anymore
    the same way Rome could no longer win wars
    superiority means nothing when your numbers are nothing but zerg fodder.
    at least in spirit, we are gutless worms and not men at this point
    and the only way to regain our manhood is to go kill a bunch of shit
    and the shit is the enemy
    and the enemy must be loved
    and the way you love your enemy is to make sure you leave none of them alive
    that way they do not have to suffer
    that is how men waged war in the past
    then they started going soft
    they looked at the women and children and thought (hey i suck with the ladies, maybe ill just spare the women and children so I can take them home and have my way with them and then put them to work).
    to the victor goes the spoils which then promptly spoil the victor
    so then the next group of 'do gooders' says, well then lets just leave the women and children alive and leave.
    that is after burning down their village and killing all the men who can work and feed them
    what are those women and kids left but to either die harshly in the elements, become slaves or prostitutes that sell their babies in the marketplace.
    which in a way we are doing right now, we just have more sophisticated ways of doing things, but we still do exactly what every dying culture has done as it tries to stave off the throes of death
    the only option is to kill em all and let the judge separate the bodies

    it is the age old question
    what is worse the nuclear bombs that ended the war
    or the daily carpet bombing that preceded it and that would continue to devastate for a long time if not for an end to the war
    would the middle east be better off today if we had dropped a nuke on the taliban sponsored al-Qaeda after 9-11?
    total war sucks, it is dirty and mean, but it works.
    the alternative is just as dirty and mean, but it never works.
    but hitler had to go and give genocide a bad name
    but if someone is your enemy that you feel wants to destroy you and your way of life... then how can you not justify genocide?
    do you think muslim radicals will ever stop?
    not until you kill them all so further generations think twice before becoming barbarians

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Human society improves by cultures learning/adapting from one another.
    If we want to be a bunch of tribes that can't share ideas, then we'd be lucky to be much more than hunter gatherers.
    This whole thing is just stupid.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    I like hunting and gathering though.
    It's fun. And way easier on all fronts than farming.
    Farming = death
    Gardening = life
    Just like a nation is an automobile with the left being the accelerator and the right the brake.
    The accelerator can get you lots of places, it can go fast, it can also slow down and be conservative by easing off the gas and use the motor to brake... but thats bad for the long term life of the motor which the accelerators don't really put into perspective, as well as not being a very good in an emergency unless the driver is an expert... and we know that those who drive this country are not experts at driving it well but experts at making left turn after every left turn in their circular tracks of logic.
    The brake is boring, unless you know how to use it just enough to speed out of the curve or drift past corners. Then its way more fun.
    But you have to know how to handle your car. You got to understand the geometry of the road. You gotta know all the angles before you drift when you drive or else you may risk having thoughts of suicide.
    And of course when your life depends on it most the clearest protection you have in a life threatening situation is your brake pedal.
    Farming and Gardening can follow the same logical track to get to how one fosters a slow death while the other one supports eternal life.
    And dont get confused with the words Eternal and Life.
    Eternal is just a long time.Not indefinite though. Forever is only forever until you die. And life is not your years on this earth but the wind beneath your wings. The power in your lungs. Not the physical air your breath, but the carbon dioxide breathed out by you and those around you.
    That is your life.
    And why we use the term "get a life".
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Been to Portland, can't agree with all you state. Ever actually but I read anyways hoping for morsels worth discussion.

    I didn't think that they were culturally retarded at all.
    More than a bit of a tree hugger but then that isn't bad either

    However "fucken pretentious" - Yep; "hypocritical" - Yep; "hipster" - Too true;

    but "ostentatious"? Hardly.

    you were just having fun with words there
    irish likes this.
  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Did you read the same article that we did? Clearly not.

    They hardly closed the shop because "it was in bad taste"; they closed the shop because of all the Politically Correct anger and hatred directed their way. They were afraid. PC hipsters sought to ruin their lives for having the nerve to serve better food... solely because they were white.

    THAT is racism, despite whatever spin you wish to place upon it.

    Do not try to steer this story into your own stilted lines of illogic.

    America is the melting pot of integration.
    White people in America learned LOTS of recipes from immigrants. So?

    If white people want to eat at El Toritos and rave about the great food, then they are permitted to do so. Are you stopping them? Nope. Nor I. In the meantime you or I eat at the local Taqueria de Mexicano and KNOW that El Toritos is shit. So?

    Are you applying your own racist scale to this or are your just trying to convince us?

    I find the best Mexican food is served by Mexicans for Mexicans. Likewise I find the best Chinese is served by Chinese for Chinese. Panda Express is just as bad as El Toritos, simply fetid bile.

    However if I lived in Portland and wanted 'better' Mexican food then I'd go hunting for it and I wouldn't likely be stopping at anyplace called Kook's Burritos... unless it got raves and then I'd try it out.

    I'm with Irish on this one. Fuck PC police.
    BigDaddyKaine likes this.
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Yep. The Portlandia people protesting merely because they were white is racist. So Portland is a racist yet proudly PC town. Yep. Pretty sad.

    ANY form of discrimination based solely upon the color of someones skin is racist.

    No valid arguments exist.

    Doesn't matter white on black or black on white or any variations thereof.
    LAdiablo and rube like this.
  10. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Labradors think Rube sucks cat ass
    irish likes this.
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Yep OK
    Nope. No one is harming anyone.
    Well spoken for a newlywed. After 29 years of marriage, I might choose to disagree. Women are fickle if anything. They use men to do their battles and we concur, because it's our duty. As a newlywed perhaps you've not (yet) been asked to do something untenable solely because you'd like to get your dick wet once again sometime in the next century. Your naivete is forgiven.
    While not really inclined to do so I'm going to agree with you here too
    Thank You for the most excellent Pink Floyd reference, however I'm not wielding a pitchfork, simply plain logic.

    Of course logic isn't plain to a woman.

    Was that your point or mine? I've lost track...
    rube likes this.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    its mostly just white american women
    other cultures still respect men whether or not they deserve it
    a strong man that works hard and provides is still treated as a man and not scoffed at
    irish and rube like this.
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

  14. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I hate Portland. Agree with everything you said. Narcissistic, self-righteous scum infest an otherwise beautiful place.

    The only place that's worse is Austin. Same type of people with worse weather and worse traffic.
    irish likes this.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You are with me.
    Don't ever forget.
    I think you failed to understand though. It's ok, i never said it was going to be easy.

    My 'spin' is that these women are themselves PC hipsters. I say spin because I do not know them.
    I am being prejudiced towards the fact that they look like PC hipsters and live in Portland and want to make Kooky Burritos.
    Then again I used to be called hipster all the time when I was thin, now that im fat again nobody cares to call me anything.
    Now im just an older fat dude wearing clothes that are 'off-season' or passe fashion. But I still make curry filled burritos and think they would sell pretty nicely.

    The PC police that harassed them is obviously the real culprit here. No way am i saying otherwise.
    Which is funny how you guys completely misunderstand my point and say that I am on the side of the PC police.
    Have you not read any of my posts ever?
    That disconnect is where you are not with me Cap.
    Because my narrative should be easy to pin point by now.

    The fact that these two folded to the pressure does not make them a hero.
    Specially if the reason why they folded is that the PC police 'convinced' them that selling those burritos was racist or whatever.
    They deleted their story and scrubbed the internet of all their videos and posts talking about how they went to puerto nuevo and copied what the old ladies do with the tortillas.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Maybe because im not a really hard worker (physically i mean), so i would not be surprised that hard working men (labradors) would not think too highly of a desk jockey that cant physically pull his weight and spends most of his time in front of a computer punching in numbers.
    Im probably not a labrador.
    But at least im not a big puss.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    there are a lot of women here that respect men and know how to treat them
    problem is not too many men here have strong pimp hands
    they have man buns
    CapnTreee and TAFNAC like this.
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    no idea what kind of dog i am i just know i'm a dog and i LOVE dogs almost more than anything on this earth
    i might be more of a dominant type male to be around but i respect all kinds of men as long as i get it back
    our sense of humor might be different but if both sides approach w an open mind and a thick skin...
    its the preconceived notions of who we think people are that fucks things up and i can be as guilty as anyone
    fuck, my brother and his friends are a legion of nerds and we love each other for the most part lol
    that includes Cap'n
    rube likes this.
  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    True.. and once every so often I think that it's uncomfortable for each of us... but we still agree on far more than we disagree. See? I just scared myself again typing that.

    I think sometimes that your rants are intending for me (or someone) to push back
    as if you intend to provoke that push back so make ever more outlandish points
    which are eaily argued even though your initial statements are accurate

    I too bullbait others so I don't mind too much.

    Umm yeah about that.. it was @irish that was protesting the PC police and you that chose to differ. It did seem odd but since that was merely the beginning to your next rant I let it slide.

    The core thought, beyond the bullshit PC police, is that women have asked for equal power/status/rights and at the same time want ZERO responsibilities for securing those rights. "Treat me like a queen/princess and yet I have all the same rights as a male". In my view they want their cake and eat it too. All of which leaves men holding the bag whether we like it or not. Which actually supports your point that women are the more advance species. Yep.

    As @LAFord used to state "A mans job is to provide" and most of us to that gladly. It makes us feel good to provide for women and children.

    It's the modern feminists that suffer the delusions we're discussing
    LAFord and LAdiablo like this.
  20. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    Well kinda

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