Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You guys are so programmed it's nigh impossible to get through to you.
    That's why it's super easy for them.
    Your predictability is their guarantee.

    But you think being a sheep is a bad thing.
    Because everything you ever learned was programming and you were never learned how to discern truth from facts.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I think your program is stuck in an infinite loop.
    Bluezoo, Finski and irish like this.
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Sorry man
    I'm not trying to be mean.
    But you guys believe in a lot of stuff that is a lie.
    You have to to live in society.
    You do things against your moral judgement, you compromise your integrity to succeed.

    You are being played by your religion and your government.
    The game runs like a train schedule.
    And you don't even need to have the best players.
    As long as everyone is at the station on schedule.

    You are blinded.
    Your reactions are usually egocentric or defensive. That is why you can't see it.

    It's not a judgement on your ability to tell if someone is lying to you or is trustworthy.
    That's not what I said.
    It's that institutions follow a playbook with codes.
    Im not taking about people personally. Im talking about the codes institutions put out.
    It's how they communicate and telegraph what is happening.
    I told you months ago when the war started in the streets.
    I told you about the flooding a few weeks before it happened.
    Signs, the science of semiotics does not allow you to see into the future or some bs.
    It does allow you to see what is happening and where we are on the schedule.

    Nobody knows everything.
    But anybody who studies the Bible knows what is happening.
    Why do you always take things personally instead of as an opportunity to grow.
    You can be graceful and humble too. I know you can.
    We can all learn to share.
  4. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i did things against my moral judgement to succeed?
    what get up early, work hard and deny myself many pleasures along the way while saving and investing?
    not exactly complicated and i think its a little telling you would think success is equated w evil doers
    Bluezoo and Finski like this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    No shit dr fauci.

    Of all the people here you probably have the best understanding of all this shit from what I can remember.
    The closest one to not being totally brainwashed.
    Or susceptible to it from the political side.
    And you are already better off as any agnostic or whatever you are than someone in a feel good religion.
    Which are all of them.

    Bible is not an old book.
    It's about old things.
    That just another word for timeless.
    Nothing new under sun.
    It's all explained.
    But it's not fantasy about spoooky phatasms or mumbo jumbo about future scifi prophecies.
    Revelation is that part at the end of the texbook where all the words in the actual textbook are defined. The glossary.
    Another way to see it is that it is where the answers to all the quiz questions at the end of each chapter in the entire book.
    The old testament is then used as source code snippet repository from which to create programs using the revelation code set.
    Of course the code set has to be cracked.
    The only way you would ever actually accept Christianity before and after Jesus was is if you knew the Konami code of the bible.

    That has always been difficult because religions do all they can to lie and then hide and then twist tje truth until it's time for the reset again.
    But at the end of every cycle the truth becomes too hard to ignore. It's not just crazy people like me but it's gonna be mainstream any day now.
    More and more stuff is just making normal people shit their pants.
    Reality that is coming for all of us in many different ways is gonna be like when you a kid and you find out the truth about the wwf and Santa and all your fantasy beliefs were a lie.

    Everything has a very grounded and reasonable explanation.
    But religions and powerful families and the politicians that serve them and themselves create smokescreens and spin myths so we look good in the history books. Winning and winning big looks best.

    Thinkblue btw has shown to know about pastors.
    He recommend Macarthur and he is one of the least corrupted ones you can find on YouTube.
    He has a few small vestiges of tradition that hold him from going all the way.
    Theres a black dude bodie bauchmann I think is his name.
    I heard him a few times and he knows what's up.
    The biggest problem is that it is very profitable and highly encouraged by the legal and tax system to be a false teacher/prophet/cult leader.
    And people eating this shit up.
    Everyone believing crazy spooky shit.
    How can you have a Mormon who believes all their fantasy stuff and swear it's real life be your president ?
    But a guy who believes in all the Catholic or Christian fantasy stuff and would kill to defend his larping fetish against the Muslim larpers should also not qualify. Like if I believe the transformers cartoon was a true story and had autobot tattoos and had the DoD make air force one transform I shouldn't be allowed to be president.

    Unless we get attacked by those sneaky decepticreeps.
    TAFNAC likes this.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i think its time to remember when Ozzy and EWF recorded that song
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah when you keep thinking this song is about you that happens.
    We had this convo before.
    You believe most people are good not evil.
    It's a worldview thing not a personal thing.
    Like I don't believe you really believe what that.
    But you think that should be how things are.
    It feels good to believe that.
    Like it feels good to believe that God loves everyone.
    What god?
    Not the god from the bible.
    He's kind but also kind of a chapass.
    His first inside baseball rule is that God thinks everyone is evil and we exist basically to show him he's wrong.
    And he's such a hard to please old white man that this is the only way to please him.
    To show him how much not evil you can be.
    Not how good.
    Do good deeds and all.
    It's good for you.
    And very good for the people you help.
    But theres no such thing as brownie points for doing good.
    Only for not doing evil.
    And we are programmed to be evil.

    I'm not telling you like my opinion man. This isn't what I feel or what feels good or what sounds nice.
    Nice btw is evil incarnate.
    Mean people suck but nice people are liars.
    Not nice in a personal way.
    I'm not saying don't be a well heeled educated person in the classical manner.
    Nice is cancer when it comes to politics and religion and leadership anything else.

    The Bible is not nice.
    Nice is the Broadway.
    Not the narrow way.
    If you remember even your level 1 sundau school surface level Bible code this stuff should be registering.

    If you think I'm saying you guys are dumb or bad you are just deciding believe what you want. Or that i think it's wrong to work hard and raise families then you are reacting to me as if I just fell from the sky last Wednesday.
    I been telling you about this shit since you know me.
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    The irony is that when this is true it's the people going off the rails that mock and hate on people not mocking or hating but actually sacrificing their public image pretending it is of no value to them just to imprrss upon you how much more valuable the truth is.
    Its worth having your friends twist your words and mock you.
    Only a friend would tell you the truth.

    Listen to bauchmann.
    Or not.
    But he will say you are evil.
    And me too.
    Specially if being told you are evil hurts your feelings.
    If it does then he might call you a liberal.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Full circle time.
  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    My old phone hit reply before I was finished.
    It is in religious matters that what my double post about you guys being fed lies.
    I can see how it reads a little harsh if you are applying it generally.
    It's not about the common man.
    We all have egos and when we feed them they are a demon.
    We all kinda know when we been feeding our ego and raising a little hell.
    That's all well and good.
    But then there are people who take their ego born demon and proceed to enchant a bunch of other people to worship thr demon of his ego.
    And they make lots of money and are very successful with this.
    These are no longer demons but because of their ability to make other demons are graduated to devils.

    This doesn't apply to you guys.
    We all have our demons.
    But we don't teach people to give us money or power or respect or success or anything for worshipping our demons.

    Where you come in is that these devils are the leadership of most churches, universities, legislatures, etc...
    What the NT calls powers, principalities and the underworld/the swamp/darkness.
    It's not some mystical fantasy stuff.
    It's literally talking about the 3 levels of earthly heaven.
    The people in charge of lying to us at every season of change in our lives.

    Politicians that are affiliated with religious leaders who are conmen are also conmen.
    They been conmen for ever.
    And they create a reality for their benefit.
    Literally lie in our face and people still give them and their institutions credibility.

    But when we support these evil people who lie and hide the truth from us we end up confused which is how they want sheep to be.

    And we are sheep.
    The error of ego and arrogance is when they teach us and program us that we are not sheep or to hate being called sheep. Like a polite black teenage girl saying she don't eat watermelon because it's a racist stereotype and missing out on one of the foods designed for the health of blacks because whites convinced them it was bad. Now they get sickle cell and die because she didn't want to eat watermelon and collard greens.
    The only reason people hate the concept of being called sheep is that the politically correct world has deemed someone whose a sheep means a follower of too meek and weak.
    Yes it does.
    But not a follower of any person. But of the spirit of god that is in your heart as a barrier between the willpower in your guts and your drive for logical decisions you can live with mentally.

    We are sheep.
    That's a great thing.
    It means you know the way.
    Or are lost and are searching for the way.
    Which is when you most succeptible to people making shit up and telling you it's a about Jesus and god and every good thing and the person can be very nice and have all the trappings of piety.
    And still be a Marxist deep down.
  11. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i've been called evil by plenty of people including friends who clearly resent me
    its like "you bought that because you made money your God" kind of stuff like it was a sell out
    its usually the rhetoric of those who chose to stand looking
    i've done nothing great and have cured no illness and have no spectacular talent of any kind
    but raising a family and employing those that did the same makes me feel like i found my place
    it allows me to take a deep breath and think of others instead of myself and hopefully make people smile w a stupid joke
    i absolutely love engaging strangers and do it on a daily basis usually talking about them or their kid or their truck
    constantly verifies i'm living amongst people who aren't locked in to what their being sold daily
    world was always crazy and now its insane
    so anyway i don't think i'm any better than anyone else but i know i'm not evil no matter who says it because i have foundation in me
    that's not religion or any group because i don't belong to any its me alone it's my personal spirituality and its cosmically rewarded continuously
    no one can take that away with words
    bad things happen to everyone its what you do after they happen that counts and nothing happens if you never tried
    nah son but if it makes you feel better than me go for it you won't hurt my feelings lol
  12. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I think we all do things that we probably wouldn't/shouldn't if we didn't need to get by.
    Or maybe I'm just a dirtbag.
    rube likes this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    You are getting stuck on a feeling.
    I explained the context of what I meant.
    You want to take it how you wanna take it.
    I already told you I don't mean what you think I meant.
    So why be a liberal and not just accept my meaning and explanation?
    Don't get hung up on your understanding of my words when you have me to tell you what they mean.
    I'm not dead, you can ask me.
    They my words.

    If I wanted to insult you wtf would I go about it like this?
    But maybe you the only person on earth who isn't evil.
    I for sure have evil thoughts sometimes.
    And that's enough for me to know I'm evil.
    That I can be influenced by evil.
    I like a lot of things that would lead me towards more evil.
    Everyone does.
    When I hear a nice preacher say nice words I fall for it.
    That's evil.
    When I repeat false information that is evil.
    When I eat all the ice cream bars and don't throw away the carton and someone reaches in and it's empty. That is not evil but close.

    Americans are all evil.
    You evil too.
    Get over it.
    God will forgive you.
    And I will too.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    Diablo doesn't like the concept of being a dirtbag either.
    I hope he doesnt have the same issue being called a grinner and a sinner and a joker and a midnight toker.
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i guess it depends on how you define a dirtbag
    did i ever steal something? sure i did and in truth most times it was just for the fuck of it
    mostly like cassettes and small stuff and i was like slight of hand really good at it so i stopped
    none of the shit i stole ever made me feel good and i actually returned and offered restitution to those places at one point in my life
    what else...deal drugs? i was really good at that and still have a hand in that world as a side hustle and probably always will
    its just there and i can do it w my eyes closed besides all my friends are junkies...but that's not really true
    when i owned the lair i had two motorcycle gangs on either side of me and shared beers w both inside their clubs
    those guys were straight criminals and i knew they were no good but i like people like that thinking i'm on their side so maybe that's wrong
    did plenty of things a lot of people might not see as righteous maybe even more than the average guy but so what does that make me evil
    i've counted whores among my friends and lovers is that getting me to hell?
    i was raised in a dirtbag society so i learned how to get along and never really thought about it as wrong
    in business i have no regrets of fucking anyone over and never committed an armed robbery or fought anyone that didn't come at me first
    shit i turned my back on more money than i ever made for a lot of different reasons
    i feel at home talking to the screaming homeless dude across the street or Marcus and Millichap where i'm headed right now
    might sell off something to a commercial entity looking to walk away w more cash then if i donated it so what
    big difference between shrewd and evil imo
    that said i spent the weekend doing for others at no gain for myself and although i nearly passed out in the heat i loved the accomplishments
    so yeah i do that stuff for myself not out of my guilt for what i've done but for me so yeah i'm selfish
    not a perfect person but i know damn well i'm not evil unless your holier than thou
    what have you done that you shouldn't since you a dirtbag and all
  16. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    btw Trump got himself a special master so that would seem a good thing
    hope the guy has a good life insurance policy
    Bluezoo likes this.
  17. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    You trying yourself into knots for no reason.
    You mention holier than though while you justifying your life.
    That is holier than though.
    You are doing it by justifying yourself.
    You don't need to justify yourself to me.
    I've told you a bunch of times that you aces in my book.
    But according to the good book I am just as evil as you.
    And the only reprobates are those that are too blind to see they are evil.
    Blinded by false teachers who tell you bad people are evil and that you are good.

    Religion isnt about being patted on the back and told you are good.
    It's about knowing your are evil.
    If you good, you good
    You don't need god.
    You don't need shit.
    You good.
    But you not.
    You evil.
    The good news is that you hate your evil. And god has a son for that.
    You just got to read all the times he says your evil and get past the hard feelings so you can get his chewy center.

    Unless you a Catholic and then you gonna start having all sorts of bad feelings when someone tries to talk to you about godly things. They change the definitions of words, the change calendars, they would change time and space if it allows them to get more temporal power.
    I don't know what you mean by hell either. The Pope's keep changing their mind.
    Because they can.
    It's written in their law that they made the whole thing up from cloth so therefore gave the authority to change anything on the fly by the decree of a Pope.

    That is evil.
    Because it's confusion.
    Same as how socialism is evil.
    It's confusion.
    Being nice is evil.
    It's confusion.
    War is evil.
    And god sometimes does evil.
    He invented evil.

    Again not my opinion.
    Bible spells it out.
    Preachers lie about it.
    Ladies and liberals want to hear uplifting feel good stories at the middl class country club aka church.
    99 percent of preachers you ever heard of are evil.
    They super evil.
    We just garden variety evil.
    Because we aren't snakes in the grass trying to sell someone to take on some evil idealogies into their mind.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i'm just talking to boys i don't have to justify shit except to my mom and whoever i'm fucking
    we are who we are and either you're comfortable or you're not and i am
    i'm human not evil cause if you believe that then you better hit your knees
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

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    If it's gonna hurt your feelings so much i take it back.
    You don't have to justify nothing. Nobody attacked you.
    Your Catholic auto immune disease kicked in.
    I forgot how sensitive Catholics can be about shit like this.
    I have no problem taking it back.
    I'll keep apologizing to y'all for your feelings.
    But imma tell you one thing.
    Evil don't apologize.
    It punishes anything that opposes it.
    And it's haughty.
    And prideful.
    And won't take an L.
    Fuck it, I'll take it.
    I'm used to Catholics using religion to bash others into submission.
    Catholics invented Muslims.
    It's all about submitting.
    Evil as all fuck.
    Making people bend down.
    Bend over.
    Get on their knees.
    It's how Catholics use the word and use religion.
    To conquer others.
    And it works.
    It always works.
    Cuz the last thing I want to do is hurt your feelings by you thinking I think you a bad guy.
  20. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Intelligent people almost always see what others do as ridiclous...
    Wise people hardly ever do.
    TAFNAC, LAdiablo and rube like this.

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