It's true. A's. Beane Last shot before the Apocalypse in December.. I don't think I wish him so well... Yeah, fuck him...
How are you gonna not wish him well? He was amazing for this franchise, I dont care if he got caught using steroids. Anyone who hits 400 with 20 bombs over a half season and takes the team to 2 NLCS is in my good book.
+1. I don't hold any grudge against Manny. He made us relevant for a couple seconds Except I cannot say how embarrassed I was when he got suspended. Just shameful to us all.
Pretty don't care he got caught ...I do. It was all bullshit. And still paying for that bullshit, too. And will be. If that's OK with you...super duper. I hope he's an abject failure. If what he did and what we accomplished is "relevance" for you, and the ensuing embarrassment of his behavior is OK, good. Fuck him.
So angry. Don't blame you though. He embarrassed me more than I have ever been embarrassed as a fan the day he was suspended. Pure shame. He embarrassed our team. It sucked. But for those born post '88, his unreal (unfortunately it was really unreal) hitting, which made the Dodgers a legit world series contender, was the first time we got to see the Dodgers compete for a title. We didn't get the pleasure of seeing those 6 championships. We grew up on Pete O'Malley, FOX, and Frank. Never had any true chance until Manny came along. Just too bad it was all fake.
Yeah, it did. Because growing up in the OC as the lone Dodger fan I was subject to all of the shit talk. I take pride in my team and it was embarrassing to me. Is that okay?
I's more like the only way we've been close is from signing a guy that was a cheatin' pile of shit. He tainted everything about it , for me anyway. it's like this jerkoff Braun...the guy not only wins when he shouldn't have, he was a flat out douchebag cheater while doing it. The big "winner". If this is what it is like now...cheat, lie, be a fucking phony, and then everyone backs you up when you get caught - I glad I'm not part of it. If that's what's cool and accepted now, cool. I'll stay uncool about it. I'd rather be proud of the real deal. I agree, Chris, if you were embarrassed as a loyal Dodger fan for what he did, it's perfectly justified. Just shows the difference in what the team means to one fan and not another. Different strokes.... I was embarrassed , too. If someone doesn't get it, then it can't be explained...
It's a shame too, because the only Championship the OC has was roid-packed to the nines. I fuckin' hate the OC bandwagon, but I also call OC home.
I grew up in Brea, which is also close to the LA county line. All the Angel fans in my family are from LA county though. Fuckr's.
Same here. My great Gpa was an anal fan. But my dad said, "You're a fucking faggot" and became a Dodger fan. Rest is history.
We went crazier over this guy than any other Dodger I've ever seen. It was short-lived and tainted, but one of the greatest times ever for this Dodger fan. I wish him well.