let me be the first to call complete and utter bullshit on pelosers husband getting attacked it accomplishes several things including letting him off the hook for his drunk driving and they get to continue the Jan 6th dialogue of this being Trumps fault and the crazy white supremacists let's see the pictures of the guys face and how awful this "attack" was anyone truly believe someone can breach her compound??? fuck this would be comical if people had common sense
Senate Finance Committee member https://freebeacon.com/democrats/de...e-in-face-bets-up-to-110k-against-us-economy/
Happy letting the Uniparty know how many fake ballots they need to print over the next two weeks day!!
you’re allowed you just have to spend all your hard earned cash at indian, er… native american, er… guardian casinos
Sure looks like the big Red Wave is a lot bluer than anyone thought. Another big fizzle...Americans will get exactly what they deserve.
I think sports betting should be legal, but 27 is a bad law designed to allow FanDuel, DraftKings, and MGM to offer betting and make it virtually impossible for other competitors to enter the market in the future. This is the problem with direct to voter propositions: corporations draft the laws to benefit themselves and then spend millions in advertising trying to confuse voters.
The worst thing, besides the obvious continuing scumbag policies that will just get worse, is now we have to lister to that arrogant liar potus gloat and drool over this victory. And victory it is, no denying. " The Red Wave" will inundate the midterm elections. I guarantee it". -------------Dave Roberts, ex mediocre baseball player
Most of the issues presented to us as initiatives are issues that should be handled by the state's gutless fuck elected officials.