Actually, upon further reflection, I think it won't be the'll get worse. Much worse. With the only cock crowing the Repubes really have after this 2022 Dodger-like lead balloon, is to tout Ron DeSantis' victory. And congratulations to him, and to Floridians, who basically are made fun of for being a state of crackers and a bunch of " heaven's waiting room" citizens. They showed more smarts and balls than the other stupid motherfuckers all over this nation, while the rejoicing can be heard from the throngs of criminals on the streets, and the illegal aliens streaming over the border by the thousands.
I'm not exactly overwhemled with the ultimate results of the " Red Wave " as crammed down our throats for months preceding the election...more like a red tide...but looking again at it all in it's entirety, GOP controls the House, no matter what, and the greatest of all outcomes, that bag of shit Pelosi is gone, baby gone as Speaker. So the great Dem "victory" is a Pyhrric one, at best. Sorta like having Mookie Betts leading off, and then comes the next two top hitters in bb all in a row, then winning one game in the post season. Yeah, like that.
thank you Elon for verifying what most of us knew was going on anyway now its time for the lawsuits they even said the first amendment isn't absolute as if they're the arbiter which is exactly what they were fuck them and i hope this is as big as it should be
I'd rather see them go after this first...then nail that degenerate Hunter Biden closer to the 24 election...better strategy, imo. But any indictments on any of these piles of shit is welcomed whenever it comes. If they do. You can't be sure anymore.
Got one group saying the first amendment isn't absolute and another guy is saying suspend the constitution. All of these power mad scumbags are showing their true colors.
Indeed...suspend our reality or what it has been for 250 years. Makes good fodder for sci/ fi screen writers. Make '1984' an actual chronicle of our history. Slavery is freedom.
I admit, I never had any great love for Trump as an individual, but as potus, he blew this arrogant, lecherous dotard away. I think Trump and his runaway emotions were his own worst enemies in the long run. It turns out, however, evidence backed now, he was absolutely spot on about a rigged election. And the factual revelation that the FBI was a principle Democratic operative as an agency, is a dilution of the fabric of foundation of law in America... and wtf do we do about it ?
its way deeper than just the FBI cause not one judge would even look at it watched a lot of elections same as you and never saw anything like shutting down vote counts and everything change by morning was talking to my Filipina gf that night and she said "this is how they do it in my country" right now there is no more important story than what Musk is unveiling and yet NO MSM media is even mentioning it this is state run media and the behemoth of fascist sentiment right in our face while they commit the crime of the century in Ukraine creating diseases and herding us to the ovens cause we aren't in their plans
Yup, Funny, the never called me that when they cut all my hair off, gave me green clothes and an M-14.
So the moral of the story is, if you can check two boxes, you do it every time, no matter the cost. Trading a worldwide arms dealer for a gay minority is akin to trading world series hopes for a double minority manager. It's all about the PR, baby.
Nevermind the fact that the ex-Marine stays imprisoned, passed over for someone who wouldn't stand for the national anthem. Glad we have our priorities straight.
Just hope thdy don't move Whelan to an espionage charge. It's a whole different ballgame then...and a huge bargaining chip for the savages in Moscow.