Why is piece of fucking shit Souza batting with the season on the line? Is this a cruel nightmare? Unreal
Betts is crushing man...crushing...all hopes. Guy talked like a loser before the game even started. You called it, Mookie. That was the shot.
I can't believe that just happened....not even a groundout to get the third run in. Using Souza over Lux is beyond laughable but seeing overrated Betts fail was just sad knowing that we are stuck with his overrated ass till he retires
I want a refund. First two pitches looking, right down the middle. Puljos can’t even sack fly to score a run. This team really doesn’t deserve it. They really don’t.
Dave is way too obsessed with the righty/lefty bullshit. Lux could bat with one hand and a blind fold and he's still better than Souza