Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 3, 2016.

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  1. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    and one other thing...
    if you block traffic with your protest
    you deserve to be beaten by police with no recourse
    assholes ever stop to think they might be blocking a woman in labor or some other emergency
    fucken self-serving assclowns
    THINKBLUE and fsudog21 like this.
  2. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    When cops are being murdered in the streets its time for some frank discussions on the issue
    All statistics say that cops murder more whites than blacks
    And the REAL conversation should be about how 90% of blacks are killed by other blacks
    I would think it would get embarrassing blaming others for whats wrong w your own community
    No other race on the face of the earth throws blame like the black community
    Its to the point where liberals have made a science and an industry out of it
    How can you possibly do it for yourself without assistance?
    Really sad when you think about it
    But the anger is misplaced and the answer is in the mirror
    irish and fsudog21 like this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Liberal leaders are not liberals as they do not seek freedom. They are wolves in sheeps clothing. They are rape and pillagers who want the masses socialized and centralized in order to make the raping and pillaging more efficient.
    They do not believe in god. Not the god of the host/servant relationship. AKA the god of the union between upper and lower classes. Between man and wife. Between owner and worker. Between majority and minority. The believe in the god of divide and conquer.
    Blacks and other minorities are the usual victims of the wolves who pretend to be their benefactors.
    fsudog21 and LAdiablo like this.
  4. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I'm betting that those "people" who perpetrated those acts weren't thinking hmm I'm doing this because Obama didn't do enough. It's systematic and 1 lone person isn't going to fix it. It's much easier for 1 man to destroy society than to fix all it's ills. We can agree to disagree.
  5. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    I wasn't saying he could fix it but you have to admit as the first black president he had an amazing opportunity to do something much better
    I didn't vote for him obviously but when he was elected i thought at least race relations would improve
    But he's bringing in sharpton and blm to the white house to huddle
    I think the black community is pretty heavily influenced by him don't you?
    harkeyed, THINKBLUE and irish like this.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Barack Obama could not fix anything for blacks for a number of reasons.
    How would a black president improve race relations? The opposite could only happen as the natural backlash would ensue.
    Sharpton has little to no influence. If you think so then you have been fooled by the media and politicians which is who this is pandering to, not to blacks.
    What you believe is a crock created for you to believe it. Its not based on truth but on what the owners of this country want you to believe. Godless liberal socialists are spinning yarn and the web they create is so thick folks cant remember the truth.
    Black people are not your enemy.
    Muslim people are not your enemy.
    They are being manipulated by predators who came down from the caves to rape and pillage the lowland peoples and divide the spoils between them.
    They are not humanistic humans, but animistic humans.
    Your enemy are the Huns.
  7. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    who said anything about anyone being my enemy?
    i judge people individually as they stand in front of me and speak
    i just said he could have done more for race relations
    calm down there bubba
    THINKBLUE and irish like this.
  8. carolinabluedodger

    carolinabluedodger DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    I've been quiet on this...and I probably should remain so.

    But, have you stopped to think that, for once in the history of the country the black population has felt represented, has felt included, and perhaps for just a second see themselves as a little more than a bargaining chip on election day?

    I'll say one more thing and then I'll fade into the background again. Race relations will improve when the conservatives want them to, and not until.

    Have at it, I'll not reply.
    Shack likes this.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You doesnt mean YOU diablo just because i quoted you.
    Its a general you. I thought it was obvious.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    thats totally innocuous and you make a good point
    don't agree on the conservative issue because i think they are all the same
    but dems don't exist without the grievance industry
    ironic since they are responsible for the jim crow laws and kkk
    THINKBLUE, irish and Bluezoo like this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Forget about the title of the group.
    Look at their strategy.
    If they use divide and conquer strategy, if they pit one segment of the nation against another, if they engage in class warfare... they are the enemy.
    Since the democrats were founded they have been doing just that.
    Even the civil war was a manipulation.
  12. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    They were most definitely excited buy I am sure they didn't get the benefit of the doubt in the aftermath of his election. I'm sure they will tell you it didn't stop the police from stopping them. Well Sharpton is like Don King if you don't invite him he'll raise a stink to the high heavens.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i think an easy question to ask is how much better life got for minorities in general under BO?
    most major cities are run by black democratic politicians and how has that worked out?
    i'm hoping we can remember we are the human race and hold people, especially politicians, equally responsible
    agree w Rube and the divide and conquer game
    they sell race like cheap perfume and people wear it
    THINKBLUE likes this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Look at black music.
    Who is in charge of that?
    Not blacks.
    Producers, Record Company Executives, Owners, etc... are not black.
    When you hear a black guy blasting some ridiculous silly music out of his car as he talks and wears his 'culture' on his body... who do you think sold him that culture?
    Not the black entertainers, they stooges selling out like anyone else sells out.
    They are told in one way or another how to perform their minstrel show.
    And their audience is their own people. The best way to keep a people down is to degenerate their culture and debase their dignity.
    The way they do it is to instill a false sense of pride into minority groups while politicizing and monetizing them until they burn them out or turn them into frankenstein monsters of society.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  15. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Mother of Benghazi victim blames Hillary Clinton for son’s death
    Liz Goodwin | Senior National Affairs Reporter — July 18, 2016

    CLEVELAND, Ohio— Pat Smith, the mother of a State Department IT consultant who died in Benghazi, told the Republican National Committee on Monday that she personally blames Hillary Clinton for the death of her son Sean.

    “I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son,” Smith said. “Personally.”

    She also said she was lied to by Clinton, the former secretary of state and presumptive Democratic nominee. She said Clinton told her and other family members of the four Americans who died in the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi that the deaths were a result of a spontaneous protest over an anti-Islamic video, instead of a planned attack.

    “How could she do this to me? How could she do to this to any American family?” Smith asked, as some Republican delegates wiped tears away from their eyes. She praised Trump for being “everything that Hillary Clinton is not.”

    “Hillary for prison,” she concluded her speech. “She deserves to be in stripes!”

    Smith was followed by Mark Geist and John Tiegen, two security contractors who fought in Benghazi and have accused Clinton of mishandling the situation.

    After Smith’s remarks, the Clinton campaign sent out a statement saying that the House’s Republican-led Benghazi investigation was a “purely partisan exercise” that “found no wrongdoing” by Clinton.

    Clinton said in a March primary debate that Smith was “absolutely wrong” on the claim that she lied.
  16. Gebbeth

    Gebbeth DSP Legend

    Jul 2013
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    Hi Codge. You may know that I often hate the Off Topic thread because of the overt politicism that often comes out. I am not angry at any of the opinions expressed here because it comes from everyone's true beliefs, even if you don't agree with them.

    But I think your post speaks a very important truth.

    For over 200 years, the United States was united for only a precious few, namely white, male, rich, land owners. The laws and financial structure was made for them. Nevermind the words "all men are created equal". Not all people were created equal in America for "four score and seven years". A republican, Lincoln fought a civil war to try to make that credence true. And he was assasinated for it.

    Things did not change for nearly another 100 years until people rose up and said "we shall overcome."

    So to have a president who is of mixed race....mother was white, father was black, raised by his white grandparents when his mother died. Worked to get into Harvard and then Harvard Law School. And then become president of the United States?

    Say what you will about his record, but he took over the country during it's DARKEST days of financial misery (trust me, I know how close we were to the edge, and I mean the entire world economy), he stablized it, and grew the stock market (and our 401(k)s in the process), and also brought an intelligence and gentlemanliness to the often angry and bombastic politics of Washington.

    NO ONE IN CONGRESS OR THE SENATE HAS DONE SHIT TO HELP HIM. And for all that, your candidate is a silver spoon rich asshole called Trump (real name Drump). You reap what you sow.

    I know alot of the posters here love guns....but what is happening in this country is just nuts. The second amendment was made when we had hot standing army and our weapons were muskets at best.

    I really hope we've progressed beyond that.

    As I have said before, when I graduated from college, our commecement speaker told us a story of the Bosian war against Serbia is Sarejevo. A Muslim girl and Serbian boy were childhood sweethearts. They loved each other and their families did too.

    During the civil war, Saraejvo war a war zone, and Seribian forces had created death zones where snipers would pick off civilians passing through.

    The Muslim girl ran through one of these corridors, but got cut down by a Serbian sniper. Her Serbian boyfriend ran after her to save her, but was shot...probably by the same sniper. The last photo of them was both of them holding hands, face down, as tbey bled to death. They were buried side by side in the stadium formerly used for the Winter Olympics...which became a large cemetary.

    The college speaker said that "civilization just doesn't happen." It is not a natural thing. People have to work to make it happen.

    I just think that after all these years....people still don't understand that.
  17. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Nice speech by Michelle I mean Mrs. Trump LMFAO.
    Shack and Gebbeth like this.
  18. Doughty8

    Doughty8 DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    What's the point? There were also those who lost loved ones that don't blame Hillary,
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
    Gebbeth likes this.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    thats the truth
    we are a small group here and i think opposing views can be discussed without name calling or freaking out
    its not easy but it can be done
    i think we can all agree these are insane times we are living in
    carolinabluedodger and irish like this.
  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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