Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by irish, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Fuck it!
    Go with the flash.
    Wonder how that model of tundra would look in canary yellow.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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  3. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    just watched a short movie on people who's lives were changed by accidents caused by texting and driving called from one second to the next
    anyone who drives at all sees people doing it all the time, drifting out of their lanes, driving too slow etc.
    why isn't this being treated w the full force of the law?
    i'd be for an effort to end the carnage in the same way we approach drunk driving
    the laws are way too light and there should be a major fine for first offense texting and driving followed by license suspension and revocation
    just seems like this is a major issue that is largely being ignored
    i think they shut down the ad campaign because people found it too disturbing...yeah random unnecessary avoidable death can be that way
    maybe the number one true social issue of our time and i don't think that's an exaggeration
  4. lastatman

    lastatman DSP Legend Staff Member Moderator

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Because politicians haven't discovered how to spin it for political gain yet. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

    Yeah, I see people whose driving is affected by texting all the time. That's why I will always own a full-sized pickup. Better vantage point of all the crazies around me and if they do drift into me hopefully I'll be able to absorb the contact better.

    Seems like California was serious about it for a while and it was working - I saw fewer violators... and now it's rarely mentioned any more and the texters are back.
    Finski and LAdiablo like this.
  5. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Emotions and Facts.

    Drunk driving is penalized but not nearly as much the true cause of accidents and loss of life and joy.
    Distracted driving by tired overworked slaves.
    But drunk driving fatalities are filled with extra emotions.
    It is hard to find someone to blame in an accident where folks are distracted.
    Because everyone drives distracted by one thing or another.
    MADD was very emotionally filled.
    DARE, same thing.
    Lots of all kinds of emotions running the spectrum.
    Nobody cares about the facts.
    It is all based on emotion.
    Like the stock market.
    Like that shitty corporate beast gamestop that needs to be slain not just wounded.
    As wounds heal and only make you stronger as you are seeing play out.
    Those slave drivers force their slaves to steal from their patrons daily at risk of losing their precious jobs.
    The whip crackers force them to darken their faces every time they are exposed to the sun while stealing in broad daylight.
    Too bad there is no leader here.
    Or else all of you would own PSD's parent media company by this date.
    I sure as hell don't light you guys fire.
    Maybe someone better will.
    Someone better has to come.
    Before all get so emotional too that you start appealing to power to come and make new laws to restrict and imprison my family.
    I really like you guys.
    Specially Michael the arch devil.
    But dont fuck with my family.
    Because everytime the man makes these types of laws they arent for what you think they are.
    They are to put me in and my friends behind bars.
    Not you and your friends.
    Sure yall may get caught up in the net once in a while.
    But you can wiggle out easy without even having to struggle.
    The matrix was not built for you to suffer.
    It was built to cage exotic wild game.
    That is autochthonous.
    And only exotic to the tourist with a permanent expired visa who still doesn't know whose land this is.

    Hard facts are kings like cash but emo melodies always win.
    Until the end.
    Finski likes this.
  6. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    well if that exotic wild dude is looking at his phone will guiding a 3000lb missile then fuck him
    i actually think it should be a citizens arrest type thing
    not like reporting people having a party during covid type madness but make it where those of us not driving distracted can bring solid evidence against those that are
    say a hi tech photo gun type thing that can produce an image of said asshole and a license plate without having to take our own eyes off the road
    don't fuck w my family either by endangering our lives to send a lol to a friend
    no in between
    fsudog21, Finski, Bluezoo and 2 others like this.
  7. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    emphatically agree
    LAdiablo, fsudog21 and Finski like this.
  8. rube

    rube DSP Legend Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 15, 2011
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    love it!
    Finski likes this.
  9. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Devil, I agree with you all the way.
    I'm replying so that you don't miss the Bill Maher uber diss of your favorite pillow guy on the show this week. Don't miss it...it's like they said " let's do this for that Diablo dude on DSP".
    No shit.
    rube and LAdiablo like this.
  10. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Don Barzini, aka Andrew Cuomo, has some real prblems going on now...they're coming out from everywhere and accusing him of sexual harassment...even lib media is broadcasting this shit lately.
    They probably won't get him on the Covid 19 nursing home murders, but he'll go down on the Me Too charges.
    Well, Al Capone got nailed on income tax evasion, so whatever.
  11. fsudog21

    fsudog21 DSP Legend

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Cuomo was a pimp.

    rube, Bluezoo and irish like this.
  12. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I knew I could depend on you for that clip.
    One day, and that day may never happen, you can ask me for a favor...
    irish, rube and fsudog21 like this.
  13. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    like every politician living and dead he will never face anything but humiliation
    full benes and attitude will remain as he claims he was framed and not one person in power moves to prosecute
    they never do
    probably end up doing a show w fredo
    Bluezoo, rube and Finski like this.
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    not sure what's up w my energy but this morning was fun
    was having a full on zen dream taking photos of the sky in perfect light and generally amazing myself
    4am my akita goes fully insane against the window screen causing me to launch straight up in the air toward the action
    i immediately become impaled on one of the chairs at the end of my bed and flip over it onto the floor
    spindle top spiked me just to the right of my package and my left side hit the floor pretty hard
    nothing broken but man am i sore
    think the dog saw a really large raccoon i've seen a couple of times recently outside that window
    i've been able to trap rabbits and squirrels but not exactly sure what to do about this adult animal cause its big
    don't want to kill it but i'm sure if one of my dogs tangles w it the chances are it will win
    any suggestions?
    rube likes this.
  15. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    yeah i know and they fear nothing
    if i was going to take it out i might go 12 gauge depending on how late it is
    besides the rather large one i've seen i saw a scrawny large one that makes me think there are multiples
    don't they hunt and eat rats and ground squirrels?
    i know they get in attics etc but i'm wanting to think of first trying to work w them and second trap and release far away from me
    just thinking i can be pretty secure w the dog food and temptations
    what else do they want?
    anyway my beast isn't coming in tonight so i'll ready the flashlight and the .40
    Finski likes this.
  16. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Racoons are no match for an Akita, although the dog will take some damage.
    Finski likes this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Most raccoons seem to prefer sleeping in large holes in trees or hollow parts of fallen logs. They also find shelter in abandoned cars, attics, crawl spaces, barns, and sheds. Raccoons change dens frequently, sometimes moving on to a new den every night.

    i now think this bastard was living in the rotted out space in the ash tree
    also think it may be my father lol
    is it weird my room is filled w his pipe snuff smell or am i manifesting it all?
    rube and Finski like this.
  18. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    my first akita and chow mix took down an adolescent
    this one is twice the size and damage is absolutely the concern
  19. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    this must be misinformation cause my urine is everywhere

    After human urine is older than 24hrs, the urea turns into what's called ammonia, a smell that raccoons can't stand. And since raccoons process urine in a similar fashion, they dislike the smell of ammonia and don't urinate near their dens or around their food. So in theory, yes, human urine does keep raccoons away.

    going to get ammonia based stuff and pour it around w some diatomaceous earth for the fleas and ticks
  20. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 15, 2011
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    ok i'm done w this for tonight
    strange enough without contemplating coon cats
    almost afraid to look but i probably will

    Male raccoons, especially tame ones, will voluntarily mate with cats. ... Cats have also been known to nurse baby raccoons (see nursing video below). Under such circumstances, the baby coons would probably become imprinted on cats, so that they would be sexually attracted to cats when they reached maturity.
    Finski likes this.

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