Please inform me as to when you will commence... I wish to be the voices in your head, and will give you swell targets. You won't even have to leave the LA area considering who I have in mind for you. Thank you.
biden admin already threatening Israel to pull back support unless they end the ground incursion fuck hamas and those lying murdering motherfuckers go get em
can't hurt when the world can see blinky meeting w hamas and doh telling Israel to stop isn't there a few more bil that iran deserves for humanitarian purposes or something?
Well, it may have started light of Biden's fucking incredible shit show for the last three years, the Blue Wave is in full force in today's election. A damn good night for Dems in multiple areas. Abortion trumps all the negatives- no matter how bad they are, or how much the polls say the Dems are down. Just when you think it can't happen, or get any worse. It does. SMH. The Repubes better figure this out real fucking fast, man.
Old Jewsh man murdered from being smashed in the head by a pro Palestinian megaphone wielder... Where's the fucking reporting on this ? Where's the murder charge ? Where's the fucking outrage ? I guess you need a cop to do it before anyone gets a rise over murder.
right up the road from me in Thousand oaks/Westlake area that Shell station looks like its the one right off the 101 and Westlake south heard eyewitnesses say the person that killed him ran up w a megaphone and struck the 69 year old guy in the face and he fell backwards hitting his head on the cement apparently that's not enough and the pro palestinian protesters say it never happened so the cops are asking for video evidence pretty sure they can determine if the man was hit or just tripped and fell over his own feet and blamed a protestor he was murdered in broad daylight w eyewitness accounts and there's not even msm news reports imagine if this were a trans person or a black person, these motherfuckers its not about whats right anymore its about the agenda and anti semitism is alive and well and its just the beginning and its about to get bloodier boggles the mind to think one Jew could vote democrat but they still do like the cognitive dissonant imbeciles they are
oh and they aren't giving out any info on the megaphone guy which tells me he's likely middle eastern descent and protected like the racist trans manifesto freak if they were in a group every last one will lie for the other one and i know because i've seen it first hand
as fucked up as all this anti semitism is it is nice to see the pro Israel demonstration in DC today pretty sure doh and kramala could have delayed the SF trip a few hours to show up but i'm guessing the DC thing was timed to make them look bad, which bravo everyone gettin in line to such xi's dick is pathetic libs play this game all the time and glad to see at least repubes are getting a little better at playing that game wish the libs of SF would get outraged at the garbage pos newsome cleaning up the city for letting them literally live in shit the last years an voila! clean city for the communist heard they were even holding out last minute unless every dietary and religious detail was in order humiliating i have a dream...and its not a pleasant one
doh biden "i've known some of these people with the fentanyl, young kids, 3 of them, and they wake up dead" xi and china having a good laugh and licking their chops cause its too easy
A college professor was arrested as a suspect in the murder of the 69 yr. old Jewish guy ( when struck with a megaphone) some time ago. These are the people teaching your college students. And does anyone else think that the "release" of hostage amounts disagreements and accompanying stalling tactics are do to the fact that many of the hostages are plainly and simply, are dead. Murdered already.
yeah professor Loay Abdelfattah Alnaji now i know why all the pro Palestinian demonstrators stuck to together cause those folks always do and why are all these people who want peace so violent? the 300k+ pro Israeli march the msm forgot to report on wasn't violent but man this antifa based paid for madness sure is we clearly dropped the ball on educating our youth and really hope its not too late
A lot of those kids were fucked up before they ever stepped foot on a college campus. Might be a cliche, but it all starts at home.