Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Wonder what he knew.
  3. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    We'll see...I hope you're right. It's not exactly that cut and dried.
    But I've got seeeeerious doubts. Like Dave and "LAD is lock for the WS Championship...I guarantee it".
    Not so fast. Not so sure.
  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    An immigrant looks upon an American citizen as represented by Joe Biden and the Democrat style goverent due to the popular culture being in lockstep.
    People aren't forced to believe in any way but you will believe what you are programmed to.
    Unless you can break your programming.

    Jesuits have been writing the teaching manuals for everyone. Including SDA.
    The jesuits invented the modern ideas of social justice and are the original warriors in sjw.
    Now they have a pope.
    And a world religion of social justice.
    Thanks to all their footsoldiers unwittingly doing their bidding.

    Look at a cops and a protestors at a rally.
    Yeah not all the cops are gonna be mini napoleons out there trying to dominate weaponless people in the name of peace keeping.
    But enough of them are to make it easy for someone to distrust all cops because you just never know what is hiding behind tbe faceless badge.
    We are programmed like seals when jt comes to cops because they are law and order but that programming was backed in faith that cops are honorable.
    But they allow napoleon in their ranks because it makes their jobs easier when someone else is ready and willing to be the point man for the unpleasant.

    Catholics used to be about the downtrodden.
    Thats.the cath part of the name.
    But they became high and mighty long time ago.
    From the outside they look like an old institution but from the inside they look like any ever expanding giant animal with enormous appetites that can never be satiated.
    Humans and giant beasts can't coexist.
    Much less dragons.
    They get trod under foot.
    Until humans drop the sword and shied and throw a long spear.
    At thr face of the Babylonian king you call big papa.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Washes out with all the catholic immigrants from the south who gonna keep producing gangsters and culture victims for generations to come.
    Sorry blacks fist we came for your slavery now we taking all yo jobs and not complaining about reparations because Catholicism already got us predisposed to this kinda treatment.
    That's why they tried dropping the blacks in Cuba and other islands first to get them Catholicized before entering the mainland but they still brought all their boogie woogie with them that caused America to sell its soul at the crossroads just for a little good time.
    So I don't know about what the basketball Americans are gonna do but the soccer Americans ar legion and they getting pretty chummy with thr baseball Americans too. If they lock in thr football Americans it's over the basketball Americans.

    Before someone gets mad none of these sports represent the jews.
    We all know the jews don't play.
    They write, produce, and direct.
  6. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    The thing about alchemy that all students that want to make gold learn is that there us a built in trap for those into it for the love of profit.
    It's supposed to operate without concern for gain.
    It's about the process. Even if the wordly way is faster and more efficient.
    I'm not sure why we talking about alchemy other than in the Christian sense.
    Which Jesuit wizards call fools alchemy.

    You keep calling me a good guy before you tell me how much of a wrong guy I am.
    Let me make it easier on you.
    I'm not a good guy.
    I also never said the jesuits created SDA.
    The jesuits have infiltrated the SDA years ago. The jesuits have compelled to SDA to alter doctrines theice once in the late 50s then in the 80s and one more last decade in order to keep within the progressive revelation that the jesuits have been implementing through all religions of the world.
    The grand plan of ecumenical unification.
    It's no secret.
    And there is no level of tyrant murderer rapist genocidal maniac your bosses won't ally with if it means advancing their goals. Arab kings, narcos, mafiosos, Portuguese slavers, employers that demand you be proficiebt at microsof excel, etc... the worst of the worst.
    Ends justify the means = pure evil.

    Maybe you don't get my posts because I always drop some humor or some coding to keep things fun for myself. Specially when they are about serious matters.
    You should have seen me thr first time I went to catholic church as a kid and they had a mariachi.
    I was confused because I only knew mariachi from party time.
    So as a little toddler i went up on the staage and danced during the whole mass.
    And the priest was cool and even stopped to watch me.
    When I was a catholic everything I did was golden.
    But that wasn't because I was a cute kid with charisma was it?
    Or was it because of who my dad was.
    Even though we were poor?

    i wasnt born an sda.
    But might as well have. I was baptized at 8 because I was already preaching from the heart not from the memory.
    People used to reading a script can't go live without a lesson plan.
    And get perplexed at someone who isn't reading off a teleprompter.
    Talk all thr shit you want but if you saw me on TV you would vote for me.
    Because as dumb and uninformed as your holocrons tell you that I am I don't have to read while I talk.
    And I don't need chapters and verses to tell me how a sentence is supposed to sound grammatically when I can hear how it sounds poetically and breathe accordingly.

    Ask your rabbi if he knows the diff between selah and tsela.

    You like to take personal ribs out of me and my writing. And you are judgemental of my lowly wealth of knowledge as compared to you and your ascended master.
    Those are your usual arguments.
    Followed by weird compliments.
    Notice how I never do the same?
    Not because it's a low form of rhetoric.
    It is beneath me but it's not why l don't do it.
    I don't think it's kind.

    Your idols on the other hand... what are dummies for if not to fight your battles for you?
    What, does your God not know Kung fu?
    Cmon we would have a grand ol time making these jokes about Muhammad.
    But about Mary Jospeh and Jesus you get queasy and want to fight and be demeaning to your friends?
    Is that what you think jesus meant when he said he was bringing a sword to divide families and friends?

    If you need help deconstructing my posts you should ask me not your sith lord.
    I like how you go on about how you are so very much not a sith then go on to explain how you have had a lifelong affair with a high level sith lord who you so happen to go to in order to get help with how to deal with a heretic like me.
    Shockingly the sith lord tells you that I know nothing about sith lore and not to worry.
    I don't lock my windows or doors.
    I lived through the age of the nightstalker.
    I ain't afraid of no wizard assasins.
    But thanks for being a narc.
    It had yo be you.
  7. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    feel like i'm posting in a nuclear war of sorts lol but here's something
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  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Just a little forplay.
    I'm trying to remind finksi about examples.
    Like we got Kevin Durant and all kinds of rappers and celebrities calling themselves gods.
    Ego worship is at an all time high.
    Ego self worship.
    But why wouldn't these people be confused when the supposed leader of the free world and half of the chief justices believe that a man in the vatican is a God.
    And the senator from Utah believes that when he dies he will become a God.
    And most everyone else believes their dead loved ones and ancestors are looking down upon them from the heavens.
    You hear learned people that mock believers but then go and use these words of fantasy with feigned pathos as if they really believed and meant what was coming out if their mouth.
    Of course conmen are the best at trading on emotion to earn a living.

    After the left fucks everything up the right can now react too harshly and the people will then overreact.
    It's clockGod's.

    As is near the end of the cycle when the majority of people think thst they are the God of this or the God of that.
    Gods can only exist if there are demons.
    And they are the demons.
    That is how you tell who is a demon.
    When they tell you they a God.
    TAFNAC likes this.
  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    at first i didn't see a gif
    all class elbowing the child of the GOP congresswoman nancy
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  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    if only they would show it on legacy media but they won't
    that should be on every commercial break in repube ads but they won't either
    fucking elitist pig bitch
    Finski likes this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Did they show her husband getting nabbed for driving drunk last week?
    LAdiablo likes this.
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    Lib heads exploding everywhere. Amazing how they think it should all be how they want it or outrage.
    Finski likes this.
  14. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

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  15. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    A great victory for fentanyl today! Live free or die!
    irish and Finski like this.
  16. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Racist. It is blatanly clear that in that moment of rage zim/zer identified as a straight white male. It was a white man who murdered that young woman. Stop spreading misinformation. Tired of this shit.

    Rube, craig, irish, are guys going to do anything about this shit?!?!?!
    Bluezoo, TAFNAC, LAdiablo and 2 others like this.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    It gets better?
  18. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    That's not a barn.
    No silo either.
    Finski likes this.
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    How bout this for some real ecumenism.
    You arent white.
    Only god is white.
    Even michael the prince of heaven wink wink asks rhetorically in the meaning of his name that nobody can be white like god.
    We are humans and made from things not white. We are made from light and light is full of every hue.
    White power is the most redacted thing there is.
    Because you arent white.
    What you are is emotional and clannish.
    The feeling of defending the so called white race that would be kkk cadets have is caused by the fetishism of godliness.

    The libertarians are fine with abolishing protections for child labor since there are too many "jobs" that "need" to be filled and somebody "must" do them so if a young adult of 13 gives his consent to help his family by receiving a steady paycheck the government has no right to get involved.
    And they are right.
    Libertarians are technically always right.
    And that turns them technically into tech.
    Smart like an AI, with similar limitations.
    Like iron man with a titanium heart.

    The liberals are fine with abolishing protections for child sexuality.
    The same labor arguments used by libertarians are used by liberals. Except clad in a lgbtqrsdisney+ props.

    What are props but the designs set up to delight and entertain the players in the play playing in their big brothers garden paradise.
    Or the inmates putting on a play in the assylum.
    The golden jail question.
    Do you continue to choke on your doggy biscuit while you cram it down your throat or will you yuck it up chuck.

    Every side of the spectrum is going to their extremes not just you guys.
    What im saying is why you guys going to your corner too?
    Specially since you arent white.
    There are only two whites.
    The white of god and the other white.
    The other white is thr word bale/pale.
    That color is the color of those that want to be gods.
    That want to be white like god.
    They were the ancient baals.
    The baleful ones full of ill winds.
    That came riding the dragon.
    From beyond the pale.
    Arriving in their land palestine.
    Those who wanted to shine brighter than the one above.
    People celebrated like stars.
    But stars fall from the sky.
    Because they never were stars.
    Its an illusion.
    Its just smoke and mirrors.
    Caused by water vapor with convex air bubbles.
    With a tiny spec of cosmic dust.
    That made them twist and turn like a girl named sandy coming out of the sea.

    Those things try to be white but can only appear it skin deep. True colors come out when you arent vigiliant and you drop your pride flag down.
    A salmon in the other hand knows that there us only one way to change color permanently.
    But it takes a lotta pain.
    And it paints you red.
    From the inside out.
    While your horns grow.
    And you have to fight uphill.
    Against the waves crashing upon you.
    Thays why you get a trident.
    If you become a devil.

    But hey, keep taking your enemies bait my lords. Keep playing in their mud flood.
    When you should be dancing.
    And rising above the mud.
    Removing the white mud facemask to reveal your true light.

    Im sure this strategy helps someway my wetback beaner ass doesnt get.
    But hey there are a lot of mysteries.
    Hay rolls its self.
    That mystery we can see.
    But we also know.
    That the hay was first cut.
    And the hay was then baled.
    Hay doesnt just roll.
    Hay is made.
    To roll.

    But to the superstitious ancestors it must be some sort of ghost or wight from beyond the pale.
    And they were at thr same time fascinated and afraid.
    Shocked and awed.
    By the power hidden in the wind.

    Now if you really wanna rock n roll you dont worry about the wins.
    Instead sharpen your epee.
    And take the fight against the great power.
    The one installing turbine wildmills all across the land for old geezers like DonQ to suicide themselves on.
  20. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    "Is that all there is ? Then let's keep dancing"...
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