Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

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  2. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    Because knowledge = power and why should he share?

    and this moron has been on the national political stage for how long??

    Fortunately America ignores most of it so long as it happens overseas. Don't interrupt me while I' talking and driving already. OMG.

    Kerry has utterly no clue. Sort of like Killary thinking that the gubberment makes jobs :smh:

    shit I said utterly and now Irish is going to get all stiff
    LAdiablo and irish like this.
  3. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

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  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    she is actually running on higher taxation and having the government create all these great paying jobs! IMBECILES EAT THIS UP
    TAFNAC likes this.
  5. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Indeed they do.

    Of course most imbeciles also have zero clue where their job comes from much like the pantsuit queen.
    fsudog21, LAdiablo and irish like this.
  6. ColoradoKidWitGame

    ColoradoKidWitGame DSP Legend Administrator

    Jul 2013
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    Yeah about the whole Colorado weed legalization, unless you live here and see it first hand, then you have no clue what is going on and how it is handled. The media does such a shitty job reporting on it and I see all sorts of numbers thrown around, one day I'll see an anti pot site post all this shit about how dangerous the state is becoming (thanks racist uncle that watches Fox News all day in South Carolina), then someone pro puts some fairy tale thing about how our state is swimming in money and the state is better for it. The truth of the matter is this, legalizing pot has been the furthest thing from a major problem. The real problem that legalization has caused is that we've gotten all the worthless potheads who followed it here and the cartels from neighboring states who are buying up property, building grow houses then transferring the product back across state lines(which is not really infringing on peoples everyday life). If this became legal nation wide, those problems go away.

    Those rapidly increasing crime rate numbers because of pot are complete bullshit. The amount of petty crime from pot has increased, but it's not bleeding into crime sprees around town and the state. What has led to the jump in crime here in the Denver Metro Area is that home prices have jumped at an avg rate of 10% appreciation year over year for 5 years now while rental rates have jumped at an even higher rate with an extreme lack in inventory from a slow new home building process while people have flocked to the state. When I bought 3 years ago, I was on the edge of an extremely prosperous neighborhood, but was considered outside of where you truly wanted to be and I bordered arguably the most dangerous part of the city. Now, I'm comfortably inside the "Historic Zone" and that border is a good 15+ blocks east and over 20 blocks north(rapid gentrification). What has happened is a bit of a revolution by the lower income people that have been pushed out. So we have seen a rise in crime from people knowing these neighborhoods and knowing how to utilize them for their thieving ways. This is also all over town. I pay attention to the news very closely and it is extremely rare when a dangerous incident involving marijuana comes up.... honestly it's basically never. The one everyone talks about is the husband that killed his family a couple years ago. Everyone blames the pot brownies.... not the high amount of booze and prescription drugs also found in his system.

    I have spoken to nurses and doctors about the rise in marijuana "OD's" into the ER and they all say the same thing, "better it is on weed than something else." Why? cause the weed doesn't kill you and the people are easier to deal with. Yes their has been a rise in pets and children ingesting dangerous levels of weed. The state came down on that quickly and they are making the changes. Companies were making their products too tantalizing to kids even trying to make things a carbon copy of famous candy and treats, so they are taking measures to change that.

    The biggest positive has been the money! We are swimming in it and don't know what to do with it(just like it was said earlier)!...except because we made wildly more than anyone ever expected, instead of going to schools and the poor, it came back to us in I believe a sum of $17 a person at this years tax season. We have what is known as the TABOR laws, which are ancient and fucking terrible. It says if we make more money than projected as a state from a taxed substance, we give the people a chance to vote on where it goes... so what did the people vote for instead of investing in schools and the homeless? Gimme Gimme Gimme! The state used a loophole to keep more of the funds, but it is going to be on the ballot this year to get rid of the shitty Tabor laws so that the elected officials can hand the money out appropriately.

    Seriously, there are such bigger issues going on outside of legalizing pot. Our state turned it around into a one billion dollar a year tourist industry. You can't smoke it on the streets, you can't grow it in your backyard and like drinking, you get caught driving on it and you are substantially fucked. Our streets aren't something out of an 80's movie based in New York and I don't go for walks and get contact high. The people that use it in an inappropriate manner are the same folks that used it that way when it was still illegal. I honestly wish more states would see the benefit of what has happened here, tax it appropriately, disperse funds appropriately and police it like you do alcohol, i.e. don't openly use it in public and certainly don't drive on it.

    A dude that hasn't smoked pot in close to 10 years.
    FerrariF2004, Bluezoo, TAFNAC and 3 others like this.
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Approved by a guy who hasnt smoked pot in over 1 years.
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  8. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

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    Devil is a registered non-partisan.
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    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

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  10. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest


    I've known the Devil for near 40 years and let me tell YOU that he is one partisan muthafucka!!

    I wouldn't love him so much otherwise.

    Now partisan to what, you'll have to figure out on your own.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Rather hate you for saying so plainly but...

    you're right
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    An EXCELLENT read. Thank You.

    I have long considered most of what you stated to be truth but not living in CO I didn't have up close and personal view. I might soon as CA appears on the edge of joining the pro-pot list. I've shared what my cop buddies have told me including having NEVER been called to break up a pot related disturbance in 25+ years. Weed lovers are simply too mellow. Unlike the black/gray market types that are freaking by watching one of their favorite revenue streams going away.

    No one gets hurt. No one hurts others. No one causes violence. No one gets arrested unless they're a minority (which is bogus as hell) No one would care but damn isn't Big alcohol against mary jane in all possible forms.. again pissed about encroachment of their revenue streams. Too damned bad when American realizes that a single puff beats the hell out of a single shot of whiskey. Or tequila or whatever.

    Yeah too bad for us in that Big Alcohol had the pull ($$$) to compel the DOJ to keep it as a Schedule 1 drug like heroin. :smh: Because that makes sense. :facepalm:

    So now we must wait until 51% of the States legalize it.

    Once again Obomber was worthless at keeping his word. :yawn:

    And Killary has been paid handsomely by Anheuser Busch Inbev and whomever else wants to retain the status quo. :banghead:

    A dude that appreciates mountain air
  13. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Guess I failed to push the sarcasm button on that post.
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  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    if partisan means i don't want a failed country for my kid then count me in
    CapnTreee likes this.
  15. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Too late. We're in the midst of failure.

    Check out our presidential candidates.
  16. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    not something you hope for
    but i will never admit it is too late and throw in the towel
    love my kid too much
    TAFNAC, fsudog21 and irish like this.
  17. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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    Not quitting, either. But we've reached a new low politically in this country.
    carolinabluedodger and irish like this.
  18. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Has anyone thought if something does happen to Pantsuit, and she succumbs to one of various diseases, which she may or may not suffer from, that this guy Caine will be POTUS ?
  19. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Is that bad? Is he any worse than Pantsuit or combover?
  20. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Well then, I guess you have thought about it.
    Man, are we in deep trouble.
    TAFNAC and irish like this.

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