Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    this is america
    its is a game
    the game has rules
    other countries dont matter
    other rules dont matter
    the republican/democrat dynamic are the same thing
    there is no opposition party in the USA
    that is what you dont get
    there is no need for a third party because there is no second party
  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    except that i was being honest

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Hmmmm...were you being truthy or factual?
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    As i go this thing goes.
    Until i decide differently.
    Or yall decide differently.

    We started here at my most liberal self.
    That is the nature of being 13 to 23.
    Clinton was a mack and thr bushes fascists.

    But i quickly become a libertarian.
    The nature of a growing 24 to 34 year old.
    Ron Paul was a G. Bushes and Clintons are like two sides of same coin.

    Then i reverted to what children naturally are before they become confused baby adults.
    And my findings are... Fuck the world.
    Love the people.
    Which means care for those around you and those that cross your path. You know... Love thy neighbor.
    Buy whose my neighbor?
    Everyone you see in flesh and blood.
    Everone whose voice u hear.
    Whose not?
    Eveeyone else.
    Until your paths cross.
    Then the question becomes... Do you want more neighbors or less?
    Yes people are starving in africa.
    People also need help in pomona.
    One i can talk about for decades without doing much more thansome pennies a day charity.
    Other i can share a lunch with someone sitting on the floor on the side of the 99 cent store. Or chatting with the hooker who tries to propositiin me everytime i have my lunch in the car by her area. What do u think we talk about. I am always this guy you see here 247.
    I can let the guy with the squeegee wash my windows and remove the scum from my headlights.
    Worth 10 dollars to see better in the night.
    Pennies a day ads are evil.
    They teach children that when something feels bad you can fix it by throwing your cumin and dill at it.
    Thats a biblical meme btw. It means doing the very least to assuage your own shame and white guilt so u can feel holier.
    It is evil.

    Take the temperature of this site and it will change with my seasons.
    But i wont lie that waco and 911 and whats coming next each played their role.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
    irish and LAdiablo like this.
  5. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    one he isn't a newbie and i can't remember his old handle but recognize his style
    two he came in guns blazing so this isn't my idea of fun but i'll point out the obvious
    people who base any argument or statement differently because of the color of skin are gonna glow in the dark
    and the truth is i believe @Doughty8 to be black not that it should matter one fucking bit but it sure seems important to you for some reason
    but i agree w Rube so what if we didn't?
    its his site and if he wanted me to go away because he thought the site would be a better place without me i'm gone, no hard feelings
    you might know Irish is half Japanese if you are paying attention
    many of the posters here are hispanic or a mix like Thinkblue so what?
    people sharing opinion in a political thread should be able to do so without concern and show what makes em tick
    you are showing us that you are ashamed of your whiteness and while some will applaud it makes me puke in disgust
    then again i don't think anyone should be ashamed of who they are what a concept
    none of us are more valuable than another and that is FACT
    if we don't learn how to treat each other w respect regardless of our heritage/color/sexuality whatever we're all fucked
    and you're the one keeping the drumbeat alive mr. white privilege shamer
    also its so convenient to just dump a "faux news" racist screed to discount anybody thinking outside your cocoon of "values"
    i prefer to think of people i talk to here as being above the bullshit and possessing common sense
    and to think you cite Ayn Rand as your hero...i shrug
    rube, Bluezoo and fsudog21 like this.
  6. Sauce

    Sauce Troll

    Jul 2018
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    Just to clarify-- I do not base any argument or statement different based on the color of ones skin. I was simply backing up Capn's claim that there are zero active black posters on this site. (Trust me when I say Doughty is Asian. He is Japanese.)
    Diversity is good. There are several benefits of putting people in heterogeneous environments. And I am glad DSP as a website supports that on a macro level. On a more granular level, I am not sure that is entirely true.
  7. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 2016
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  8. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Yo buddy retain your focus... why is anyone complaining about my calling DSP a "cracker box" unless that hit too close to home for you.

    And how in the "F" do my words get twisted into me "being ashamed of my whiteness"? Hello?? Did you type that with a straight face? When was I ever ashamed of ANYTHING? Let alone display ANY shame over my whiteness? LOL. Ever? You crack me up. Does it sound like I'm ashamed? Snort. Of anything? LOL.

    No, what I am is digusted.
    Disgusted that what I considered to be a true statement, turned out to be a true statement, and yet so many others at DSP got butthurt by that truth.

    I care less what ones skin tone is used in reply and more so the tone of their words, and that they can defend their thoughts. Few do.

    I care not at all about DSP being a 'crackerbox' sports blog site.. until someone claims it's otherwise. Now that we've witnessed all manner of unrelated emotional replies, perhaps we're back to arguing why it matters. Yes? It doesn't. I don't give a flying hoot the color of @rube skin as much the color of his words in reply.

    "if we don't learn how to treat each other w respect regardless of our heritage/color/sexuality whatever we're all fucked"

    Yep. So let's all do that then, OK?? Show me where I have not... or don't.

    I cannot be held accountable for the drumbeats in your head buddy... and only YOU can be accountable for being a white privilage denier.
    It's so damned obvious I'm stunned anyone can/would deny it. OF COURSE we enjoy white privilage, we dominate most locales. But don't be shocked to witness black privilage where their numbers dominate. Atlanta anyone? Se la guerre.

    So are you still not grasping that statistical fact? No "shaming" going on at all. I used basic math and known truths to explain this population dynamic and then irrational emotion ran rampant. Are we back to square?

    White Privilage exists.. in all places where 'we' have the numbers. Black Privilage exists too but in much narrower locations despite blacks decrying the topic much more than (all) other races. Still it's real. Old school style racism is hard to topple, except by being nice to everybody. Which itself is no small feat.

    It starts with admitting basic truths even when uncomfortable.

    Like DSP is a crackerbox sports blog. We still have 'some' ethnic mix though, as noted, not so many brothers. And @BLF needed ridden out of town so we lost our hothead Muslim extremist perspective. (Nobody minds) So call a cracker a cracker and lets move on where we're all citizens seeking a better baseball team and hating those that sold it and then kept it from us.

    Oh and careful with the Ayn Rand slings hoss I'll go down that path anytime that you think that your ready
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2018
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    you hit the nail square.
    nobody should be ashamed of the color of their skin
    that is not even their race
    your color is not even your ethnicity or nationality or anything like that
    its just your hue
    its nothing to be ashamed of
    we are all humans
    we all have a hue
    that makes us special, unique, individual
    be proud that you are a unique spirit in this world but shut up about it
    nobody needs to hear you say you are proud of anything but your kids and your wife and the individuals that lift you up and inspire that pride
    but not proud we are white, black, brown, etc...
    humanity has done a lot of bad shit
    should we be ashamed of humanity?
    you did not do those things so you bear no guilt and much less shame
    just like you did not do any of the great things in the past that fill your blister with pride
    pride makes you swell like a bully and all that is is a boil on the ass of god
    like a blister in the sun

    if you speak of color then add pride to it there is a reason
    low self esteem, low pride that you need to build up artificially
    that deflates when you actually need it most
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    On a more granular level?
    Should we recruit black people to improve our metrics?
    Maybe some wiggers and judy garlands in blackface would suffice to fool the googlebots?
    Or how bout we just don't care about race in this public forum that anyone can join freely with almost zero restrictions where people can have any opinion they want and never get banned for expressing it rightly or wrongly?
    How bout we just care about the individuals who choose to be here and not worry about those who dont?

    Or how bout we turn into one of those other types of sites where you and many others here including myself would have been banned long ago?
    How bout we let well enough alone and stop looking at the fucking granular levels of shit.
    Put your microscope down and look up and say wow this is pretty good and while its not perfect its pretty fucking good so why try to make it perfect when the pursuit of perfection over the good has been proven an evil that always fucks shit up in the end?

    I could care less that Doughty is Japanese or Black or Blasian because I like Doughty the individual.
    I like his voice when It comes through in his words.
    I could care less what his accent sounds like.
    I would like him just the same if he had Maeda's ugly teeth or Kemp's pretty face.
    Cue Irish....
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
    LAdiablo likes this.
  11. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    'nuff said
  12. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    rube and irish like this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    you are not ashamed no no no you are disgusted
    because they are totally different things lol
    ill make it easier for you
    DSP is not a cracker barrel
    It is a doritos bag.
    Some are Nacho Cheese and some or Cool Ranch.
    I apologize that we do not have enough BBQ since in all honesty, they are my favorite. BBQ has more soul being that it is a great mix of Arab, French, West African, and Spanish influences.
    And probably east Asian too since they seem to excel in the idea of adding sweet to the sour.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i dont believe in nuff said... obviously by the length and amount of my posts :D
    CapnTreee likes this.
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    typical liberal turns it back on me like its my issue lol
    you don't even know who you are
  16. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Need for speed...or is it screed ?
    New favorite word.
    For a while.
  17. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Ima go full power tripping mod and put a 2000 character limit on all posts at DSP.
    CapnTreee, irish and rube like this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I think I blew too many loads the last couple of days.
    It has been a whirlwind of words lately.
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    so verbosity is directly related to spooge?
    CapnTreee, irish and rube like this.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    It is weird, I know... I am weird, I know... but spirited conversation where you throw down hard and wrestle naked with another man by stripping away all pretense and rolling hard for a few rounds then coming out of shaking hands with nobody getting their balls bruised... is kinda like hetero sex.
    I said kinda.
    I also love setting up softballs for Irish.
    CapnTreee and irish like this.

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