1 for 13?? WTF?? And Clayton gets rocked in less than 4 innings?? I'm fully disgusted and finally leaning strongly towards @irish stance... "gloom and doom for the duration" Every DSP poll I intend to complete as "getting swept" until we get back on track. Dodgers going 1 for 13 is not sustainable and throwing all my DSP reverse axis mojo with 2 1/2 twists in a pike position at this team until we round the corner as this appears the next best option. Wait we play the Gnats again.. grrrrrrr.. OK so for that series I simply cannot root for them so I just won't vote at all in hopes of bouying our playoff and WS chances
Just need one win, and I think the monkey is off our backs. We won't win at a 90% clip or anything, but we'll get it done. But this losing streak did expose weaknesses in the lineup that's worrisome, and the BP screwed up badly in many of these situations. The errors are errors but I'm not that concerned about it. It's the BP and batting lineup that seems to have lost their mojo the most.
Seager proving he can throw and hit for power would ease my mind. Somebody is going to have to hit 5th too and it can't be Grandal or a slumping Curtis. Wood and Darvish need to figure their crap out too. I'm fine with the bullpen if Buehler and Morrow are ready to go. If no effective lefty emerges, just don't use any of them.
I know things are bad right now, but we still have the best record in baseball. Seems like they are grasping at straws to mock you.
This is rough brothers. I'm getting that taste in my mouth that I had when Joe Blanton gave up the bomb vs. Chicago last post season. I know I'm being irrational. This cannot continue, I know it.
I'm doing something to reverse the mojo tonight. Whether it be wear full dodger gear or watch it on the iPad or change my screensaver or all the above. This has become beyond ridiculous.
going to noho to see a battle of the bands on top of some parking garage been a long time since i have done something like that and i just want to do something other than sit and watch a whole game this too will pass just wish we hadn't got so fucking clever
always wear my Dodger lid but you sure see an awful lot of new ones everywhere these days sure most come off during the losing streak i always wear mine the day after playoff elimination especially have been stopped in the airport by bb fans of other teams telling me wtg and how we should have gone further yeah i know that but thanks for the kind words get em next year fuck