He wasn't out of line with anything. He's nice with fans, but doesn't care for media... The same media who rips him for stupid shit and interprets everything to him wanting to go to Boston which is very stupid He hates our ownership, and that's really cool instead of these other guys pretending it's no big deal I think it's cool that he's as mad at the situation as we are
i get that but how hard would it be to just respond that you are looking forward to a different ownership situation. he's only making 10mil while he waits poor baby.
He's an assface but he's our second best hitter, which happens to be 1 out of the only 2 major league caliber hitters in the lineup. Try to make him happy and get him signed.
Jerry Sands would never act this way. The Dodgers need more good character guys like Clayton Kershaw and Matt Kemp and less bad character assholes like Andre Ethier. When new ownership comes in with a new GM and Ethier wants an extension the GM should tell Ethier “I'm not your buddy. You're not my buddy. No extension for you. Pack your bags for Kansas City."
Kansas City? The dude will go rake for a good team. I hate his assholeness but we need him to have any chance at fielding a halfway decent lineup.
i really dont care how he acts towards a reporter has anything ever came out about discontent in the clubhouse because of Andre? no. his teammates seem to like him, all that matters. just please hit, Andre and btw one of the comments on the espn article said that Tony jackson went on 710 ESPN and said andre is motivated by money more than any player he'd seen. he could have been pissed at that and treated him like shit. remember, the names of the reporters are hanging on the guys neck. Tony Jackson has been covering Dre his entire career. Andre knows exactly who he was talking to
Yes Kansas City. He needs to be traded there. Not Boston. He could use a little humbling experience. He takes playing in LA for granted. Let's see how he likes playing in Kansas City.
nothing has come out that i recall. still its pretty obvious he goes through his moments of not giving a shit or trying to work out of it. when he's on theres not many better. and when he's not we get diva behavior. he has value no doubt. lets cash it in for a change while we have the chance.
I wasn't talking about Kansas City. I was talking about trading him in general. I quoted Diablo, not bluethunder
not if Ned is making the deal. Ironically the last trade involving Ethier was the only good thing Ned has ever done in his life.
Yeah Dre is back at it as in training camp, playing baseball and not kissing up to the media who can't be trusted and will make something out of nothing for a story. Matt Kemp is pumped up in the off season works hard and says he thinks he is capable of hitting 50/50 and gets trashed by some for it. So Dre learns and says nothing and gets trashed for it. Along with having crap for an owner LA also has a problem with crap for reporters in some cases. Seems like the race is on in the press for the most negative Dodger headline.
Tubo has a very valid point there...the media does suck elephant penis, in every possible category they write about. There are no more "journalists", just hacks looking to raise and eyebrow and get the titillation level up -sports, politics, entertainment..whatever. That's what "news" is now. What it's become. But it does seem to me that this guy does serve up a lot of negative lip when he could just shut the fuck up. I agree with Devil, what the fuck, 10+ M doesn't buy your trap being shut? Didn't this guy see the Kevin Costner scene ? What does this guy want? 10 million after that mediocre season? Didn't they show him they believe in him by the long dust they paid him? Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio ?