Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i'm all for reform starting w the unions that keep bad cops/teachers/etc. on the job
    fire those fuckers as soon as they go sideways
    saying this wasn't a dangerous situation just shows your lack of knowledge and denial of the potential threat to all involved there
    no one knows what the fuck that guy was going for or what he was going to do and the cops don't have to wait and find out
    you know who needs retraining as well?
    the fucking citizens who think they get to act out a fool when the situation is serious
    i've spent my share of time in jails/brigs and places no one wants to be because i involved myself in things that got me arrested
    not all of them were my fault but i knew the point of where i had to calm the fuck down and let things play out cause i was going to jail
    escalating the situation leads to very bad outcomes and tragic death
    and you're right its ALL citizens paying the price for bad cops not just black folk
    i don't like cops and i've made that clear many times
    i think some of them are low educated testosterone spewing cocks acting out their fantasies
    those guys would be the first to go
    but i also respect the job these guys do cause i wouldn't want it no matter how much they pay
    in fact i was offered a badge by an old friend who was a police helicopter pilot
    all i had to do was talk to the citizens part time and take a six week class
    no gun so i had no interest
    if you're high and the cops show up try acting like a reasonable human and see how things go
    maybe they arrest you but i guaranfuckingtee you don't die
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    you can't not have utopias
    shitheads on power trips will always join the force
    they want the force that being on the force empowers them to trip on
    they are drawn to it and you can't properly weed them out
    the problem is you also give them lots of power and lots of immunity which together like church and state equal a license to kill.
    remove the guns from first responders
    regular beat cops should have the club and other non lethal weapons as their tools to protect and serve.
    this will weed out some of the shitheads
    and the shitheads that stay will still be shitheads but at least they wont kill as many people
    when they do it will be harder for them to get away with it
    cops will still have guns, just not all the cops
    not the regular cops
    so these cops will be way more careful if they really fear for their lives
    because a drawn pistol is not a shield that protects you but makes you a live target
    without this pistol they will be train to be less likely to put themselves in situations where they can be shot at or shoot someone else
    the amount LA police pay out in lawsuits from shootouts is staggering and leads the world.
    its in the millions and millions and millions every year
    all because there are too many slaves that need too many overseers who end up with too many shithead taskmasters who just want to whip people up for the thrill of it and you can't help it
    so remove the whip from their hands and watch their demeanor switch and become a lot less demeaning

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Or you could just end Qualified Immunity.

    If individual police officers and the governments that employ them are liable for their misdeeds, they'll be forced to carry the equivalent of malpractice insurance.

    The most powerful force in the universe, insurance companys' interest in not paying settlements, will make the bad cops and excessive force go away very quickly.
    fsudog21, irish and Finski like this.
  4. a2n

    a2n Glue Sniffer

    Jan 2020
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    aww the boot licking smell in the morning.

    cops’ jobs are way less dangerous than truck drivers, garbage man, and pizza delivery boys...to name a few. That feeling of “respect “ is because many think they out there with lives on the brink.

    Remember that UPS driver that got killed because cops went guns blazing on a stolen vehicle in the middle of a stopped freeway? They used civilians’ are as cover. Shooting indiscriminately in middle of freeway with a bunch of innocent bystanders around.

    After all that we learned cops killed the innocent UPS driver. UPS put out a statement to say how sad they learned about the dead employee but then thanked law enforcement for their service at end of statement! Lol America in a nutshell.
    rube likes this.
  5. a2n

    a2n Glue Sniffer

    Jan 2020
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    agree but I am not so sure it will end the brutality. These cops are fucking scum and idiots.
  6. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    quite possibly the most ignorant thing ever stated on dsp
  7. a2n

    a2n Glue Sniffer

    Jan 2020
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    found a place in south yet?
  8. a2n

    a2n Glue Sniffer

    Jan 2020
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    blazer5 and rube like this.
  9. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    No it won't.
    Who pays the premiums.
    If it's the taxpayer than it will make zero difference.
    May even make it worse.
    Imo doctors are more likely to make mistakes knowing that the malpractice insurance covers them.
    Sure premiums go up but it's nothing like losing a lawsuit and paying out of pocket.
    Insurances make you bolder.
    You know there is a safety net if you fuck up.
    The government pays so much to settle lawsuits and no cop on the street feels that pressure.

    Removing their immunity while at the same time allowing them to carry a pistol is a recipe for disaster.
    Folks will just fuck with them left and right taunting them to draw their weapon and risk a lawsuit.
    Makes no sense.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Police deaths are like covid deaths.
    If an officer shoots himself in the face out of drunken guilt for all his misdeeds one night in his basement it will go down as an officer involved shooting death in the line of duty.
    The union says so so the family gets all benefits.
    But it's also a way to keep the number of police deaths high to scare people into giving up more funding and respecting the police more for their sacrifice.

    The police system is anti american to it's core.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    didn't realize you had such seething rage for the blue
    its a fucked up job and just like every layer of society there's an underbelly
    blazer5 likes this.
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    absolutely retarted
    irish likes this.
  14. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    That's not how this works.
    That's not how any of this works.

    Think about how insurance works.
    Rates are high if you are a risk.
    And you'll have actuaries, not unions deciding who is a risk.
    No one will employ high risk cops because the insurance cost.
    fsudog21 and Finski like this.
  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    All I hear here is how you are obviously personally biased by your friends and family.
    My family were all cops in both home countries. Grandfather's were body choppers with machete justice.
    You took the point personally because of your background and missed the point.

    Because my point of the suicide tale was clearly not about anything you talking about.
    It was the similarity on how the death is classified as dying in the line of duty.
    Same thing the CDC was doing with covid.

    I don't watch tv finsky, not in like 20 years.
    Last series I watched to completion was the sopranos.
    And most my neighbors are cops.
    Mom has always worked for cops.
    And criminals too.
    I'm in and out of their lives all my life because I'm the driver.

    Of course it's job stress.
    If a cubicle worker kills himself his job stress is also a factor.
    But not on the line of duty.
    If as a cop your downtime counts as line of duty then you are always a cop and always working and always on your guard.
    That attitude breaks humans.

    I'm not speaking lies.
    It was an example to prove a point.
    You as a professor of history and literature should be more aware of the fallacy that is getting hung up on the details of an example over the intended factual point.
    You know that everything used in the example is in no way supposed to be dissected for its factual technicalities and judged by the percentage of truth as to your standards and experience.
    You understood the point I was making with the example.
    You do not get the benefit of the doubt.
    You have too much education.
    You chose to misuse the example to twist it into an attack on police who serve righteously.
    If your grandfather was around and was seeing how the police departments cower and officers use their fear as an excuse to be evil he would probably investigate them for being part of the black hand gang.
    Because they are.
    Sheriffs are run by secret societies like the chinese triad.
    Police are run by gangs that are recruiting grounds for the secret societies.
    It's a mafia.
    Your personal connections make it worse than being simply uninformed and ignorant.
    You defend the doctrines created to hide their abuse as sacred.
    They aren't.
    And if they don't reform and remove the guns from the badly trained thugs out there the whole apple bunch is gonna be thrown out.

    The swamp runs deep.
    And swamp thing ain't even up yet.
  16. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Haha you think things work like they tell you they work for you and for me.

    Remember when they said that surgeons and big pharma would clean up their act because of insurance costs.
    Yeah, surgeons don't give a fuck.
    They just move on to a new spot.
    Abusive cops will always be paid.
    Mercenaries who do their job without asking questions or feeling guilt are always a hot commodity.
    If not here then in another city or county or state.
    Many of the worse are moving to Texas to protect and harass the people leaving CA.

    These policies and great ideas only work against law abiding people.
    The criminally minded abusers know how to move side to side like a snake and always land on their belly.
    Your best intentions and logical conclusions break down as useless against pro criminals.

    Like always money becomes your only tool. Money that comes from taxpayers.
    Which means FREE MONEY.
    Nobody respects free money.
    On the contrary, having insurance pay for your misdeeds is a safety net that ONLY gives you the freedom to not give a fuck.
    If you a power minded shithead.
    And your bosses don't care l, ultimately its more money for the dept and allows for even more of a budget ask for the city and state. They can always point to the rising premiums not as a negative but as a positive to ask for more of your money.

    You need to think like a criminal if you wish to make an impact against them.
    You have to do things that hurt them hardest.
    Not things that hurt everyone else and are merely inconveniences for criminals to get around.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Who doesn't love good cops?

    I'm Mexican and Salvadorian born in east la in the 70s. Raised in Whittier in the 80s.
    Lived in Azusa during the 90s.
    And lived and stayed in Pomona off and on all my life because of family and friends.
    I been to warzones in El Salvador and drug zones in Sinaloa.
    I never get scared by thugs on the street.
    Like I don't get scared by the predators on the mountain.
    My adrenaline spikes by predators that hide inside the corral and pretend to be here from the government to help me.
    We grow up seeing too many of the bad cops.
    And they become the calling card for entire departments.

    Too many cops are all by the book heartless stiffs.
    Too many are dirty fucks.
    The majority I hope are regular guys like my nephew who just graduated from the academy.
    Hopefully he isn't turned de one extreme to the other.
    Problem is if you aren't by the book you get in trouble for not making enough money for your department or for technicalities arising from being a human being and treating people as such.
    It becomes a challenge to stay that way.
    Because you end up powerless in a job that is all about power.
    So cops know that they have to line up on one side or the other.
    Unwritten rules always lead to this.
  18. a2n

    a2n Glue Sniffer

    Jan 2020
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    Probably piss on your shoes cause your fat ass hasnt been able to see own your dick since Nam.
    blazer5 likes this.
  19. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    and you’re more likely to die in an auto accident than a plane crash
    but guess what?...
    the severity per incident ratio is a lot worse in a plane
    a minor auto accident you’ll likely walk away
    in the air you’re probably toast
    police are in dangerous situations the minute they put their badge on
    they’re also targets; even more so in this current climate
    a gardner might slit his femoral artery and bleed out
    but little chance anyone will be gunning for his while he’s picking up a couple donuts
    LAdiablo and fsudog21 like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    If you knew the dangers of working for UPS and how high security is in there you wouldn't scoff so quickly.
    I have permanent damage to my kidneys from unloading trucks during the summer.
    Do you know it gets 40 degrees hotter inside a steel container sitting in the heat for hours?
    Conditions are horrible inside a ups hub.
    Teamsters union in there for a reason.
    Water is restricted and you on a timer for everything. Lines to use the bathroom because breaks are super strict and the conveyor starts and stops automatically if you are at your post or not.
    You eat dust coming from all over the world and spit out black muck from your lungs as if you worked in a coal mine.

    Pizza delivery driver is also very dangerous.
    In between deliveries you have to fold pizza boxes.
    The paper cuts are neverending.
    That's real suffering right there.
    Because then you gotta stick your cut up fingers in your pocket to get your keys or get change for customers or grab the pussy of that lonely lady that orders the same veal parm dinner every Friday night.

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