Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Didn't Obama stand next to Hillary and Bill Clinton ?
  2. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Do I have to write MASS murderer too? Ha ha very funny. Like Gout. :D

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    The really aren't that much different.
    Except Obama was graceful, eloquent and charismatic.
    irish likes this.
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    He did stand next to a murderer... Hillary Clinton during the debates.
    Newsflash, Putin is the Russian version of George H.W. Bush who ruled this country for decades.
  5. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    ou slay me guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't know they were in the KGB too? Learn something new everyday. :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:

    Sorry gentlemen but get a grip. :koolaid::koolaid::koolaid::koolaid::koolaid::banghead:. Whatever. I am done with this thread. NEVER should have even gone in here. (I know I've said this before). I don't you guys well enough to get overly upset but I'm a little surprised that skeletons in the closets of the politicians you have mentioned are in any way comparable to a career KGB agent who isn't even doubted as being a mass murderer UNIVERSALLY. Now back to the escape of sports.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Bush 41 was a CIA guy. Think he didn't preside over some shitty shit?

    And his kid, Bush 43 was all about the torturing.

    Bill Clinton had his dude Janet Reno burn down a compound filled with women and children...

    Obama stood next to Castro, Saudi Princes, and spent 8 years drone bombing brown kids in the middle East.

    They're all the same
    rube and irish like this.
  7. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    keep holding on to those liberal wet dreams buddy boy
    manaforts conviction had NOTHING to do w russia btw
    its a joke and its why your side is gonna lose
    fuck they've already lost it
    so the socialism and open borders thing you ignore
    how about the open lack of civility to people that leftists don't agree with?
    do you really think anyone can relate to that shit?
    whoopi apparently SPIT on pirro today wtf is that?
    everyone your side disagrees w is suddenly evil and must be stopped RUSSIA!
    the left loves to pit all of us against each other w our differences in race, religion, sexuality and anything else they can divide the nation with
    minorities are finally catching on that dems don't really do shit for anyone but themselves and can give a fuck about them
    at least republicans are honest about their capitalist greed and not openly stealing it from the less fortunate in the name of equality
    the level of patronizing liberals stoop to is embarrassing and old
    fuck their party even started slavery and then the KKK in this country how much can they care?
    and now w avowed socialists starting to catch on the democrats are more like the titanic throwing any shit they can trying to make it stick
    impeachment? yeah right followed by a bloody revolution
    which appears to be exactly what many of them are trying to incite
    too bad because it used to be interesting to debate instead of trying to communicate w a bunch of screaming intolerant adolescents
    Finski likes this.
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    or pillory managed to sell off 20% of our uranium while slick billy was pocketing a cool half a billion for a speaking engagement
    yeah nothing to see there
    the hypocrisy sticks in your teeth
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Dude, dont go.
    Dont you see, when you say 'get a grip' and then leave... you know where im going with this.
    By not going and instead staying in the discussion we can have understanding.
    Thats why we are here after all, isnt it?
    Its like your weird friend that is really about this thing that is the antithesis of whatever your thing that is of course completely normal and sane and the only way any normal and sane people should think obviously or else whats their damage, yet... you still listen and swap mindspit because that is what men do damnit!
    And there can there can be understanding even when their is good old fashioned natural god given differences in personalities, tastes and other bents.
    Do you need me to play some KC and the Sunshine band so you stay?
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2018
    CapnTreee and Finski like this.
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Its not just a liberal wet dream
    remember when conservatives had similar ideas
    its all the same only the faces change as the great prophet bongiaovanni once said.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    After Bush orchestrated the you know what for you know who to you know you know he was chosen to be the next in line and was holden the pen the old man signed all his deeds before the old man said what, when, huh, ???... and the dark could be made light points in the thousands.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    except this time the repubes are equally culpable
    its not just BO and the clinton theft group that hate him
    its the bush bonanza family and mcconnell and ryan and everyone else in wash town that hate him
    the wet dream i was speaking of is anything coming out of muellers anal probe
    rube and irish like this.
  13. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Pegged the meter at "Full Batshit Crazy" no doubts
    irish and Finski like this.
  14. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    and what does that say about Ted Danson? Is he blind and deaf?
  15. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Keep trying to paint me as liberal my friend, it ain't working.
    True that Manafort's conviction had nothing to do with the Russians, no dispute, you seem to be ignoring that he WAS the Trump personal liaison to the Russians and it's not like he can't be indicted for more at any hour. Just because he was convicted for something else tells nothing of his innocence in the Russian election campaign.

    Neither is 'my' side there bucko... keep your focus. I've been pissing off BOTH sides since before Trump was a candidate. Recall? Otherwise I've been a Republican for 30+ years.. forget that one too?

    Not ignoring the needs of Americans does not = socialism. However as the worlds richest country we fail miserably compared to how other countries take care of their citizens.

    Open borders is NOT a topic you want to engage. I've stood for a wall/fence since before Trump. I lived in SoCal long enough, like you, to have a pretty fair idea of how illegal immigration is ruining our safety net for citizens. Did you want to go there?

    Dude chill yourself, don't think that there aren't crazies on BOTH sides. Yep Whoopi is one of them. Pretend that ANYONE at Fox is sane. Try that.

    Russia? You remain stuck in Fox-land it seems. Your loss.
  16. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    NOTHING I write says that voting is futile, indeed it remains the ONLY way out of this crooked treasonous mess.
  17. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

  18. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    oh so lets wait and see how they indict manafort on MORE things that have nothing to do w the investigation got it
    it tells nothing of his innocence but apparently speaks volumes of his guilt...yeah baby
    these guys have very little choice but to plead when faced w the full force of the gub ready to crash down on them
    while someone like say HILLARY walks free after destroying all evidence she could, yeah theres some righteousness there
    we fail miserably as a nation? are you fucking serious? name ONE that you admire more when it comes to taking care of OTHER countries
    of course we don't take care of our own because yeah we're so fucking rich right?
    not saying there aren't crazies on both sides its just libs are far more vile and violent as well as massive hypocrites
    the russian investigation is a giant scam pulled by both dems/repubes to find a way to bring this guy down
    i get why people don't like him personally i really do
    just yesterday he said something about the last 1.5 being a "miracle" really? are you god now?
    he pats himself on the back far too often
    it would be like if breeden suddenly became president
    i'm just about results and in that he's been a breath of fresh air and at least his doing what he said he would
    the constant daily barrage of nonsense is nauseating and not based in reality
    theres nothing THERE in the russia investigation when will you admit that? 4 years? 10? fucking seriously what a joke
    and you're a registered repube? lol there's part of the problem
    thats some real confusion right there
    channel your inner conservative and chill yourself my friend
    your side wants anarchy and everyone sees it now
    rube likes this.

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