Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by ColoradoKidWitGame, Oct 28, 2020.

  1. No Name

    No Name Well-Known Member

    Nov 2019
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    You're right. I'm against winning. Just like you are against sarcasm.
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    What made you think I was against sarcasm ? I thought it was pretty plain.
    Oh well...guess the point was lost.
    We finally get one, and standing down is the path we should take now ?
    Maybe you are right...but that sounds ridiculous to me.
    We'll see...
  3. ColoradoKidWitGame

    ColoradoKidWitGame DSP Legend Administrator

    Jul 2013
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    Man, the last two offseasons have been shit and this one seems like it is going to be even worse. There aren't even like any fun rumors going around. Expectations are that it could remain really slow until things are figured out about the year ahead. The reports of a vaccine are a great sign as teams will be able to at least return to their home fields while the general public starts to catch up. Anyway, here is what is going around

    • Andy McCullough over at The Athletic did a mailbag with the Dodgers coming up a bit and here are some of the items from it:
      1. He does not expect the Dodgers to re-sign Corey Seager (or Cody Bellinger) this off-season and he makes some good points why. With Seager being a Boras client, he is likely more interested in getting top dollar than he is signing a contract that would be good for both sides. The Dodgers know that Seager is the most dangerous hitting SS on the FA market ahead, but since the club is so deep, they could bide their time to see how both Seager and Lux do, then pursue any of the big 5 SS FA's next year and go for the one that makes the most financial and long term sense. Of the 5, Seager has the worst outlook at remaining at the position, but when healthy he is a Top 5 player in the league due to his bat.
      2. He thinks the club will look to make a move or two on the cheap in the bullpen. He also thinks Urias should move to the pen, which I do not agree with at all.
      3. He also thinks the Dodgers will look to add another vet to the rotation. Whether that be a Morton type or Wood type remains to be seen.
      4. All in all, he does not see the Dodgers handing out any extensions this season. I think some teams are just gonna wait it out and see how 2020 impacts the years ahead. The Dodgers could see teams that are willing to spend this year and then may have less competition a year from now in free agency if fans are hesitant to come back to the parks. The Dodgers will have a TON of room under the tax next year.
    • Kevin Gausman has not yet decided whether to take his QO or not, but rumor is that he has multi-year offers on the table. The Giants are one presumed team, but no word on anyone else. The Dodgers were said to be the runner up a year ago for his services.
    • Marcus Stroman accepted his QO while DJ LeMahieu has rejected his. LeMahieu will be an interesting watch as once again, the Dodgers were close to signing him a couple years ago before he went to the Yankees. The club is said to really like LeMahieu and are expected to bid for him again. He has seen a jump in his power numbers since moving to the Bronx, but there is a lot of belief that those numbers will drop when/if he leaves as he takes considerable advantage of the short porch in RF. This would not signify the end of the team's interest in playing time for Lux as the Yankees have moved LeMahieu all around the IF, but his defensive prowess seems to be nothing close to what it once was.
    • 4 teams are in pursuit of Yadier Molina. The Cardinals have expressed interest in retaining the potential future HOF'er.
    • A lot of speculation that the Mets will be the team to beat for the services of J.T. Realmuto. The Phillies are said to be a mess behind the scenes (AGAIN) and this loss after two playoffless seasons, plus the emergence of Sixto Sanchez would just be a beautiful thing.
    • I am starting to wonder if we see the Dodgers AAA affiliate move to Vegas. It looks like MLB is prioritizing proximity for clubs and we could see a very regionalized system. I actually would be disappointed in the club leaving OKC and Tulsa as both have fantastic facilities and fans actually show up for their games.
    • MLB Announced that Vin Scully will be narrating the World Series Documentary!
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
    Finski, BlueMouse and rube like this.
  4. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    Given some of the contracts that they've handed down over the years, can be argued that the league needed to say something and that they were trying to help LAD in that instance. LAD should be well past the days of handing down lucrative 5 year deals to Pollock types. Was a sad day when it was given..will be a sad day if and when they decide that Joc has to leave due to that. But I wasn't speaking of big market handcuffs that the league tries to place on teams. That's a given, and that was born of the Yankees and their own dominance in the payroll lane. I was speaking of rules within the field of play being massaged in such a way that it hinders LAD. Being attacked that way. Anyway, the subject matter for me is - dynasty. Being down 3-1 to that Braves team and nearly going 7 games with the Rays....very undynasty-like. Happy as I am to finally see them win big after 30+ years..LAD is still a little ways away from real domination, so whether it's Lindor, Yelich, whatever..just keep throwing impact logs onto this fire now that the door is finally open

    This was a 60 game regular season..based on that alone, I wouldn't jump to conclusions in regards to Seager staying healthy. Even Verdugo managed to finally make it through a season for once..pandemic shortened seasons are probably his calling. But I don't think Seager will be fortunate enough to have many more pandemic shortened seasons during his career. Normalcy will resume at some point and back to the 162 game schedule. Can he navigate 162? Obviously rooting for him, but caution should be in order here. Definitely go to Seager and try and get a deal done, but a reasonable deal..not anything catastrophic. Let's save astronomical, potentially record setting $ for when he muscles through 162. Show him the year in advance pandemic prices. Boras won't like it, but he'll likely hear crickets on the back channels, so he just has to deal with it. Either way, all of a sudden we have a core of young champions that have a chance to be career long Dodgers..if I'm in the LAD FO, I'm using that carrot in early contract negotiations. Stay and win multiple WS titles in 1 location. Be part of a dynasty. Be all time legends in 1 location. The org has already shown - by the last contract with Kersh - that they'll show appreciation in $$$ even if you're fading as a player - if you're a legend. Whatever money is missed in the 1st contract..can make it up in the next contract when you're on the downswing. Now, that a WS win is in the bank, can quite easily spin the Kersh contract into a positive
  5. doyerfan

    doyerfan MODERATOR Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 2011
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    Again it’s impossible to know how to analyze the off-season when not only do we not know how much money can be spent, we don’t know if it’s: 28 or 26 man rosters, is their a minor leagues, is there universal DH, is it a 10,12,14 or 16 team playoff...

    but I agree, the team doesn’t have to do much except be interesting with the bullpen, including a swing man (Wood?). On offense, re-sign turner and then some interesting bench platoon bats. I don’t wanna depend on Lux/Pollock, and replacing Joc/Enrique isn’t super simple.
  6. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    you had me at hello
    darth550 and Finski like this.
  7. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    You can never have too much of anything as long as we're talking positives. Dodgers never need more offense..until they get to the postseason and fans complain - " where's the offense?! "

    The Ian Anderson smoke show definitely happened. Mookie's struggles VS LHP happened as well
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    they make lots of deals
    gate and concessions is becoming less of a revenue stream and more of a customer engagement stream
  9. dodgers

    dodgers DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Prediction - Giants sign Trevor Bauer and win 90 games next season
  10. doyerfan

    doyerfan MODERATOR Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 2011
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    I think they’ll go for a hitter more than a pitcher BUT, I think I can be convinced that my boldest prediction would be the Giants finishing ahead of the Padres. I just don’t think the Padres are gonna take enough steps to move forward and are set up for regression amongst their non stars
    irish, MZA and dodgers like this.
  11. dodgers

    dodgers DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    if SF makes some offseason noise, the division is going to be stacked for sure. Cant wait to watch everyone shit all over the Dbacks.
  12. darth550

    darth550 Baba Yaga

    Nov 2011
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    Personally, I too don't mind the idea of forgetting what could have been in '16 and '17, putting the pedal to the metal now and being the 800# gorilla for the next few years. We squandered CK's prime and now he have Mookie. Time to learn from mistakes! What's wrong with doing somewhat of a rebuild after a run of (actually won) titles? Even the G'Nats, bad as they have been for a few years had the baseball world by the balls for a while and that's a good memory to have .....and a helluva lot more recent than 32 years! The Reds suck ass but they will always have being, "The Big Red Machine" on their resume. Friggin' Bronx Bombers were from another world but the legend lives. It's great we won this year but no one remembers spot titles for decades...

    Hell, it's not like we don't have a local role model in the Lakers.
    Bluezoo and rube like this.
  13. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Angels should sign him. But they probably won’t.
  14. MZA

    MZA MODERATOR Staff Member

    Nov 2011
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    Arte Morono really gets in his teams own way. Every year they get more hitting when their pitching has been ass for years
    irish and BlueMouse like this.
  15. No Name

    No Name Well-Known Member

    Nov 2019
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    Absolutely. Stand down. Lose for another 32 years.
  16. dodgers

    dodgers DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    The Giants are paying Kevin Gausman 19M next year....forget what i said earlier, didnt expect farhan to make a move that stupid
    BlueMouse, Fall Winslow and MZA like this.
  17. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    The Giants didn't go out and add any elite players to their mix when they won 3 WS in 5 years

    Of course, everybody knows we want to be like the Giants
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    remember when it was Sheffield and Chan ho and all the other prima donnas sucking the air out of the room
    i begged for a team full of our prospects instead of over paid malcontents
    outside of one petulant closer i don't even see one guy on this squad i can't totally get behind as a fan
    this mix has multiple series wins written all over it now w the guys coming up
    how cool is it that the starting staff is entirely homegrown?
    irish, lastatman, Finski and 2 others like this.
  19. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Giants were somewhat hamstrung in those days by the debt service on their ballpark.

    That's paid off and I wouldn't be surprised if they made a trade for Lindor and signed him.
  20. Fall Winslow

    Fall Winslow McRib

    Sep 2015
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    Was using a little bit of sarcasm there. Of course, generally the way it goes is we always want to be better than the Giants. Not like them. And there is a way to 1 up what they did. 3 WS titles in 5 years is great. No question. But 3 straight, or 3 in 4 would trump 3 in 5. And there's pretty much 2 staples when you're talking - dynasty. The championship team successfully defends it's title at least once, and they win more than 2 titles in total during their run. As nice as 3 in 5 is, history isn't going to remember that Giants team as a dominant force or dynasty. They didn't defend it once. Also pretty much small balled and lucked their way to those titles. Whatever their excuse - they missed out on dynasty status. I'm sure they'll live without it, but yeah, they won't be mentioned with Reggie's Oakland team or Mantle's/Dimaggio's/Jeter's Yanks

    I'd like to be able to say I saw a LAD dynasty. And of course, with that comes bragging rights and we know those are fun. Not so fun when you have to hear it from SFG fans though. But to be able to sling it back and better..come on now. Lol Bird's Celtics never successfully defended a title..always a fun fact. Neither did Duncan's Spurs..never let a Spurs' fan forget it. Not dynasties. But you're right..SFG may well trade for Lindor and show him the money, and if he just wants the money ASAP that'll suit him fine. Sure his agent would love it
    fsudog21 likes this.

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