Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    spent the night in SD picking up a navy kid and bringing her back to LA
    they were so amped about the mads and then tatis happens again lol nice contract wish i was there today
    if you like the gaslamp district be aware the homeless crisis is full bore down south as well
    always been an issue but now its like DTLA hardcore shit caked assholes everywhere
    Finski likes this.
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Looks like a dude that hates the Eagles...
    Finski likes this.
  3. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    RIP Ann Heche...shoulda known better sweetheart...can't get all coked up and drive 75 mph in the city.
    She used to be pretty hot, and a pretty fair actress.
    irish likes this.
  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    yeah nothing much i can say about the woman so better nothing at all
    her relationship w Ellen sure helped her and maybe left her a little confused?
    a woman in Hollywood is as fragile a thing as it gets
    sure seems like she decided to end it all and this was a suicide
    guess she thought her brother took his life in a single car accident previously
    weird stuff
    irish, RubeRedux and Finski like this.
  5. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    Scapegoat for Ellens sins.

  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i thought that was ellen's staff that received the regular beatings
    Finski likes this.
  7. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    Yeah but heche probably saw what she couldn't unsee.
  8. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Can't they just kill Ellen?
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  9. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Get it, but would it drive a person to a drug fueled suicidal suicide ? I mean, yeah, Ellen is a nasty cunt, but was she cannibalizing babies or something ?
    Oh, wait...that's the Democrats...
    RubeRedux, irish and Finski like this.
  10. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    Some people can't handle the deal with the devil.
    Not all celebrities have the heart of an evil angel.
    Those with human hearts can easily fall prey to the glamour, or what the church calls beauty.
    Beauty attracts and covers up ugly that is in the shadows.
    Beauty draws the light, the gaze, your attention.
    So you don't think or care about the ugly.
    Until you get older and weaker.
    And start losing the beauty in your eye.
    Or others stop seeing the beauty in you.
    Either way beauty likes beauty.
    And it doesn't like to be reminded of any kind of ugly truth.

    Sunshine worship.
    It's the love of beauty.
    Oh how it shines.
    And bleaches away all darkness with it's light.

    But then the moonlight comes.
    And the freaks come out at night.
    To clean the public toilets and sweep the public streets, and line your public markets so you have somewhere to shit, to go, and to eat.
    And to create a cool breeze.
    So that those in the sun can get a semblance of cool and be inspired to steal their next brand new thing.

    That's why the lunatic freaks should stay in the shadows where there isn't so much hot air.
    Besides it's not rock n roll anymore if you have to issue public apologies for offending peoples sunshine worship with your lyrics.

    The sun will come out tomorrow.
    If god wills it.
    If not we will make hay for day horses.
    And night mares too.
    Because in the dark you can't tell a tiger from a leopard.
    And all cats look like tabbies.

    Y'all should think more o the song killing an Arab.
    The west is Arabic.
    Arab means educated.
    A raab.
    A student.
    Of Arabic numerals.
    And Phoenician letters.
    Which are seafaring arabs.
    But you have to have the makings of a varsity athlete to understand anything I'm saying.
    It's how you become a man of letters lik david letterman and his working pants and jacket.
    But these kind of quips go over y'all's head if I don't shine the light directly by hitting the point over and over like if I wielded a hammer.
    And this is supposed to be lots of you finooks favorite show.
    Were you not paying attention at all your viking shows and movies lately?
    Did you ever stop and wonder why they use afghani and uzbeki thal coins with Arabic writing all over the 'ancient' Nordic world?
    Why all the crowns and robes an other regalia are inscribed with Arabic all over?
    How Arabic was made into QR code looking designs similar to what inspired later painters to create cubic art. All that was plastered all over Europe as decorative markings on plates and vases and walls and swords.
    Of the sun worshipping elites.
    Taking what the giants had created before them.
    The giants who whistle while they work in the pale moonlight.
    Creating your sweet lullabies.
    With sharp noted tools and instruments

    Hey one day everyone is gonna see that light and the guilt may wanna cause you to wish a wall of bricks fall down and crush you in a car fire.
    The fear of god is the first and last thing.
    Nobody knows why she did it.
    But you can only allow yourself into believing something evil is ok for so long. If you aren't a completely dead soul who has personally done evil things to others but have benefited from the exploitation and abuse of others or have tacitly approved it or went along with it or covered it up or pretended it wasn't so bad, etc...
    Once you come to the conclusion that you are part and parcel to the worst kinda of evil.
    You would wanna die a most horrible death in the mistaken idea that you can escape this diner without paying the tab for the faith you have cultivated.
    Because that is your fate.
    Your own faith.
    Whats in your wallet?
    You can't pay off these aesir with chests full of roman golden Asses anymore.
    No longer the coin of the realm.
    Dinars got Taller as they travel through the Bosporus.

    But when you go in reverse and Novo Roma turns out to be older than old rome and how long did the Otto gigachads drive the bus?
    It's as if Valhalla and Jerusalem and Rome were all in the same place.
    But nah they speak jive in turkey now.
    Well since the globe started warming.
    When the world was more frosty before four score and 60 years ago.
    When camels roamed around the Kremlin and there was tropical palm trees in St Petersburg and Siberians freely walked to and fro to our neck of the kingdom where the state of being free dominates.

    But hey why would you give up all those beautiful toys made by the previous makers?
    Because you want the shine.
    And so you go around the world hiding truth and creating lies to replace it.
    And little by little you trickle out the toys, the knowledge, the architecture.
    But the money and what gives you prestige you keep.
    And that's what ultimately gives you away.
    The street, the land, the earth, dirtbags... They know who the targets are.
    They been pre-marked.
    Like folks that buy a wwe ticket.
    You already believe a lie you know is a lie but you love the novelty of the story and the big beautiful athletes glistening in their superior manliness.
    So the marketer know you a mark ready for market.
    Like the sheep and the swine.
    Ready and willing for the reaping.

    Better to join the military.
    At least you might get captured.
    And taken to a hot room.
    And given cool water to drink.
    And shown simple arithmetic.
    Do the math.
    I see a bad moon rising.
    And it's horns are pointing our way like a freight trains light in the night.

    Luckily I know how train music go.
    So Hopalong Cassidy.
    We going on a country bears ride.
    That ain't no bull.
    That's the law.
  11. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    The narc doesn't off herself.
    The narc drives those that care for the narc to off themselves when they realize all they have been is air supply.
    And now the only way they can shut off their supply is to shut themselves up for good.
    But their lack of faith kept them in the dark world of sunshine.
    Where they never learned that in the real world of moonlight that takes into consideration not just the shade of the sun but also the shine of the moon AND the dancing twinkles of stars in the pleiades... In that world air supply is the most important natural resource there is.
    And air supply is like the 101st US Airborne Screaming Eagles.
    I don't care how many elite special forces you got and how much it costs to train and equip them.
    They can't hold a candle to a paratrooper.
    Holy divers falling from the sky on purpose just to save you... Priceless.
  12. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    see people in comment sections questioning whether or not she did herself in or maybe it was foul play to shut her up
    so someone doctored her car, injected her w drugs or threatened to kill her kids and her cat?
    it must have been that evil ellen
    these people walk among us
    Finski likes this.
  13. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    Or maybe a life of all you can eat supply of money drugs sex and fun causes the body to lose all it's life spirit and become frail and weak and open for any entity or vector to possess your mind or infect your body.
    And if you don't take care of your mind and body while you taxing it with so much success then they gonna strike you back sooner or later.
    Lounge lizards start to die off in their 40s like neanderthals as their body devolves.
    Cross trainers over do it though.
    It's like they trying to live forever. Way too sunshine.
    All you need is a mallet and a bowling pin and a pair of balls of course.
    A little sport and some juggling is all you need and its what people like to see.

    I need to start playing ball again before my skin gets scaly and I go the way of the komodo.
  14. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    you have to know the darkness
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  15. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    I see you have experienced the dark side of Uranus.
  16. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    No wonder I've always liked her.
    She has the odinforce running through her veins.
    The Friendzy.
    She baptizing people.
    And sealing them.
    Overwhelming them.
    Closing up every hole and pore.
    Like the ark covered in pitch.
    Hermetically sealed.
    With only fresh sea water.
    Eva-poration from the inner raging volcano pyramid nuclear power plant inside.
    That salt water is what keeps the reactor from exploding and the lava washing everything under a flood of water dust ash settled into mud and limestone.

    Man I wish I woulda know her story earlier.
    I must have seen some early interviews as a kid because everytime I saw this girl and heard her talk or watched her act i was raptured.
    Because of her energy.
    She's a baptizer.
    Not only gets you wet.
    She gets you glazed.
    Finski likes this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    its an amazing story and she almost tells it like a movie script
    not a doctor but i've been around plenty of people high as balls on powder that sound and behave just like this
    they are the civilized ones and its possible to get sucked in to everything they say and take it as "truth" as she says so many times
    but there's just as much blabbering incoherently as she pulls her mouth back in the direction her brain wants to go
    its clear at any moment she's going to blast completely off the rails no matter how anyone interprets her behavior
    if i were to meet someone like this i would be as polite as possible passing them off to someone else and then run full speed as fast as i can
    nothing about knowing what she says she went through makes it any better
    Finski likes this.
  18. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Wow. I wonder if she had a septum left ?
    Kinda reminds me of stuff I've heard from the vice president.
    She stayed well hydrzted, I'll give her that.
    Pretty sad, all in all, upon further reflection.
    Finski and LAdiablo like this.
  19. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    Also, they putting fentanyl and other cheap fast highs and lows in weed products.
    To catch stupid people who might not want the trouble of going into a weed boutique with cameras everywhere. Because of fame reasons or infamous ones.
    Don't ask me how I know.
    But I think I spent some time in wakanda there other week.
    Remember those days that it got dark and gloomy in the southland?
    It was dark and gloomy for me too.

    This guy right here.
    Can sometimes be really really really stupid.
    Seeking a little comfort.
    When all he needed was just a little patience.
    And some balls.

    But things happen for a reason.
    I did go somewhere that's for sure. I saw my dad and he went to meet my uncle that died last month and whose wife died this week.
    They came to America when my dad ferried them here.
    He and my mom and baby me took a boat from la paz in Baja to Mazatlan.
    Travelled to southern Mexico and picked up my aunt and uncle somewhere offshore.
    Can remember what beach.
    Then they went to stay with my dad's relatives at the hillside market town of zapotlanejo he grew up going to every weekend as a kid.
    We spent a season there and everyone worked at the bakery.
    My uncle fucked the baker's wife and the wife of the people he and his wife was staying with. That mofo got away with murder everywhere. Fucked half the townswomen and so they moved out. My dad couldn't get them in at that moment so he got em to Canada where he had a great time for a couple years as a travelling quasi celebrity due to his charisma and physique and that old school manly appeal that used to make women throw their panties and dudes want to start wearing them.
    He even liked rock n roll when he was in Canada. His favorite band was Grand Funk Railroad.
    He was in Vancouver and made it all the way to Toronto and Montreal.
    Dude was the best conman I ever knew.
    But cons always have a partner.
    The face man.
    And his shadow.
    With the hidden hand.
    Holding more cowbell.
    Just in case.
    The green grass has turned.
    And it's time to rally the red heifers.
    For Heimdollars parade is near.
    He will announce the rainbow with a loue cry of his warhorn.
    Like he always says, don't say I didn't warn you.
    I always warn you.
    That's kinda my thing.
    One of my things.
    I got a book of things.
  20. RubeRedux

    RubeRedux Active Member

    Aug 2022
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    Nobody likes a drug addict.
    They all getting reaped.
    Usually by their own.
    But most dummies help themselves.

    Nobody likes a disgrace.
    Unless you Joe Biden.
    Then you love your son.
    Even if he is a drug addict.

    I know a girl that had to have her septum replaced.
    I found her dead in the kitchen after snorting comet.
    Or ajax, I can't remember those kinds of details.
    She a wonderful girl and turned out great after that.

    People are born in that life.
    The way of life different than those that live in the houses of the holy.
    It's literally in their blood at birth.
    And makes up a key component of their DNA.
    They aren't homo superior as homo sapiens strive to be.
    And to sapiens they aren't even that.
    They are just homos.
    The people of the earth.
    The people of Gaia or Yaya or curious George if you prefer.

    But during Ragnarok the gods and fantasy creatures fight.
    And fantasy creatures are just euphemisms for the undesirables and their allies and fellow travellers.
    But also their defenders.

    And they all die under mysterious causes.
    But like everyone says who lived in the cities built up by Cain and dined on the bacon he brought home without fail and drank the wine he learned them how to make... That punk Abel had it coming.
    It's a tragedy for all involved sure but if only Abel would have listened to Cain we wouldn't be in this mess under the curse where we get melancholy and think about our evil deeds everytime we want to have a drink to the point where you get scared to get drunk lest you remember the true reason why you never want to be your brothers keeper again.

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