Discussion in 'Los Angeles DODGERS' started by CapnTreee, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    ^difference being i have kids and real concern for their futures when i'm not around
    i tell them what i think but allow them to make up their own minds
    but when it comes to things like the 2nd amendment and bullshit like "white privilege" subject morality disguising abject racism i get passionate
    not paying attention gets you facism and that almost happened in 2016
    pillory wins that and the world is a different place for sure, and for that i thank all the forces of the universe
    you can't just allow the dark forces to rule the day even if you just limit them
    atm the left is pushing us toward hatred and civil war because they can
    i'm going to do everything in my power as an individual to try and break that down anytime i hear it
    call it my death march if you must lol
  2. Bluezoo

    Bluezoo Among the Pantheon

    Nov 2011
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    Back to Bataan.
    LAdiablo likes this.
  3. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Just sharing a video of a prominent democrat actively supporting foreigners in attempt to break into our country illegally. You know, the unassisted and spontaneous "caravan" that is only made up of peaceful women and children. You know the one that is definitely non violent, the one that would never try to physically harm anybody trying to stop them from breaking countries laws. The one that definitely doesn't have anybody trying to escape murder charges.

    You know where those people go when they sneak in our country, to ghettos. You know, the places that contain the people that you care oh so much about. The place where united states citizens could and should recieve the help given to foreigners.

    Glad you took the opportunity to make it about personal political views instead of just judging the content then proceed to tell me that anybody who supports the opponent of Robert O'Rourke is batshit crazy. Sorry, it's Beto, gotta make the evil whitey sound as Hispanic as possible.
  4. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Why do I support increasing military budget?

    Kinda obvious right. You are a very smart guy, you know why. But I assume you just want to tell me how wrong I am after this post.

    To carry and swing a big stick. But it is already the biggest stick, by far!. Yeah. If you are not actively getting better, you are actively choosing to get worse. Wouldn't mind increasing the pay for every single one of our soldiers too, seems like they are more deserving of a raise over the guys at fast food joints or other countries we give aid to that do not fall in line.
    CapnTreee likes this.
  5. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Point of Record. I do appreciate that you posted this and that it shows that Democrat campaigners are not lilly white by any stretch. We agree as I've stated for years now that both sides are angling against citizens best interests. Note that I'm completely willing to agree that Dem's suck in general as I was a Rep for decades before gagging on their shit too many times.

    With any balanced curiousity one might inquire as to which candidate is truly better or worse for Texas.

    Also can one be worse than Ted Cruz? Maybe Beto will prove to be worse.. if that were possible. Texas earned either one as it turns out.

    However since neither of us live in Texas, I personally don't give a shit. Do you? That said I'm not trying to abrade any of your skin personally either buddy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2018
  6. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Great story, I also know many Canucks and they'd agree. As do I.

    Until the last part.. which was true up until 2016.. and despite Trump's nonsense statements to the contrary I think most American's would have Canada's back were it necessary to do so.

    Who doesn't like a Canuck? They are a very chill set of folks
    Finski likes this.
  7. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Man that takes a lot of belief to state. Do you merely ignore all the hatred tweeted by POTUS daily??

    Help me here, please share which "left is pushing us toward hatred and civil war"? Who? When? Said what that set you off on that tangent? Did Pelosi or Shumer say anything akin to Trumps infantile rants? Show me.

    You've got boogeymen running amiss in your melon my friend.

    And I can't remember how long it's been since YOU let anyone push you around. Let alone a lefty. LOL!! I know.

    Not starting anything because (I'm tired and) we keep agreeing on Hillary being 'more of the same' which was caustic the our ways of life. And America knew that even if the DNC still doesn't. Yep we're still in favor of 'something' shaking up the mega dark money political banking leadership oligarchy. Guess what? Every Lefty hates that Trump is doing that.. sort of.

    Excepting by his own personal manner of 'shaking things up' he cares not one whit for what's legal. Nor what's kind. So that's pretty dickish, we agree too I hope. Still better than her in a binary choice? (Asks Mr. 3rd Leg for my Stool.. please)

    Now we have this wary axis of evil between the truly deep pitch black hearted GOP led by McConnell et. al. and uber populist Trump, who while being plenty dirty himself sometimes, is still a pillar of virture compared to the evil GOP. I think if Trump wanted to really shake things up he'd run on a populist/Independent/Liberatarian ticket and tell the GOP to "F" themselves. It would be hard to stop him because then he'd be beholden to no one. And he's so strongly admired by such a broad swath of America, with such an immense media empire, he could actually win again. Teddy did.

    Right now the easiest GOP wins are going to come from the idiot Dems insisting on trotting out ancient 'old guard' whitey's to lead them onward.. and suck as much as HRC her mean old self. Can't they see that despite 30+ indictments on Trump's team she'd have just as many if anyone dug as deep.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2018
  8. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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  9. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    you know this is so disingenuous i don't even want to respond
    i'm not going to go pull every video of every liberal from hillary "elect us and we will be civil" to waters and holder, biden and pochahontas
    they are literally calling to confront every conservative to their face
    actively funding and not calling out hate groups like antifa and blm etc because they bring so much to the table
    screaming down and rioting when conservatives attempt to talk on campuses
    everyone except you apparently saw and heard it
    add to that the idea that taking away guns and marching toward socialism are necessary for leftists to feel good about themselves
    its the death throws of a desperate party willing to do ANYTHING to get back power
    when was the last thing the dems even did to help AMERICANS???
    obamacare? LMFAO thats the biggest lie ever
    and they are still bereft of a single idea, only screaming and acting like imbeciles
    sort of like people who can't see them pushing the hatred and stirring the pot amongst citizens
    the race card and hate has long been the calling card of your party
    stop pretending and just embrace it i'd respect you more for that tbh
    harkeyed and Finski like this.
  10. TAFNAC

    TAFNAC Cossack Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    I spend a lot of time in the UK, and although thinking of Americans as uncivilised heathens is their national pastime, there are plenty of people there that like Trump, and plenty that don't. There isn't one voice.

    They have Nigel Farage and the UKIP, and they did the whole Brexit thing. All very Trump-like behavior (behaviour?).
    Finski likes this.


    Nov 2011
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    Just watching soundbites from both sides...

    I think in 15-20 years from now, Trump will be remembered favorably. At worst, people will be indifferent. Predecessors Obama and Bush will have far worse legacies.

    Trump's opponents, on the other hand, both Democrat and Republican, will go down as irrelevant losers. Delusional. Insane. Chicken littles.

    I mean...

    "We will rid ourselves of the most racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted President in our lifetime!!!" --Bernie Sanders.
    "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!" --Joe Biden

    Yeah, so...when you're done making baseless character accusations and regain your sanity, what are you going to do to actually help the country?

    Trump's rhetoric is at least a couple degrees from the truth and funny as fuck. Oh, and he's also getting tangible results for the country. But who cares about that, right? Just keep screaming "racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted"...it's almost become parody.

    When time begins to heal...when the emotion gets taken out of this...and things are put into context...Trump will go down as a solid president.

    None of this matters at all but just an observation.
    irish, Finski, LAdiablo and 1 other person like this.
  12. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    great points
    hilarious how the left (and the right too tbh) ridicule trump as president
    the left railroaded bernie to get their mercurial, disingenuous, heartless candidate in there
    and the right lined up a bunch of idiots to run against him
    the gop debates were the most refreshing and entertaining i've ever had the pleasure to see/hear
    whether you like trump or not, you have to admit he made sure he knew his audience and what they wanted to hear
    the "make america great" saying was genius, simple and eloquent
    anyone remember hillary's catchphrase?...
    yeah, me neither
    but i'm glad we're not at war
    LAdiablo, THINKBLUE and Finski like this.
  13. irish

    irish DSP Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 2011
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    he set up the pins
    trump rolled the ball
    common denominator... both wish hillary would cease to exist
  14. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    the bitch had the brilliant "stronger together" whatever the fuck that means
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    Nov 2011
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    "Together".. except for all of the deplorables and super predators.
    Finski and LAdiablo like this.
  16. BigDaddyKaine

    BigDaddyKaine DSP Legend

    Nov 2011
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    Not divisive whatsoever.

    Couldn't tell you how many times msm, democrats, & celebrities have called me racist. They never even met me lol
    Finski, LAdiablo and THINKBLUE like this.
  17. LAdiablo

    LAdiablo descarado

    Nov 2011
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    wouldn't it just be easier to agree with them?
    seems like a lot of things could be resolved if people would just nod and vote democrat
    we could get back to civility
    Finski likes this.
  18. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    With a campaign run by Manafort and Cambridge Analytica paid for by ... well you'll figure it out eventually comrade

    And you think it coincidence?? LOL
  19. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    There aint' nothing disingenuous about asking what set you off when compared to Trump daily tweets.
    you won't respond because.. you got shinola to quote except for what? I give you an opening.. you cannot fill it, OK.
    Note: None of them are running in 2018.. some may never run again so what's your angst?
    I'm going to let You try to define "lie" I guess. Millions of American's with anything loosely termed "prexisting conditions" having any coverage at all is now a "lie" Yup, sure... You aren't really even going to try and defend that nonsense either are you?
    LOL :laff::laff:I'm no longer even surprised that you are completely blind to the hatred daily from Trump's tweets, and at the same time in your apparent racist fear now lash out at those looking out for women and children. GOP Puppet much?
    No pretending here hoss. And you ain't ever going to respect someone for calling you out on your BS.

    Now keep claiming that Dem's are tweeting Trump's threats and infantile temper tantrums... without zero evidence.. again.
    I'll wait for exactly no one at DSP to step outside of this alt-Right echo chamber and use their words like big boys do.
    Doughty8 likes this.
  20. CapnTreee

    CapnTreee Guest

    Not supporting Bernie's place in politics either as his 15 minutes of fame have long worn thin too but..

    Also noticing absolutely no one present any data refuting these statements either.. well not on Alt-Right #racist uber homophobe DSP anyways.. LOL no DSP loyalists will ever do that will they?

    Go ahead and quote Bernie in disgust but also never answer which POTUS 'was' more racist? Or more sexist? Or more homophobic? Or more bigoted?

    Certainly someone can dredge up some worse dirt on some worse dirtbag? Man this echo chamber got quiet
    Doughty8 likes this.

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