Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest



    Even the crooked Republican's voted in favor and whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Trump did what he wanted anyways?

    517 of 535 members of Congress agreed and one treasonous liar is enough to stop our government????
  2. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    What righteousness are you deluded into? Fuck I HATE Hillary and WISH she would be held accountable for ANY of her numerous crimes.

    DO NOT put me in the chair to defend her, I'd prefer she fry for her corruption.

    But WTF does HRC have to do with ANYTHING today? Dude I agree but it's been years and you're holding onto some form of energy about her. "F" her. She has NOTHING to do with Trump's treasonous corruption of TODAY.
  3. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    just snorted ice tea after that comment. He too can be a tireless blowhard but he's nowhere near as evil or greedy

    Yeah vile spreads around pretty easily. Of course since you and I are vile to many more genteel members of society perhaps that isn't the adjective we should use. Crazies abound but I didn't see anyone other than Trump curbing civil liberties for millions.

    I'm down to admit anything, when there is something to review. Today "ALL" we have is GOP spin doctoring on what they 'wan't Mueller's report to say and NOT what it says... since it is not yet written. Five Trump/GOP indictments and five convictions outside of treasonous Manafort. When the report becomes available THEN we can discuss what is said or not. Until then 5 GOP convictions and counting...
  4. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    Of course he did
  5. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    i love how liberal defenders define the obama administration as old news now LOL
    that shit was happening 2 years ago! its not ancient history
    and it has EVERYTHING to do w whats happening today
    if you want to talk about collusion w Russia she is at the front of the line
    and if she doesn't get any justice then just how is it we dissect a guy who worked for Trump until he's a smoldering carcass?
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    already said the Russia thing is both sides
    on record as hating this fool and all involved w repubes save maybe gowdy and rand paul
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    OK "liberal defenders" is quite the line.. how about erstwhile defender of the American Dream? Let's look back.. Did the GOP control or not control BOTH houses of Congress two years ago? And ever since? They do or do not control The House, The Senate AND the White House?

    Then why 'if' this did happen, presuming that we agreed that she DID solicit PAC donations during her SoS travels, what with all of the landslide of evidence, so for two whole years WTF has any of the GOP thieves done about it expect raping and pillaging every single area they can find?? The GOP has ALL the power, they're gutting environmental laws by the hour but they are not willing to prosecute Hillary? Why?

    Because they are one and the same. She is one of them and the GOP knows it.

    She's an entitled corporate thief, screwing American's with every breath, and thus she fits in very nicely with the old white boys in the GOP country club set.. so long as she's not running for office herself... again
  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    #campaigndonations #killtheplanet
  9. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

  10. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    Thank you Mr. Pruitt you may ride off into infamy now... that or a prison cell
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    But wait, what about the capitalist greed?? What they found other ways to make money? You don't say?
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    I'll be patient...
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    why i do believe i've triggered someone :whew:
    is the occupy site keeping up w your copy and paste?
    CapnTreee likes this.
  14. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    kinda agree w/huh?, but who would do that knowing the consequences?
    maybe danson has a fetish for self-righteous, ugly rasta dudes with bad teeth that look like dusty baker
    Finski, CapnTreee and LAdiablo like this.
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    thing about Russia
    when did the Russians supposedly interfere w our elections? 2016
    and the president was? Obama and he is on record, on video and mic as a matter of fact, saying he would be flexible w Russia.
    not to mention the 80s are calling for their foreign policy etc. and yet where was all of your concern???
    who was head of the CIA at the time? Brennan, the guy who just called Trump treasonous for meeting Putin
    head of the FBI? why it was Mueller and Comey hmmmmm
    seems like maybe, just maybe, we should maybe notice this part of the equation prior to heading into a nowhere investigation of nothing but thats just me
    BigDaddyKaine likes this.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Waste is supposed to go into streams and waterways.
    That is what its for. The earth is much better at cleaning up after us than we are at getting her all dirtied up.
    You cant kill the planet. It is the most arrogant of all things the left says.
    Humans are so powerful we can kill the planet!
    Shush, you we arent. We can't even go 'back' to the moon or see what is down Mariana's trench.
    But you want to hear some cool science?
    If you attract something it will come to you.
    If you line this planet with solar panels (which btw are a super destroyer of the blessed environment) the sun will focus more of its attention to this planet.
    In quantum physics, a thing becomes a thing due to the powerfully massive force of change that is either attention or desire.

    Basically, you can't have a superstar if you don't fan its flames first and essentially worship it with your attention and/or worse yet your desire. Mike Trout can't be the superstar of the MLB because he keeps himself hidden other than when he has to appear.
    That is also a truth. The true superstar will always keep himself hidden away while the false superstar will always show himself to the world as the superstar and the fanned by most.
    If more people desired to look at Trout and if more people gave him the attention he would be the league's superstar.
    What do you think will happen to our giant star called the sun when we train billions of solar panels all programmed to track every movement of the sun in order to take in as much of its light as possible?

    The sun will get a big head and go supernova leaving behind a little dwarf.
    But before that we will get to experience the sun growing closer to earth as we in effect pull it closer with the solar panels.
    The sun merely has to move one grade to affect the earth's magnetosphere in ways we can't even understand. Saying that the earth will warm up 7 degrees higher than normal does not sound like such a horrible thing. But when you consider the global implications to this you would understand how it would make the day a living hell and the night will bring no soft breeze of relief. Just more stored heat radiation from the earths crust up into the atmosphere.

    Global Warming is 100% Real and it is man made. Except it is man made by the same people who claim to be trying to 'stop it'.
    Like everything else in the history of the world. Those who smelt it are those who dealt it.
  17. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 8, 2016
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    I was just implying (or stating) that she was butt ugly.
    irish likes this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Lets try not to blow up the world is probably why Trump is doing what he wants and not listening to the chickenhawks in washington who dont know what they are getting into because technically they are not getting into anything. The moment the shit hits the fan in their lives they are gonzo. To some beach on some personal island or some retreat up in the mountains or a bunker under the desert. They aren't sending their kids, families kids, friends kids off to battle. Being a chickenhawk is a win/win sport.
    Being a leader is not.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    The protester didn't need to become all dickish during preceedings we do agree. Keep the signs out of the Chambers, I mean like WTF?

    Still Trump has left a brazen path of whatever you'd call it, and so people are gonna follow up his blatent poorly considered nonsense lies and publicize that nearly everything he says is a pathological lie driven by ego.

    That's just TO GET TO the truth in the center somewhere.

    My point of sharing certain truths on DSP was that you my dear friend are a thought leader here and when YOU go hard alt-Right it affects others who don't share your views but without the temerity to stand up and explain patiently what you've mistaken.

    You've known me for forever, you KNOW I'm a business owning Rep voter for decades but that Rep party got hijacked (alt-Religious nuts) and then hijacked again (Tea Party nuts) and then hijacked again (full corporate reverse guillotine choke) and the GOP DO NOT LOOK OUT FOR ME, nor honestly anyone I know.. and a know a few 1%'s... most of whom wouldn't mind a few less tax loopholes so as to afford more social services.. just not on record.. of course of course.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Millenial Politics: Talk a lot of shit about voting but not really give a shit about anything other than starting shit and never finishing it so obviously not voting.
    You know, like those Christians you hate. The type that go to church and kiss the ring and think that it either makes them good people or secures their place in line at the stairway to heaven which frees them to be unkind to those that need it most... their family, friends, neighbors that are not doing so hot. You know what Jesus says about those that profess to be his but don't do the little things he says are most important? He says... "im coming for you first, cuz you give love a bad name"
    CapnTreee likes this.

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