FREE LEONARD PELTIER !!! ISN'T HALF A FUCKING CENTURY is long enough being convicted and incarcerated on circumstantial evidence and absolutely NO witnesses at all...and the statement from the govt. was "somebody has to pay" he was chosen. This guy has paid his "debt", imo anyway.
its X only libtards insist on calling it the t word! but yeah the memes are too much
sometimes i use the word giant it doesnt always mean the same thing sometimes im using it a little sarcastically or mockingly after the way finksi called himself a giant and me a mouse in comparison to our relative levels of knowledge/power/etc... after that i kinda relished in calling myself a mouse and big oafs like finksi as giants who step over the line because they are so big and oafish they cant really see it anymore its a funny bit and you can say a running gag now for me to use it but i think it makes it harder for you guys to understand what im talking about when i then use the word giant in its true context i know we are a sports site and i get nobody likes being preached to specially from a foul mouthed weed smoking gum chewing forum brawler who fucks bitches and doesnt pay taxes or go to church so i apologize in advanced for bringing in a little bible giants are those that live in the culture adjacent to the culture of the rest of us except their culture is about long genealogies and descendants of this or that person of wealth and taste or other magnitudes of power what we call NEPOTISM is the same thing called NEPHILIM in the first book of the bible the descendants of greatness are the worst of the worst that humanity has to offer as they have the best of both worlds without the knowledge or suffering of either their power is derived from their money, a baby face, and premium hair gel and its not a genetic thing for the most part like i said earlier, its a culture its only partly their nature, but its mostly their nurture and when they appear in power again like they have been in our age it means victory is coming soon to swoosh them away there were giants that used to rule over the people in ancient times the giants taken out by the flood of water there were giants again that used to rule over the people in classic times they got taken out by a flood of people there were giants that used to rule over the people in the age before ours do you remember how those giants went or is it too soon to go there yet??? jesus said there would be giants that rule over the people in our current times the giants are supposed to be taken out with fire i hope this isnt too offensive to any of you not trying to offend anyones religious sensibilities just taking one little part of the bible to expand about how things are happening and that its a good thing not to freak out about it i used the bible but i didnt really get preachy or religious or mystical or 'spiritual' or anything like that i just gave you an example of the practical use of the tool not trying to throw the book around like if it was a hammer but hammertime is coming which reminds me why would i still not have my admin privileges back? why hasnst @irish or @TAFNAC replied to me about why they are ignoring me? have i been saying things that offend either of them? I dont recall ever saying anything bad about either of them nor would i have anything negative about them in my head im still holding out that maybe this is a glitch or maybe they decided to accidentally block me so they dont see my posts i really dont know why they would give me this kind of treatment i been nothing but transparent, honest, and collaborative with them if they think they need to protect the members from my mischievous ban hammer or they think anything else untoward they should just tell me about it the long it goes on the less i think its some kind of accident or small thing dont you as a member of DSP want to know what is really going on? or are all of you conditioned to just chew the cud and look down
I don't really want to comment on this, but since you called us out, I'll answer. Frankly, no, I don't care. Sorry to be so blunt, rube, but I'm just here for a respite from the everyday, to talk some Dodger baseball and occasionally dawdle into other sports or topics. This is a break from drama in real life - the last thing I want is drama here. Now back to chewing my cud... oh wait, is that a salt lick over there?!? Think I'll go give it a taste.
wish these X memes would open here so much great memeery
come now DSP is a fine site, you cant expect admins to actually have some weird passion or desire to fix or upgrade things like that that is for wackos like Zuck, Musk and Bezos or the MySpace guy. the MyPillow guy should have made a social media empire based around being on your bed or your couch comfy and sharing your pillowtalk with people if you gonna run a social media site you have to be a little more social you kinda want to have to get your hands dirty with the people im telling you the mypillow guy woulda been good at this kinda stuff I guess i must agree with you at the end of the day, the customer is always right about what he wants when was the last time the current administration did anything to upgrade the sites functionality? other than by demoting me me me meeeee!!!! remember when meme was our middle name thanks to guys like Irish hitting them outta the park everyday we need more guys like him so you are right, this place could use some more meme support
bbbububut... but what about rhode island! lol fucking retards in fema sounding more retarded everytime why is it so difficult to find good leaders that dont have their heads up their ass? maybe because they arent really leaders just bureaucrats given their charge by the giants they serve but leaders dont serve the giants like silly burros do they serve the bulls and the sheep and the holy cows and the greatest of all times
this is something else after voting NO on Hegseth bitch McConnell walks over and shakes hands w democrats rino loser and traitor to the country
unreal that Costco steps up to defend racist DEI policies at this moment in time I've been a paying member for decades and literally love this store but ffs what is that I really NEED there? nice to grab the dog food and water in the same place but I'm totally reassessing if I actually am just buying shit I don't need after that all the detergents etc are easily found elsewhere or on amazon and those crowds have become really aggressive and annoying since the covid fiasco one of the strongest and most solid performing stocks for what seems like forever but inviting Sharpton in to grandstand and "shop for justice" may be a bridge too far for a lot of folks I think they just stepped in it tbh
How does he keep winning then? Kentucky needs to do its job and get that old fuck out of office. Alaska too. Before Trump leaves, the whole party needs to have fundamentally changed or else it will just revert back to the uni-party system.