Your best bet when you are tired of listening to your doctore and wish to rebel against the gladiator school and it's saint making patron is to remember this saying. What would a rube do in this situation? And do that. Or you better do as your doctore and your doctrines proscribe. Else they start treating you as a as a leaky water pot. And nobody in this profession likes fixing cracked pottery. So they just plaster over the cracks with a combo of self destruct meds and sugar pills. Whatever floats your boat. Which is what floats doctores boats. Sending you to the whip-crackers. And the sending you to the nurses to get your wounds tended to. Hey you finally catch a break? Nope. The nurses are all dudes too. And they have long term COVID. And COVID is virtually identical to HIV. Go with mercury. But stay on the shady side. Where the sun don't shine. Who am I kidding. I would rub spit and dirt on it. Get an infection. Lie to my mom about it and hide it for weeks. Then try cleaning it with alcohol. The some auto surgery. Followed by bath of iodine, mercury, merthiolate followed by a slather of 99 store pseudo Neosporin since neomycin is the main ingredient in the triple alliance and you don't have to pay out the nose for it. Then get gangrene and have to find a surgeon to yell at me or my family at 1 in the morning for finally going to the ER and waking him up on his night off.
Maybe your mom knew a thing or two. Maybe you should listen to your mother. And have a much broader medicine cabinet than the items 9 out of 10 doctors polled nicely and well quartered would recommend.
C [QUOTE="Finski, post: 590704, member: 5302"[/QUOTE] No worries, I'll be done with the cheesy and cor storiesO soon.
Look at her mom. I bet her cult had the husband killed as well as all her kids. I have seen shit like this. People who have a form of Stockholm syndrome that makes them have one foot still in the cult even when they seemingly live in the normal world. And when they get found out of sinning against the wishes or image of the most egoistic narcissistic member of the family or congregation. The cult then compels the egotist to publicly pray to God for help during one of their prayer circles. Like a pack of witches. When they do this they are praying to the demons in the air who take the quest as a mission to complete. There are ears waiting to hear who they are allowed to kill. Who has been greenlit. If your wayward druggie gay daughter goes to rehab continually only to relapse again and again maybe you do something to save her everliving soul ? I have seen mothers give testament of their son dying and then being happy he died during the rehab process because he died not a sinner since he was in rehab. Wtf? Everyone agreed and did the Amen. It was like twilight zone. I have been in some of those circles where they telling the crimes and sins of their family members while the bishops and other watchers ask them what they would want to take to God for them when they and the pastor go into secret session in the junta. The church lady feeds of every point. It's all about her. Whatever Anne does in her life is both a negative reflection to the mother and done to hurt her. She needs to feel this way to self justify her evil feelings and actions towards her family. She is a dead person walking. And dead people try to take as many to the grave before they finally go themselves. Because they need to feed off the pain and death they cause and off the sympathy they receive for enduring. There are evil snakes preying on dead women like this in cults everywhere around. The previous church I went to was like that. Instead of running away I ran headfirst into the red flags. But at least the conmen running that church had to suddenly leave the country when their shenanigans started to leak. Becareful or hidden valley, wishbone, or any other dressing. That's how they get you. The honey is not in the Kool Aid. It's in the ranch, the Caesar, and the sea people of a thousand islands. That's why I like my salad buff. When you buff you don't need to put on any dressing on your grass to make it greener. It tastes better fresh and naked. And not adulterated. Which these fuckers like to do to everything. That way you need them and their jargon and expertise in feeding your giant monster of an ego like nobody else. Why? For the same reason the stripper dances for you. Tithes and offerings. And a chance at a big score if they find a dumb mark or a horny john or a rock hard Peter, or a weak stomached timmay or a lilly livered Thomas, or a fiendish judas or some hick rube. Wait not that last one. Once bitten.... Ha! Who am I kidding. I always go back for more. Just gotta be aware of the lord of the flies and all his flies and his Spanish flying carpet dust. Or else you back in the golden corral. Where all the cows and bulls get yoked and milked to feed the pastors golden calf.
i think there are some ministers here iirc i've been asked to marry a couple and i have some marriage certs somewhere is that all i need?
thanks i sent away for one of those push button minister things years ago and maybe i don't even need that? i know they sent me some one page marriage apps or something to fill out w the particulars but i'm guessing you are talking about something the couple apply for kind of a last minute thing before one of them joins the navy so trying to save them money
Just don't sign the marriage license paperwork correctly. The county registrar won't take it if you dont do it perfectly. And then the groom has to track you down to fill things out right. So do the groom a favor and leave him an out by fucking up the paperwork. In case the girl turns into a trap after the honeymoon.
don't think there's many if any battlebots fans here but man it just keeps getting better each year uppercut is a great bot and this is last years fight w free shipping although it blew it up again last night there's a rookie bot called glitch that doesn't look like much but has a nuclear front rotating weapon that's crazy so far
I think deep six are navy engineers. They look great this year. Brilliant people from MIT and all over the world now involved and the field grows. The imagination and skill it takes to compete is pretty freaking impressive isn't it?