Gomez was fucking INSANE there, wow, no idea where the hell that came from. But... if it was any other team my reaction might be different though cause I like any time someone does something crazy to the Braves, they fucking suck dick with their morals... Trying to police baseball with head hunting cause of sensitivity, meanwhile doing it hypocritically. How was McCann not ejected for blocking the plate on a god damn Home Run? I mean seriously. I'm not defending Gomez... I'm really not, that was psychotic, but man the Braves have had this shit done to them way more than other teams so it kinda makes you wonder what their deal is
Gomez shouldn't have done the showboating, but he has history with Malholm, so I can see why he did it. Still not right. And McCan shouldn't have blocked home plate. You're just asking for a brawl and how he didn't get ejected I have no clue.
On that note, I hope we meet the Braves in the post season, and Puig hits a bomb, and doesn't get out of the box until it's over the wall.
To be honest, I don't really see anything wrong with what Gomez did. Hit a jack and pimped it, and I feel like I've seen guys pimp homeruns harder. I'm not positive but it seemed like Freeman was popping off pretty hard, I would have reacted the exact same way as Gomez.
Braves team in general is filled with cunts. Those fuckers pimp there shit but as soon as somebody showboats against them then they get all sensitive.
I don't think it was the "pimping" as much as it was the talking shit to the pitcher all the way around the diamond.
I think Gomez is a smug, punk, bitch. Classic example of foreign, loud, douche (Racist... whatever. I love many other foreigners). People hate on Puig, but he has never done anything close to that. I didn't mind the pimp, what bugged me was the intent behind it. He was trying to be a pestering douche and he was jawing all across the bases.
Really? I've never seen anyone pimp a HR that hard. He swung at the first pitch as hard as he could and missed, and stared at Maholm for whatever reason. I don't know what made him so angry before hand but he was visibly upset before he hit the homer. Not after
Yea he's the one who started it, IDK how he didn't get ejected. Did Gomez throw a punch in the bench clearing because if he didn't I don't understand why he was ejected either.
So I have to say, I watched it again this morning and actually saw the whole thing. They were only showing Gomez pimping the homerun, then rounding first. I see now that he was walking to first and it looked like he was talking some shit to Maholm right away. That's definitely a bit aggressive on Gomez's part, regardless of history. I think McCann and Freeman went overboard though too, both sides definitely could have handled that better.