Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.


    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    The only patterns are the ones you see.
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  2. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    i think im getting it
    cog in the machine type of thing right?
    if you see a pattern is because you looking from a birds eye view
    but the message im getting is that thats for angry birds not young dudes
    young dudes focus on the job in front of them
    they got a job to do and they better do it well
    thats why you never run out of jobs to do
    the more jobs you do the more jobs you get
    like huey, lewy, dewy and all the news thats not fit for tv
    even if its electric boogaloo too
    you gotta have a cool hand like daffy duck or better yet his uncle luke
    that silly goose

    thats what you meant right ?
    i mean who knows better where the monkeywrench goes than a cog in the machine?
    and who knows how the car runs better than mike and the mechanix
    all this talks of machines makes me feel a little pink
    but at the same time remembering synchronicity II
    or was that just deja vu
    too bad neil young got too old to see
    that the west is also the southland
    when the vintage point turns ripe a
    and the vantage point turns right

    maybe this belonged in the music thread :wink wink:
    ill be right there
    right now
    after this last teardrop falls

    van halen was awesome
    van haggar wasnt cool
    but i still bought the record
    i just never went to the show

    too many snags
    too much wine
    from 1969
    i had a lot of older brothers
    they filled me up with song number 9
    but then they grew up and became 911
    and you know who abhors a vacuum
    thats why we get the tube
    to weed out the 5150 and their walls of montage
    heck i think thats another one from 1986
    i know for most all that matters is 1984
    and what came before
    but what about dreams?
    i dont think im a buddhist
    but i know this
    the nirvana comes before the karma
    not the other way around
    sweet dreams to mister ed
    he was really fast
    i never saw him alive
    now all the dudes are queens
    and everyone is gay
    but maybe well be together again
    flying up the Crimea river in the end
    LAdiablo likes this.
  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    whooly fook
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  4. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I am a big proponent of doing things whoolistically
    Cmon guys its not homework, not hard at all.
    Im easy like sunday morning at a quaker church with the society of friends
    I hope you know about John Greenleaf Whittier, the namesake of where im from.
    Where the boys are poets and the girls are prettier.
    All the things I write in those weird posts are lifted from songs you already know.
    Movies, books, and all sorts of pop culture.
    Well other cults too not just the popular one.

    Maybe i should drop a clue.
    There is a reason i capitalized crimea.
    We started talking about me typing with caps now.
    Sure i played around with the word cap in a few ways.
    But why capitalize that word?
    The word that starts with the same letter as cap itself.
    What is a cap but a big letter.

    I know there is no reason to be coy.
    But my dad was a coyote no lie.
    And while many here hate the immigrant game I would be a liar and a traitor if i parroted those views.
    But we all have to be the real McCoy. All the time.
    No use being somewhere if you arent going to be unique... aka yourself.
    So I have to be a lil coy, cuz my dad was the real one. The big bad one.
    If I just say things without a veil I feel naked.
    Like a virgin my alma is pure as snow
    Not by my doing. Its what gods done for me.
    But thats on the inside, the outside not so much.
    There is the rub though.
    When your outside matches your inside then youve won the game.

    So yeah.
    Message in a bottle and all the jazzy baselines that go with it.
    We only get it if we really wanna get it.
    Like we might have to go to the beach to find it
    Its not like im gonna send you a note in the mail.
    But be careful at the beach.
    Theres a lot of crabs in deadpools.
  5. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    And while many here hate the immigrant game I would be a liar and a traitor if i parroted those views?
    F!nski likes this.

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Bob Newhart died recently.

    We haven't done a celebrity deadpool in a long time.
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  7. F!nski

    F!nski DSP Regular

    Mar 2024
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    I won three years in a row in dead pools back in the early zeroes. Creeped me out so I stopped.

    Knock yourself out though. Put me on your list if you like. I'm more mortal every day ...

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Gotta get that podcast out there so you can enter the CELEBRITY deadpool.
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  9. F!nski

    F!nski DSP Regular

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  10. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Illegal immigration = Immigrant game.
    Most of us here grew up conservative/republican parents or upbringings or took those views later on in life.
    Yet we live in CA where most people are liberals/democrats.
    Not all of course before someone gets nit picky.
    Immigrants come legally then overstay their visa.
    Illegal immigrants cross over the hard way.
    When folks point to illegal immigrants they mean the kind that cross illegally.
    Many who hate on illegal immigrants once came here through a legal visa and then overstayed for years before they got papers.
    The system is easily gamed by anyone whose family has a little money or connections.
    Most people that talk about illegals mention that crossing is breaking the law and focus on border jumpers.
    The ones that come to do hard labor.
    Nobody really cares about the ones who come with degrees because they are usually of a different class.
    It boils down to what everything boils down. Its not racial related at all. Its class related.
    I know we arent supposed to use that word here in America. Our programming doesnt like that.
    It prefers we say one side is racist and the other is not, etc... to keep the Manichaeism thinking going strong.
    I am giving you a straight answer but my nature wants to start dropping some Michael Jackson lyrics right now.
    Im resisting the urge in an effort to be clear like only a clerk kant.
    Ok thats the only word game in this post.
    Immma start being one of those bad jokers that explains the joke.
    Clark means cleric and Kent means cant as in singsong, poetry, and a little picaresque wordplay.
    But not too picaresque since the boy scout is a man of the kryptic cloth.

    I get off topic.
    Point was that if i remember correctly illegal immigration is still a big deal for conservative republicans.
    And when I watch political stuff from republicans it is one of the main pillars of their agenda.
    Democrats have made it no longer a game.
    Its not a game when there is no stakes.
    Which is why I have my personal bias against legal immigrants who overstay but not towards those that had to Kurt their way past the McHales and Parishes gatekeeping the promised land.
    The illegals had to play the game.
    I dislike the haughty attitude of almost every immigrant ive met who came legally but then overstayed.
    They dont ever look at themselves as illegals.
    Some play the game and some cheat the game.
    Some are Magic and some are LeBron.
    That might not have been a perfect analogy at all but i know yall hate LeBron so lol.
    But there is a good reason why we at least somewhat dislike LeBron no matter how much he accomplishes.
    He came up from the ground like the rest of them.
    But did he do it the same way?
    And does doing it one way make you a better man?
    I think doing it the way LeBron does it will tend to make your soul soft.
    So soft that the ground you came from now hurts the soles of your feet.
    And you need extra cushions. For you and your progeny.
    Cushions that allow you to fly like air jordan without worrying about the hardwood floors because your floor has been well padded.
    As a Lakers fan I hope Bronny becames all he can be. I really am rooting for him regardless of my politics or any preconceived notions I have about his dad.
    Buuuuut.... how is Bronny seen by the folks that love the game?

    I brought the LeBrons up to tell you one last point.
    No one has to lie to kick it.
    I can chill with people with most any views on these and all subjects.
    I dont have a problem with them.
    Problem I sometimes see is that if I dont agree with their views i become part of the enemy.
    They not my enemy, but i seem to be theirs as soon as I express my own views and they arent what they assumed they would be.
    Maybe because I listen to people of all orientations and I talk to them and dont criticize them for their views they assume I agree and think like them.
    So when I do speak what I think or believe they look at me like if just betrayed them.
    I can go a whole car ride just listening to someone tell me their entire worldview without interjecting with much of mine.
    I honestly love it when people like to share and so I tend to not make challenging remarks in order to let people geek out.
    I have a very agreeable personality.
    I am not going to tell anyone to shut it down, they talking too much, they saying things that bothers or annoys me, etc...
    Because i rarely get annoyed and bothered by people sharing.
    Unless you have convinced me you are untrustworthy and a bad actor who abuses and cheats the game that is communication.
    You cant form a base in which to erect a house of understanding on a sandbank thats gonna rise and fall with the tides.
    You gotta build it on the flat stone of the earth.

    But im a slow learner, it takes a lot of lessons before i can spot the bad actor.
    I try to give people as much grace as i can.
    Like Bush said, fool me once, fool me twice, i wont get fooled again.
    Ok maybe i will be fooled again because im a fool and a sucker cuz thats my M.O.
    Luckily theres one of me born every minute.
    The others arent born that often.
    But they are better with numbers.
    And this is a numbers game.
    Ask the Latino Roman citizens what happened when the Gothic German immgrants figured out the numbers game.
    Rome went from a shiny metropolis to gotham city.
    But holy smokes man what do i know about dark nights and even darker mornings.
    Im just a songbird who sings.
    In a tree and by the rook reading a book.
    A bright breasted american rockin' ruben.

    Thanks for the question.
    Questions make me grin like David Lee Roth.
    Cuz i love exposition.
    Yall catch the character of Peter in the new deadpool movie?
    Im sure our resident Catholics would have gotten the message if they saw the movie.
    Chip off the old stone.
    And a pretty good used carsalesman to boot.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    What a nice voice for radio you have.
    You got that lowish gravelly voice and tone that conservatives love.
    Not gonna lie I felt a little rush of pride as soon as I heard your voice.
    Which means im proud of you for doing this and I hope you keep it up and do great.
    Whatever you think about how I talk to you... i have my reasons but above all that its because you are one of us that I talk to you the way I do.
    Ask Blue ask Diablo ask all the guys who been here from the old days.
    I will rub on you or i will rub you out.
    Thats how love is.
    But thats just a theoretical math problem awaiting for some child genius from India or something to proof.
    I know that in the west we have 3 other definitions for that problem.
    But that math aint mathin.

    I value dependability too.
    Just like you.
    It is a great personality trait.
    One to be desired for sure.
    But there are ones much greater.
    So my two cents would be to talk about your personality all you want.
    If you want to talk about your great personality I am sure it will feel good and many people will agree.
    But you dont need to compare it with others.
    Specially those that dont know better or are just starting out or have different things going on in their lives that might be more worthwhile to them.
    Sure you will get a lot of fans with this type of view. Its the red meat we love to eat.
    But is it good for you?
    Too much protein is bad for the kidneys.
    Uric acid buildup makes you toxic and gives inflames your brain.
    Among other things.
    Trust me i know all about the renals.

    Im being 100% you sound great.
    You have a wonderful sound in your voice.
    This is your first one and it sounds very professional to my untrained ears.
    You could be better than most.
    Im rooting for you.
    But I want to hear more about you and less about the dumb girl and the lazy dude.
    With your knowledge and schooling and life experience you should be able to rise above that kind of rhetoric while still coming off like you want to come off.
    I said the word 'should' which is a bad word in my lexicon but its a word you used a lot.
    Nobody should do anything in this world.
    You either do or do not.
    Its in you or it snot.
    Maybe you dont care how you come off.
    Thats a virtue i enjoy too.
    But I think you might.
    Image is the god most people worship.
    Regardless of who they pray to.
    At the end of the day your image is what folks hold dearest to their heart and what they invest the most in and what they most want to protect.
    Like an idol.
    So from a person who does not hate you let me give you some unsolicited advice.
    Be excellent.
    One of the things you arent supposed to do is give unsolicited advice.
    I know im getting blowback for sure, but thats ok.
    I can do so because I dont have an image, theres nothing to hurt.
    You do.
    So build it up by being excellent.
    Be excellent.
    Not because you should do it.
    But because I know you can do it.

    I wanna hear episode 2.

    * i made a few edits which i usually try not to do as i dont like to mess with the flow, but it was important that you receive the message i intend to send and not the one i dont. this post is more important to me than most because its not about or for me so i care more about being misunderstood. i hope you receive it in good faith.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2024
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  12. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    i tune out after 25 paragraphs
  13. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I'm lucky to make it 25 characters.
    irish, THINKBLUE and rube like this.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    i used to have a guitar like that
    had to keep tuning that thing all the time
    could only last like half a song before it starts to fret
    one day i will grow up and learn how to make concise 3 minute pop songs
    to reach a wider audience
    im probably in the middle of my use your illusion stage
    all worked up due to the looming chinese democracy deadlines above us all
    maybe its the perfect time for a perfect crime
    maybe its time i go back to my roots
    play harder and faster and more punk rock
    i mean i already came down from the farm
    maybe its time to turn a new rose
    cuz the timelines are smushed in a bowl like spaghetti
    you gotta find the points where the pasta crosses

  15. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    I know.
    Luckily for me the alphabet only has 26.


    Nov 2011
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  17. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah, but I don't read the used ones either.
    I like my characters virginal.
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  18. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    guitar couldn’t handle your rhetoric either
    art imitating life
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  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    100 percent
    i need a softer touch
    slower hand
    dad had that problem too
    probably part of the root of the problem
    he played too many covers
    but his audience wanted fresher lyrics
    i was part of the audience

    now im the black hack
    maybe its time to kill the old man
    and sing a newer song
    irish likes this.
  20. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    lay down sally
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