Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.


    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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  2. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    literally or figuratively?
  3. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I was talking about a political debate between the two to see who should be the next democrat party nominee for POTUS if Biden walks away.
    The world needs a new queen.

    Jk... it's A²A all the way.
    LAdiablo and TAFNAC like this.
  4. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Jennifer Connelly likes this
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    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    The former.
    irish likes this.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    not that there's anything wrong w that
    actually checks every box if after you have a baby
  7. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah like writing a public declaration that you wish to ignore me isn't eye rolling at all princess.

    You are a professor.
    Few people by design get eye rolled more than that.
    You shouldn't worry about such things.
    It's your job to start on a pedestal and be a broke speaker repeating bullshit all day to uninterested children hostages there merely so the government aka you can squeeze their precious time in order to create a surplus of money created from the children's energy.

    But hey man great job!

    I know people gonna roll their eyes at my post before I even type the first letter.
    I'm not talking to choirboys.
    If I wanted an echo chamber I would look for fanboys and I would act like a groomer.

    You know be all nice and go out of your way to compliment people as long as they act how you like.
    Like a liberal.

    I might type a lot of words but in transparent.
    I see it. You see it.
    I'm being truly liberal with my appeals to you guys.
    I know how I come off and yet I still go forward.
    I know my purpose.
    Even if people think I'm earnest p worell.

    But when you post to tell us how smart you are and how many smart friends you have I know I resist the urge to eye roll you.
    Even if you a smart guy.
    I don't like punching down to people already smarting trying to sound smart.

    But maybe you wouldn't take yourself so seriously if you didn't have to defend the faith pretending the Vatican system isn't the single biggest cause of child abuse in the world.
    I mean cuz what if you ever had to come to terms that everything of real importance you been instructed to teach was a lie created to reinforce their child abuse racket?
    Programming designed to keep victims victims and predators predators.
    The only way to keep your evil system up is to create new predators and new victims to push the karma forward.
    Sound familiar liberal Democrat?
    It's socialism.
    Not invented by Karl marx.
    Or else you think Hitler and the Nazis were conservatives.
    Because thats what socialists preach to kids who they get paid to babysit/groom.

    Hitler was a militant socialist as are the Jesuit institutions that now control the Vatican and the US government.
    Whenever the Jesuits take this much power the world goes into chaos and even the Pope has to say enough is enough we ARE a holy institution and we must put a stop to our strong but unruly kid who is growing up into an intellectual bully, hiding behind degrees of schooling.

    But this time for the first time the pope IS a Jesuit.
    The president of the largest secular military is ALSO a Jesuit.
    It's no longer about being the shadowy hand behind the scenes.
    The Jesuits are now THE main players.
    Who is there left within catholicism to reel this sea dragon in?

    The little guy.
    Like you.
    Now go spit some lukewarm mild pablum.
    And get your wages.
    Or speak truth for once in your life.
    How long you gonna repeat the party line salaryman.
    Till you an old man?
    Don't wait till the dragon is being roasted for you to jump off it's coattail.
    You gotten fat enough from eating all that tail already haven't you?
    So stop being a gatekeeping Scorpio.
    You are being literal cancer.
    Which I have.
    It's not fun to deal with everyday.
    Sometimes I think I just need to stretch my right side more.
    Then I remember there is no stretching what's been caught in the crabs pincers.
    The more I stretch the more I year my own insides.
    That's why I try not to stress.
    Except when I come across a locust, a wolf in sheep's clothing, a smooth talker, a slick Willie, a person professionally trained and educated to be polite and nice and always correct that it becomes a veil that comes on and off.

    When I see a confused woman like that well... I stretch out my right hand a little for that.
    Even if i have to take the hit later and have to hibernate to recover.

    I'm kinda like boy scout.
    It's my job to help old ladies cross the road.
    Because there be scorpions.
    And the scorpions sting scatters the flock.
    I have no mercy.
    Spent decades killing snakes and scorpions and training my dogs on the chicken hawk wolves who only mock in packs.
    I've killed more life than any pro hunter that loves the kill or anyone not paid to exterminate varmints.
    I don't love the kill and I don't get paid or praised for it.
    In fact the people who I protect think I should find a more humane way of keeping them safe.
    And visitors are appalled at the barbarity of zero tolerance to snakes and other dangers.
    Almost as much as they are appalled at me allowing the wasps to roam.
    I don't mind white anglo Saxon protestants.
    They just sting a little.
    They don't kill.
    But they make tough guys squirm.
    Because they afraid of a little pain.
    A tiny little pain.
    But they go get their flu shot and COVID jab like good little girls.
    They will do the next ritual too.
    All while telling you how hard or a choice it was.
    Performative programming at its finest.
    Ritual de lo habitual means that if you blindly take the jab you will blindly take everything that comes after because you are telling the world you are blind.
    A not see.
    Announcing your innocence of guilt even before you act.
    Because if you are blind to your actions how can you be responsible?
    Ignorance will not save you.
    Specially feigned ignorance.

    You probably really like the eagles don't you.
    So I'll throw you a bone.

  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Yeah, but she's the best.
    TAFNAC and Bluezoo like this.
  9. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Damnit this time it was funny.
    TAFNAC, irish and LAdiablo like this.
  10. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i know i bring Bowie into everything but after the film and sitting up at 3am i came upon this quote for one of his last albums Reality
    its truly one of my favorites and this is what we've recently been discussing here
    he said this in 2003

    "…I feel that reality has become an abstract for so many people over the last 20 years. Things that they regarded as truths seem to have just melted away, and it's almost as if we're thinking post-philosophically now. There's nothing to rely on anymore. No knowledge, only interpretation of those facts that we seem to be inundated with on a daily basis. Knowledge seems to have been left behind and there's a sense that we are adrift at sea. There's nothing more to hold on to, and of course, political circumstances just push that boat further out.”

    How prescient is that quote.
    He was just so far ahead of the game…
    rube, irish and Finski like this.
  11. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    He was quoting the Bible.
    He was ahead of his time in that he kbew that abyss is not what the church says it is but everything that the church knows and says.
    Their deep wealth of knowledge is the abyss.

    Inundated means flooded.
    Baptized does not mean flooded. It means whelmed.
    As in whelmed over.
    You can be inundated by water but not overwhelmed if you can still raise your sail and float your boat.

    Philosophy is Greek thought.
    Aka Democracy
    Post philosophy is Jesus thought.
    Aka... it's good to be the king.
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    My.problem is that I have no faith in American people, as they have voted like jerkoffs and done shit over and over before. And I believe the Dems will actually murder and kill to stay.in power, and want it.more than the Repubes.
    The Dem evil psyche makes the other look like a bunch of whining butterflies.
    LAdiablo, Finski and rube like this.
  13. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Reptile brain and the mammalian brain take turns ruling.

    It's on a cycle and the reptiles want it less because their side has been ruling for 70 years.
    It's how their DNA works.
    They have short arms, they reach out but can't reach the finish line anymore.
    Mammalians have their heart in their hand which gives them a +1 in reach powers.

    Cold blooded reptilian brains are not nice, but conserve energy in case it's needed for an emergency. Theirs... but if you around a reptile will help you too. Even if he does it out of duty and not because it warms the cockles of his heart.

    The bleeding heart mammalian brain loves wasting energy being nice to the world.
    But it's hot blooded and volatile if you dont love them back the way they demand. They will cancel you, cut off your arms at the elbows, split your tongue, and tar and feather you until your skin turns to scales.

    The higher brain abides while the other two fight each other for rule.
    Only once they plough into each other for a few turns trying to rule is the playing field ready for the higher brain to simply show up and reign.
  14. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    At this point you may have better luck building an altar to jobu.
    Bluezoo and fsudog21 like this.
  15. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2013
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    So Newsom is putting up billboards in red states inviting women to come to California for their abortions. Who's paying for these? Me through my tax dollars? Regardless if I'm pro-choice or pro-life, I don't think that's a good use of tax dollars. And this is yet another example of why we're the highest taxed state yet can't afford freeways without potholes.
    Finski, rube and LAdiablo like this.
  16. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    i was a pro abortion guy until the left pushed for full term and post birth abortions
    shit why not just say its cool to off a 2 year old if its not what you expected?
    what a campaign to run on and if people can't look at that slimy pos and see what he's about we're all in trouble
    how does this asshat have CA in his pocket and his reptilian eyes on the presidency?
    punch a prius driver on principle tomorrow
    Finski and lastatman like this.
  17. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 2013
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    Okay, so I was wrong about the tax dollars. Supposedly the billboards were paid by his campaign, although I also don't trust that he's not somehow funneling state funds there. Still, my point about high taxes and crappy roads is valid. Regarding abortion, my stance is similar to diablo's. There are some cases early in the term that may make sense, but late stage doesn't.
    LAdiablo and Finski like this.
  18. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    You wanna know what else pretty boy Newson gonna do???

    And you can't stop him.
    Because you are all California liberals.
    At least where it counts.
    Your vote does nothing.
    It's how the system works.

    The only way you can fight him is outside the system.

    Some of you wannabe conservative.
    Others dont but are being left behind by 'progress'.
    Lots of you are basically coming up conservative by default.

    But you noobs to this.
    Its not like just switching leagues in the NBA where everything is about appearing fair.

    Conservative is old school dodgers baseball.
    Your manager has to actually put in work.
    And theres no special rules for special boys like the Yanks demand.
    Conservative is the national league.
    Not nationalist.
    That's the American League.
    Bunch of socialist fascists.

    That's how its gonna be.
    There's a national league and an American League in everything.
    Even in religion.
    There's a high church and a low church.
    A church that comes in it's pants when celebrities and world leaders call for them.
    And a church that thinks that's fucking gross and wants no part of that hype.

    What type of church do you think will join the side of national socialists, of liberal communists, the powerful elite, whatever you want to call the next big baddies... In order to protect their real estate and tax entitlements.
    The high church or the low church?
    The ones with megachurches like Joel Osteen, massive Anglican/ Catholic/Christian/Orthodox cathedrals.... or the ones that meet in old church halls, town rec centers, or local lairs rented out by the devil himself?

    I was forced to go to church as a child.
    Like most of you.
    Would you enjoy Disneyland now as an adult?
    I went when I was 6.
    As soon as I had a choice of what theme park to go to I picked one that was less TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!

    That's all I'm saying.
    You grown ups.
    Religion is the most grown up thing there is.
    It literally is about growing up.
    At every stage of life.
    All the time.
    All your life.

    Unless you want to go to a plastic feel good when you wish upon a star Disneyfied version of church.
    The kind celebrity Christians go to to feel better about themselves.
    Kindergarten church.
    All of the high churches.
    That gas you up with narc juice.
    Then your tongue goes numb.
    You been stung by the high church.
    And you wear the dumb mark.
    Might as well be blind too.
    And devolve all the way down to grinning monkey and sees nothing bears nothing says nothing.

    When you had magic mountain waiting for you the whole time.
    With shorter lines and better rides.
    With free refills and cheaper thrills.
    And green grass that's short because it's old enough to get trimmed.
    Fuck even Knott's berry farm is the real deal and it's right there.
    In the summer there's nowhere better than Raging Waters here in the real most excellent town if San Dimas.

    But hey, go do the hail marys and the speaking in tongues and assume the missionary position.
    Because when you get mixed up with that lot there will be hell to pay.
    Ans that's an inside job too.

    If you gonna go retard which is what conservative means.
    To retard progress and ensure the best things in life from the past are remembered and honored... then go full retard.
    That is the only way when it comes to retard. Only way that works and helps anyone and any actual reform happen.
    All retards that don't full retard are so retarded they help your enemy way more than they help you.
    That is any western religion that isn't reform protestantism.
    It's the double cross.
    Protest and reform.
    The underground railroad.
  19. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    A varsity athlete I see.
  20. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    Ok brother.
    Watcha gonna do OOO ooo!!!

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